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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. This is precisely the reason why Israel provokes them all the time, they know they’ll bite. So, if Hamas would dissolve and there would be no more terrorist attacks then they would do get the global support and then Israel would have to give in and settle for two states eventually!
  2. I truly hope so! Having said that, as long as the Palestinians run after every ball, they’ll play right into the hands of Israel, and as long as that happens they will not get the two state solution that they want. I’m not even sure if Hamas actually wants two states. I think their goal is to eradicate Israel.
  3. From 1946 until 2022 the US gave Israel a total of almost 318 billion dollars. Which is almost 318 billion too much, if you ask me, considering how they behave!
  4. Nope! They knew exactly what they were doing and that Israel was gonna retaliate hardcore, like they always do. Yeah, the world feels bad for the Palestinians, but they still condemn Hamas. They’re not gonna get what they want by continuous use of terroristic means.
  5. It’s time for Hungary to get expelled from the EU because all they do is hold open their hands to receive money from the EU, but when the time comes to do something for them they cause trouble!
  6. Love it! Now stop financially supporting them, too, and let's see how far they're gonna get then. They love to play the victim, but they've become the oppressor a long time ago and they are equally as much to blame for what's going on there as Hamas. Having said that, as long as Hamas resorts to terrorist means they'll never get global support amd I'll never understand how they can feed their own people to the wolves like that!
  7. The fact alone that 27 of those silly fools think they can overthrow an entire government by invading the Bundestag building just goes to show how delusional they are! The police force in Berlin alone has 18500 active cops and that's exlcuding the ones that have office jobs. There's absolutely no way those 27 cretinous idiots would've succeded!
  8. And another step back into the Stone Age. Can't say I'm surprised, though!
  9. Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has the time to read the entire thread of an article? People read the main article and then scroll down to comment! If you had thought it through before replying to me instead of trying to a smart Alex, whatever the hell that means, you'd know that.
  10. There are no ligaments in the middle of the biceps.
  11. Sorry about your wife! You could move into an apartment and sell the house now while she's still alive and use the money from the sale for the retirement visa.
  12. To say it with the words of Mark Moran in the first season of the Australian TV-show Underbelly, what's the point of offing someone who owns you money?!
  13. It's just bad writing. He sustained the injuries because he almost drowned. You lungs are coated on the inside by a film that keeps your lungs from sticking together. When water enters your lungs it can wash the film off and then your lungs will stick together which will cause you to suffocate. It's called secondary drowning. That's why it's so important to always bring people who almost drowned to a hospital because this can happen up to three says after a person has almost drowned.
  14. Ok, now it gets fishy. First he said he was attacked by the Yakuza members and then got the knife to defend himself and now he says he was in the kitchen? Changing your story like that is never a good sign.
  15. You clearly didn't read the full article...
  16. Unless you want to make the cookies yourself, which is fairly easy if you have an oven a stove and some pots, I'd just buy cookies and if it it's a large one I'd start with one quarter of it on an empty stomach and then wait. Usually they start kicking in after about 45 minutes to an hour. If after 2 hours nothing has happened I'd wait until the next day and double the dosage. Do NOT eat more on the same day because otherwise it might flatten you for a while when both cookies kick in. If you eat them after a meal it can take 4 hours or longer for them to kick in. I got some recipes off the internet. The chocolate cookie recepie I've used called for 7 grams of weed and it should've given me only 18 cookies, which seemed way too high a dosage. So I've doubled all the ingredients, but used only 5 grams of weed. I then smeared it on a baking sheet, flattened and evend it out and cut it into 90 cookies. I gave one to a friend of mine who hadn't consumed any weed for quite some time. He took one third and was nicely stoned. He recently ate a whole one and got very high. I usually eat 2 at once. 5 grams divided by 90 cookies is 0.055 grams per cookie. The initial recipe would've been 0.38 grams, which is way too much, if you're just looking for nice little buzz. If you buy some, ask them how much is in one cookie then you can just divide the cookie accordingly. As I've said before, I'd start small and work my way up.
  17. I'm gonna block you now. I had enough of your cretinous replies!
  18. Exactly! That guy is totally delusional!
  19. Wrong on all levels! I don't live in Thailand anymore and I made/make more money back at home than in Thailand and the risk of dying in Thailand is pretty much the same as back home. I never felt particularly at risk of dying there, despite riding my motorbike there on a daily basis. Also, the reason for me moving to Thailand had nothing to do with how much money I'd be making there.
  20. Ok, you obviously don't want to get it! That's fine. No skin off my nose, but I'd rather not live or work in Israel or the Gaza Strip and stay alive because now none of the ones who died will be making any money for their families. Like that's better than making less money in Thailand and staying alive!
  21. It's perfectly possible to survive in Thailand while being born into poverty as evidenced by literally tens of millions of people.
  22. Don't know about those. I have my parrot knowledge only because of a guy who has some and talks about them on his YouTube channel. They're cool animals and some of them can learn to speak, but they have special needs that need to be met otherwise they feel bad and get nasty. If you really want a bird I would just google which bird species are best suited to be kept as pets or search for videos about that on youtube, single out the species that appeal to you the most and then watch lots of videos on youtube about how to care for them and their characteristics and eventually you'll find something that's good for you! Having said that, what a lot of bird keepers neglect is that the species they keep usually fly I don't know how many kilometers a day in the wild. If you want to keep your bird in a cage then this is literally like prison for them. It would be better to get a smaller bird that you might be able to let fly around the house or if you have a large garden build a big enclosure for them with a special met and poles or a dome like structure. That would be perfect because then you could keep a group of them, plant some plants and small tress in the cage and they could fly around in it.
  23. My mom died in 1982 and I have been managing quite well since then. Thanks for asking! I still wouldn't go to work in Israel out of principle and my life is worth more than the money I could be making there. Are you able to comprehend that?
  24. Why anyone would want to work in Israel or Gaza is beyond me! 10 horses couldn't drag me down there for all the money in the world!
  25. The guy has mental health issues and threatened to commit a mass shooting on a military base before and yet he worked as a shooting instructor and is running around freely! How the hell does that make sense?
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