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Everything posted by orang37

  1. An interesting study with a large enough sample group to at least suggest indications for future research, but, note their were high percentages of adverse reactions, and low efficacy in terms of preventing reinfection. Using a sample population of only health-care workers is, of course, is a hard limit on what the outcomes mean. It would be more interesting if, among those reinfected, there was data of the severity of symptoms, and frequency of hospitalization, etc..
  2. Went by the clinic at 4:45PM today: it's closed. Sign says will open on Feb. 28,
  3. imho Dr. T. is in his early 60's, perhaps younger. cheers, ~o:37;
  4. To the extent that browser caching and retrieval is a factor, the SSD will be faster.
  5. Ah yes, the annual February surge of air-pollution devotees who come here to spawn ... in your dreams, THA
  6. How is the person's gender relevant to your experience of their job performance, and behavior, if you have only had 2nd. hand reports of it ? Taking into account that for many people going to a dentist produces high anxiety,, and emotional reactivity.
  7. Hi, I got my second jab (Pfizer ... first was AZ) last week, and was told it will be six-month before I can get another. I note ... Orang and I not hypochondriacs ... that I've fell unusually "overheated" and lethargic since the second jab. I had no fear or anxiety about the jab; these body-state observations might just be the resulf of weather change, a thousand ant bites a day, or other factors. I do observe the Pfizer injection site has remained slightly more swollen and tender to touch much longer than the AZ site did. I know people here (Thai and farang) who say they have had three jabs, the last before a six month period, I am conservative in terms of health practices, but, a little web crawling shows reputable sources recommending eight weeks. I'd appreciate, if you have had more than two jabs in Chiang Maim, your sharing your experience (what, where, when, why).. thanks ! o:37;
  8. Hi, This 1 meter or so length parcel needs a strong protective box for shipping it by truck/freight (not by Thai postal service). Company I used a long time ago is gone. Appreciate your ideas ! thanks, ~o:37;
  9. They are not termites, they are really small: when captured, they refuse to identify themselves. To the best of my knowledge, the Orangutan I co-habit with in this (human) body has not altered my usual output of pheromones, or made the taste of my shed skin cells as rare to ants as truffles. Before I threaten them with genocide, I'd like to make sure they are not working for some poo-yai jumbo-sized, more venomous, well-connected, outfit, Suggested shot-across-the bow or removal techniques ? thanks, ~0:37;
  10. Thanks ! Do you know what days the vaccinators are at Airport Plaza this week ? I went there last week for a second (Pfizer) jab, and they were not there that day.
  11. I can't find the part of the announcement that says that everyone in an arriving plane with a passenger who tests positive for Covid has been quarantined. I wonder why that's missing ????
  12. Thanks for these informative posts ! i had my first jab (AZ) last month at Airport Plaza, and, i am scheduled to get a Pfizer jab on Dec. 13. i wonder if i could get jab #2 on Dec, 10 ? cheers, ~o:37;
  13. Then why don't you post about your specific experiences ?
  14. Visited yesterday, They are open: pool is open. No sauna. steam, or jacuzzi. 8am to (?) 9pm ,,, I will check the 9pm figure today. Membership rates I was quoted: 1 month: 1,200 baht 3 months: 3,500 baht 6 months: 6,500 baht 1 year: for previous members only 10,600 baht cheers, ~o;37;
  15. Source ? If those are his words, can we eliminate coercion as a factor in that statement ? thanks, ~o:37;
  16. Thanks, I have been residing in Thailand many years, and have no residency back in the US. cheers, ~o:37;
  17. I am having a devil of a time getting a replacement card issued (long story: retirement visa, new bank manager, blah, blah, blah). Ideally, I'd like to keep a small balance in a pre-paid card (linked to Paypal) to pay for things like monthly subscription charges. Given Paypal's upcoming changes, not allowing incoming payments to your PayPal balance unless you have a Thai business registration, a non-Paypal solution would be better ... maybe ? Ideas ? thanks, ~o:37;
  18. My subjective experience is that this November is warmer than usual, and that the sun-UV radiation is stronger than usual. My intense reaction to a short time in the sun seems unusual ... i feel "wired" for hours, and have trouble sleeping. Given my erratic (radiation damaged) thyroid, it may be time to adjust my thyroxin dosage, or, perhaps, change the earth in the coffin I sleep in. cheers, ~o:37;
  19. bingo: kratom leaves in CM I wouldn't mind trying some weak tea.
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