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Everything posted by orang37

  1. i found a recording of the sing-along: they sing ! but, have not been able to find the species name. there are other places i know of where they roost, some on very heavily trafficked roads. thanks ~o:37; p.s. could they be nok iang (Mynahs) ?
  2. Are you suggesting the official government Chinese tourism news as published in major newspapers does not apply to this Lunar New Year ? uhhh ... okay ???? As I said, perhaps I was not in the right place in CM to see any evidence of the kind of tourism I have seen in previous Chinese Lunar New Years.
  3. Assuming you are not just trolling ... implying "racism:" You imply that any Chinese would arrive here only on direct flights ? I am talking about Chinese tourists, including tourists from HK, Malaysia, etc,. who are culturally Chinese. Coming in via BKK or other. "spot:" ? : i'd look for the same kind of groups I have seen here for the Lunar New Year in other years, I'd hear Chinese spoken, particularly the distinctives cadences of Cantonese, As in other years, I would ask at the Duangtawan, and maybe get a response.
  4. Saturday, I was at a friends' gem/jewelry shop on Loy Kroh, near the Wat: about 5PM: walked to the Duangtawan/Centara to use the fitness center about 6PM ... Very little traffic on the street, few pedestrians; the Duangtawan had a few people in the coffee shop, and I almost had the fitness center to myself. Reclining after a red-hot sauna on a lounge chair by the pool, looking west, in the clear night air, at the temple lights on Doi Suthep: about 8PM I saw a single powerful firework from, maybe, the Thapae Gate area ... but no more bursts. Later, the Night Bazaar seemed relatively quiet. Hypotheses ???? 1) I was not where the supposed influx of Chinese tourists were 2) the Chinese tourists were somewhere else in Chiang Mai, partying, celebrating, staying wherever. 3) there was no influx of Chinese tourists here. But, a big daily (English) Thai newspaper said, today, that Chinese tourism for this lunar new year was reported by the usual infallible official sources as exceeding pre-Covid levels. I conclude: the one firework I saw was a message.
  5. Did you happen to notice that the last few years saw Covid devastate Thai tourism, a major economic input/factor ? That many businesses shut down, and many are not reopened. Proof tourism/exports have grown heavily ?
  6. And, your credentials for performing this service when you have the OP's private information ? And, who would you share this information with ?
  7. Congratulations on your conscious health practices, and results ! Without questioning your experience, I will say there is a danger in generalizing from what you believe/experience works for you to others with different genes, family histories, metabolism, life histories, and current medical problems. What the original poster is dealing with is probably very complex. I wish I could tell you the name of a local doctor(s) who was up to date on possible drug interactions with other drugs, and common food and drink ingredients, let alone took a comprehensive medical history [1] ! Hopefully, the internet can help us get the "bigger picture." cheers, ~o:37; [1] good luck getting that in the US medical care system ... unless you pay cash, and are wealthy. I hear Canada is a much better system.
  8. Hi, best wishes for your friend's health/recovery ! quote from private email from www.LannaCareNet.org In the past, they would be the place to ask, but, with the passing of "leading light," Nancy L, I am not sure what their current availability is. You can try: [email protected] Phone : 085-709-8801 Between 9AM and 5PM
  9. In other words, anyone who questions your uninformed opinions, and speculations, about the Thai economy on a public forum about Thailand/Chiang Mai ... irritates you, and should not "be here." Ad Hominem attacks used to divert from discussion of issues ... bounce off me, and, suggest something about your insecurity.
  10. So, you arbitrarily set your range to 20 years ago to exclude a "black swan" event. The only question is whether your guesses, posing as hypotheses, make you any money. You are looking with "Wall Street Eyes" at an economy where off-the-books, brown envelope, finances are gigantic icebergs floating, hidden, in the GDP, bribery and tax-dodging are endemic, and economic catastrophes are frequent. As world-wide depression, and, inflation, rises, and dangerous new strains of Covisd emerge ... you want to bet on the latest predictions of TAT and BOT ? I won't waste any more time on this thread ????
  11. Averages can mask the often more meaningful information of median, and mode. The Baht to US$ ratio has fluctuated wildly over the last 20 years: remember the crisis when the Thai economy house of cards collapsed, and one us dollar was suddenly worth 53 baht ? imho, your predictions are more a form of astrology than hypotheses ...
  12. Thanks; did you, by chance, learn the extension of the "live person" ?
  13. I was told he went to the Changpuak branch (Chotana road) when KSK closed, and I need to contact him, but, hesitate to make the long trip there, given Khun Sombat has days off that vary. I am unable to understand the Thai answering intro to the branch's telephone, a long list of 4 digit codes, which is only sometimes answered. Pressing #0 which worked at KSK to get a living person ... no. ... if you know his extension number ... I'd appreciate a reply or PM. thanks, ~o:37;
  14. Thanks for this informative post ! A few years ago, I made numerous attempts to call the Manila unit from CM (after they cut pff my benefits ... assumed I was dead ?), and they never answered. Currently, I am paranoid that, once again, in the bowels of the SSA I am considered "dead." Yet, I sent in the #7162; did not receive a termination notice; did receive a notice of 2023 benefits ... and, this month's payment came on 01/03. I feel the need to tell the SSA I am "alive" But, how to confirm I am "alive" ? How to stop thinking I may be in a remake of Terry Gilliam's Brazil ? sleeplessly, ~o:37;
  15. Be assured he has already payed, and will pay more, as amounts are "negotiated."
  16. I am nauseated by the disrespect shown to the original poster here who is seeking a meaningful death for both himself and his family. The rude, sarcastic, intrusive, interrogations suggest a real lack of heartedness by the writers, a festering sociopathy that cannot tolerate the expression of vulnerability without a knee-jerk response of lashing out. I wish I were surprised by the public cruelty of expats on the internet, but, living here for years, I expect it.
  17. how about I pick: I moved to Chiang Mai because I wanted to live here ... and, I like living here ... and, here is as different than it was many years ago, as I am ? ,,, well, as the song says: "my momma told me there'd be days like this." ~o:37;
  18. “what if I've forgotten the most important thing? What if somewhere inside me there is a dark limbo where all the truly important memories are heaped and slowly turning into mud?” Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood I do not trust my own memory, let alone my memories of the memories of others. ~o:37;
  19. thanks, someone will drive me to the mall, who, like me, is not familiar with Festival, or where the IMax is within (?) it, or near it.
  20. Hi, I am currently using a walker, and Festival is not a mall I usually go to. I fancy seeing the "Way of Water" at the IMax, and wonder if you have had any recent experiences with access on crutches, wheelchair, etc. I am not sure what escalators, or elevators, are used to get to the IMax. thanks, ~o:37;
  21. I took a (freshly formatted) virus scanned usb drive there yesterday to get some files printed. They could not open the drive. When I came home, my AV software found a virus on the drive. If you have the name/phone of the shop, I'd like to warn them. thanks, ~~o:37l
  22. I think that is a suspiciously lowball price. For any procedure with a possible long-term impact on my health, I would want to know: 1) what equipment/supplies, do they have 2) who is doing the surgery, where were they trained/certified, and how many times have they performed this procedure i the past, and recently. 3) how old the hospital is and what its history is. 4) I'd want to research possible online feedback or reviews of patients
  23. p.s. Colchicine will interact with other common anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen and Naprosyn ... be extra cautious, CMF Lab will reopen Jan. 3. They have two locations.
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