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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Love the black shoe polish hair. add longer Elvis side burns and he'll be ready to tour the country; assuming he survives Bangkok air and prison food.
  2. You forget, Hawaiian keep posting ''your choice your choice'' - he must have a stutter.
  3. more whataboutery. replay the video. it refers to a kid who was started on the game at age 8 and, rescued at age 12. correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Jeez, is there a problem between your brain and keyboard ? 2 wrongs don't make a right,
  5. 10 upticks. wife & I love it here and the people. but the country has no moral compass.
  6. that's deflection ....and unworthy of the intelligence of most members of Aseannow.
  7. that's a heart-breaking expose, thanks, Goat. I've posted it on FB, with the advice to not come visit a country that sells 8 year olds to sex tourists.
  8. a young smart Thai friend: ''better for Thailand to have a corrupt businessman (to heck with PC and ''person'') than a corrupt mafia general who knows nothing about business''.
  9. 'It used to be common for a husband to give their wife "housekeeping" and money for things'''. Yes, but they changed the rules, around about 1960. Then, there was a moment of temporary bliss - it was called ''free love''. Most expats are here because immediately after ''free love'' came d.i.v.o.r.c.e
  10. did she take the credit cards? has she come home yet? ???? Quote
  11. it is a heart-rending social disease - many people lose their life savings. this idiot doesn't recognize it takes 2 to tango. there are the incredibly ignorant who fall for the scams. You can't make a law against ignorance, nor greed. banning FaceBook is akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water. why not set up an easy to access scam hotline. That could identify 90+% of all scams. catch the scammers and jail them as if they're bank/gold shop robbers. no ''get out jail free'' card, until the victims are repaid.
  12. that's the wrong question to ask. all major corporation minimize their tax bills LEGALLY - that is called tax avoidance. In just about most countries, this tax scheme would be described as an artificial series of transactions in order to EVADE tax. that's criminal.
  13. I think the point to be made is - Thai police can really get serious, (aka imaginative) if they want to: fine them 20k for being a public nuisance; or, the old ''what's this joint I found in your possession'' trick. anything to stick them in the slammer, in order to force the parents to cough up the penalty. after all, the law is ''bad out good in'' . 99% of tourists, together with us retirees, live here peacefully and contribute to society. Just get rid of these bums.
  14. Thanks! my excuse is, I was still laughing at someone else wondering why he did not flea the country ????
  15. another Manuel? As Basil Faulty put it - ''it's like to train a monkey''.
  16. Thailand will still face having to deal with those political parties who have the instincts of snakes.
  17. Strange country but lovely people. after 25+ years, I'v sure learned what inertia means.
  18. thank goodness this news is not going to affect the outcome of the delayed formation of a democratic government. ????
  19. there are 2 versions of the OP - first one appears to have confused people (my bad) and a 2nd plain english version. try re-reading....as I posted that I would change banks. I have done so. btw, who do you bank with? ????
  20. Still waiting to hear from anyone else who has experienced (p/o's at) the banks' termination of an automatic bank notification of every transaction. anyone?
  21. bit off topic: I dumped my last PC. due to rust (25 years of living in beach houses (no A/C's as the work desk is the dining table). My internal hard drives would fail, once too often. Large memory external hard drives used to be incredibly expensive - and they rusted out too. . I replaced the PC box with a Surface Pro tablet, as soon as the first model came out. You reminded me of the only problem I have; due to laziness, i never put it in a case. So its slate grey casing makes it easy to leave behind at a restaurant. (I'm forgetful ???? ) I often think of sticking a Red Hot Chili Peppers label on the casing. There was a Ferrari case available; cost an arm and a leg ????. Someone's going to make a fortune one day when they manufacture tablet covers that you can slide your tablet into, similar to what you can do with your mobile phone case. the choices could be endless - Man U/City, Liverpool, Ferrari and so on.
  22. Thanks for this. I must test/try to do a transfer, or pay a bill, with BBL. Also, I'll call them to find out if they will keep the web based system.
  23. I made a transfer last week, using SCB EASY. I noticed 2 changes to the info. I used to receive: .1. (this is a repeat) I did not get a text message on my mobile, advising me of the transfer details (account# and amount) and to contact the bank if the details were wrong ; 2. I did not get an email Alert - it used to look like this '' Re: Alert from SCB Easy Net: Automatic notice of transaction - account # of transferee and amount''. In my opinion, SCB Internet banking services have gone to hell.
  24. imagine you are 82+; you forgot to have kids; you are not computer/mobile literate and your husband has passed on....that is the scenario I have planned for.
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