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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Because it's legal now and people have been laying in wait for this for decades...
  2. Well, life in prison is probably worse. They're not gonna let him off easy because they need to statue an example!
  3. Dezlez Part of the extradition conditions the UK sets is that he cannot be excecuted! I think it's more a potential repeat of (I did not kill myself) Jeffrey Epstein, while awaiting trial. Let's hope not. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if ge got killed by a "patriot" inmate while in protective custody.
  4. Thanks for clearing that up. It's been awhile since I've read that article.
  5. He doesn't deserve life in prison either but I guess that wasn't part of the "conditions!"
  6. You're asking the wrong question! Any deaths can be directly laid at the hands of those exposed in the leaks. They're actions kickstarted it all.
  7. Well, the way it is now is better than nothing. I'm wondering, too, how long it's gonna last. There's more than enough people who do hashoil extracts and then smoke the oil. It's fairly easy to do, too. Obviously smoking an extract from a plant that has already a high THC content is no joke. I agree, though, it should be legalized unconditional.
  8. Pathetic! If they execute him, his blood will be on the hands of those who made the decision to extradite him!!! His misery will be either way! Unbelievable!!!
  9. It is a well known fact that cannabis consume can cause psychosis in people who have a history of mental disease running in their family. This is precisely why the UK have recategorized cannabis from a class 5 to a class 2 drug about 10 or 12 years ago. I'm not sure, though, if it is still class 5 because obviously a lot has happend in terms of legalization since then globally and I haven't followed up on the situation in the UK. I have this information from an article in the Bangkok Post. Don't nail me on th exact year, though. Having said that, the percentage of people who actually got a psychosis in comparison to the number of pot smokers was something like 0.000000001%. Nonetheless it happened to the brother of a friend of mine. He started to hear voices a few weeks after he took up up spliffing. It went away a few days after he stopped smoking hash and he's been fine ever since.
  10. Initially only growing plants that contain only 0.2% was legalized, which was essentially hemp, which is only good for making paper, ropes and clothes out of it. Then they did away with that and the 0.2% rule now applies only to extracts like hash oil for example. The buds, no matter how high the THC content, are still legal, although they recently put buds back on the list of narcotics, which means smoking in public places is prohibited and is punishable by law, plus pregnant women and people under the age of 20 are prohibited from buying and smoking cannabis products. That's how I understood it.
  11. It is technically possible to die from a THC overdose, but the amount you'd have to consume for that to actually happen is so ginourmous that it's virtually impossible to do that to yourself because you'd pass out long before it came to that!
  12. Why should they? They've committed their crimes while it was still illegal. Normally they have no right to be compensated nor released, now that the law has changed and I'm surprised they actually did release them. I'm glad they did release them though, because cannabis should've been legalized worldwide a long time ago!
  13. Most people don't give a rat's behind about the wires and just accept it for what it is - part of Thailand's charm. It would be so boring if Thailand was exactly like the West in every aspect.
  14. Let me guess, you thought you could get away with a slap on the wrist?! Here, let me ease the pain with a can of sympathy: pfffffffttt aaaaawwwwwwwww! You should've been fired for your incompetence a long time ago!
  15. Yeah! What I meant was this is hopefully the official beginning of the end of Trump.
  16. Way too easy! He should've gone through life in prison with other inmates having their way with him on a daily basis and really make him suffer for what he did!
  17. I know! He got off the easy way! He should've rot away in prison where other inmates could have had their way with him, repeatedly, every day....
  18. You can twist and turn it for as long as you want, you're still a killer. Extrajudicial killings based on hearsay are as atrocious as what Putin is doing! You're a killer - period!!!
  19. That's a new low, second and fourth graders!!! Just wow! I wish they wouldn't have shot him so he could rot in prison for the rest of his life!!!
  20. Yeah, and the kid was probably emerging from a row of parked cars as well so the driver probably had no chance whatsoever.
  21. Riiiiiiight. I used to live in Thailand for ten years. Drove a motorbike in Thailand for 6 of those years. I know Thai traffic very well and if the mother had looked properly after the kid we wouldn't be having this conversation regardless of how fast the traffic is!!! Duh!!
  22. The kid runs into the road because the mother didn't hold its hand/watch the little one properly, but the driver is the idiot?! Are you for real?
  23. Yeah, hospital bills can become outrageously expensive very quickly! Not worth taking the risk!
  24. So what? Accidents happen all over the world in each and every country on the planet. What I find way more shocking is that none of the foreigners who have these accidents happening seem to them have health insurance!!! Having said that, I hope it all works out for him and that he recovers completely!
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