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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. First - it is $hitty service. I don't like the ''screw you'' attitude of SCB HO when I asked why they did not include even the simplest of instructions to ''save'' your banking favorites'' before the termination date of the old app. also - ask yourself how many entities did you give your phone number to, over the years.? there is more than one opinion about the security of mobiles - (not to mention it is a lot easier too misplace your phone than your tablet).
  2. I wish you would not post 'krap' without checking your facts first. as I posted separately, I spent several hours going around in circles, trying to confirm what you posted. You are wrong.
  3. unfortunately, this is what I find: the easynet link on my pc is gone - replaced by a link called EASY. it asks me to download the app. i did that (altho' it does not show up on my downloads). then a screen pops up, under this link: <https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/digital-banking/scb-easy.html> It offers a Login icon in the upper right screen. open that and i get a submenu: 1. SCB Easy App 2. SCB EASY net 3. InnovestX online. i clicked on 1 and got the same screen as before with the same login icon. below, it offers several ways to register. but no hot links. I clicked on 2 and got the screen notice SCB EASY NET discontinuation. so - that leaves me stuck - and not sure where to go.
  4. really? do you mean easynet is still accessible? scb head office said it was not, so i v]never checked, will do right now and if it is all there....5 stars for you mate.
  5. so, have you re-entered all of your easynet banking info into the new app - EASY ?
  6. NOT. EasyNet is toast and so is all your banking history, unless you made a screen capture of all of the details which you had recorded. For me that is 25 years of customers (tenants) Merchants, etc etc. I confirmed this by phone with Head Office and had my branch manager re-confirm, by phoning them again, whilst I was in his office. This is the biggest online banking cluster<deleted> I have experienced since 1992, when I opened my first SCB account.
  7. I intend to switch banks (I have accounts at 3 other banks), e.g. KrungThai, as they are the only other bank with a branch in my village. I will enter all the lost info again. This time, I will take a screen capture of the 4 sections: ''other Krung Thai accounts''; ''other banks''; ''top ups'' (I donate top ups to 3 or 4 disadvantaged people we know, plus we have 3 phones); '' Merchants/utilities'', like Insurance, PEA, AIS, TOT, 3BB) for 2 houses''. Any comments????
  8. went to my scb branch today to register for EASY. checked if it is really any use. the answer, in my opinion is NO. when you log in, and search for your list of customers & supplier's bank details - it says NONE. I had a very heated conversation with Head Office. Their answer was, to paraphrase: ' EASY is a separate app. Easynet was a standalone app. and is gone. We notified you it would be terminated. We (SCB) did not merge the Easynet info with the new app''. The tone was - you are screwed, if you did not make a record of your customers and supplier's bank details, before we terminated Easynet.
  9. as I understand it, the PC/Ipad app is gone. Dead like a Norwegian Blue parrot. to register the app on your mobile, download scb EASY - but - you'll have to go to the bank with your passport to get facial recognition registered. They should have called it ''farcical recognition'', if you ask me.
  10. SWITCH BANKS .... i will withdraw everything except for my standing orders (Spotify and Netflix and Electric). That means a final balance of 99 baht - that should show them!!
  11. thanks. so, you've gone to the bank and set up facial recognition, then?
  12. update; scb support's automatic answering system says ''facial recognition is now required to operate scb EASY app. bring your identification to the bank'' .
  13. Ok, here we are after the scb ''screw you' deadline. this has been my experience today, (as I need to send money to my electrician, asap): my mobile is a Huawei Pro30. OS is an android skin called EMUI. I have the scb EASY app. I can log in, using my PIN. when i go to 'transfers' i get an error message '' you do not eligible bank account to do transaction. next: please add an eligible account' then no further instructions. has anyone worked their way through this minefield? I'll wait for any advice, then I'll call the 777 number. if i do resolve this, i will post an update. tia.
  14. as another poster wrote, no donations go to charity; all go to change the laws which are meant to stop monopolies. Tesco take over means one less competitor. Try to buy Thai grown produce (carrots etc - only Chinese imports are sold. DTAC/TRUE the same. In 10 years, the majority of motor cars will be Chinese made/assembled here {except for the Lambo's, etc ???? }. Whoever said Thailand has never been invaded (in this case by the Chinese) much have a real sense of humour.
  15. you mean 2 brains. One brain you can use to learn Thai language, absolutely necessary to having a solid relationship. . The second one is for turning off what your hear, most of the time.
  16. I disagree., wholeheartedly. despite his age, he has experience in the role as house speaker, he is highly respected and you appear to fail to understand how age (and presumably the wisdom that comes with it, in many instances) is so highly regarded in Thailand. plus, there was a deadlock - this is an excellent way forward, in my view. finally, my Thai equity investments may soon reflect the settlement of such an important issue to the running of the Thai legislative assembly.
  17. me neither. I had an an account at BOA, solely for the processing of donations from abroad, to help with tsunami relief. but I closed it after my co-trustee died. thanks for the tip. I have heard the same horror story, with attempting to open an account with the Bangkok Bank. They ask you to bring the village headman with you. some friends tried to do that, but he was a drunkard. he wanted 2000 baht and a bottle of whiskey. which they gave him. he then crashed his pickup, on the way to the bank, while driving drunk. Once he asked them to pay for his accident. they quit that idea and they applied to a different bank. you couldn't make this up.
  18. agree, but there is one risk, if he does not get divorce, which includes him getting sole custody, he is always at risk that she will blackball him., by threatening to go to court. another thing (I may have missed it) but if he does get a divorce - in Thailand, don't the assets get split 50:50 ?
  19. very true, the custody of the child come first. conseqqqqquently he needs a lawyer with a track record of success. All I am saying is (if you can ignore our groups experience with 4 sets of international lawyers) - he should find the lawyer who will win him custody. Thai or international is irrelevant. what is relevant is that he and the law firm can communicate effectively).
  20. I define ''international lawyers'' practicing in Thailand as having big egos and big bills. that's based on spending millions with my investment group for nothing.
  21. which is why, as an Irish Canadian, sometimes I pity the UK.
  22. whatever happened to ''in sickness and good health''. I have little respect for anyone who does not understand that its not finding the right partner, its being the right partner. you could have consulted a psyc. and got her medicated (not that I am a pill pusher).
  23. i use cash to pay for everything. Something I learned when I moved to North America. We used to use our Visa card only for travel. We found ourselves spending way more than we intended. that's the conspiracy ???? nothing worse than standing in line in a store here,, while someone fumbles around for their bank card, and this month....SCB will cut off the mobile service I use on my PC,, where I do all my banking.
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