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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Really? what bank.? I use SCB since we both immigrated, in 1996. yes it was tough to open the first account (in Patong) over the years, I have opened another 7 accounts, for various needs. Never had any problem .
  2. I liked the one who wrote 711 . there are benefits to the private hospital cookie monster. we've had a hip replacement, in Phuket, with a specialist who came down from Bangkok for the op. also, when we both had cateract/surgery for floaters, the ENT dept has just received the latest equipment from the States. The downside is those dental clinics which operate under the pretense that they are part of the hospital group.
  3. Excuse that I didnt recognise hes in Bangkok. ???? ) .????
  4. which of the 2 intl do you mean? i find it confusing; one is Bangkok Phuket Intl; the other is Bangkok Intl Hosp. weird that they have left the names so similar after Phuket Intl got taken over by the cookie monster, only experience with the BPI was aweful. after spending a lot of money on crowns and bridges and not being satisfied - we found out that the dental clinic is totally separate from the hospital (despite the billings using their name). Our recommendation is the Mission hospital . Small, so maybe a bit of a wait. but worth it. IM sure you can book a time, these days. The male dentist there- he has a clinic in Talang. Excellent work by this fellow.
  5. exactly, one of the greatest unrecognized abuses today is emotional abuse.
  6. thanks for a keen observation, politely put. my occasional flaw is i go 'mad dog' reading some of the more twisted logic that appears on these forum. Weed seems to have brought a number of otherwise slumbering giants of questionable wisdom. Not sure of it was ascribed to Oscar Wide, but there is an expression ' a little imagination is necessary to understand that the contradictory is complementary.' i think i picked that up when high school debating - and you did not know in advance, which side of the debate you were going to be given to defend.
  7. give that Brit 5 stars... good on you. wife is in agony with fingers all swelling up painful every day,cannot do gardening which she loves, why do people want to screw up the rights of people who want to self medicate? was it a bad childhood. experience?
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-65567781 a reasonable source of info? ' The constitution, written while Thailand was under military rule, created a 250-seat appointed senate, which gets to vote on the choice of the next PM and government. As the senators were all appointed by the coup leaders they have always voted in favour of the current, military-aligned government, and never in favour of the opposition. So technically any party without the senate's backing would need a super-majority of 376 out of the 500 seats, an unobtainable target.'
  9. no, you mean ''annoying''. because just about 100% of the anti cannabis brigade post garbage. Uninformed, uneducated, never researched the topic, shoots from the lip, sitting in a bar, first beer for breakfast, married a Thai, but hasn't learned to speak Thai. take your pick.
  10. that's one of the most uneducated posts I have read in a while. Not only that, but the logical side of your brain much have hit a few lamp posts, along the road of life Let's see how you feel, when you reach 80, your spinal cord is collapsing due to stenosis (look it up) , and/or you suffer from severe depression. With your lack of imagination, i suppose that you will start drinking a bottle of whiskey a day.
  11. then again, you have to have impaired judgement, to live under a military dictatorship that cozies up to dictators in Myanmar, China and so on. ????
  12. good on you. it ticks me off when i read these uninformed negative opinions about the uses of cannabis. Hollywood started the propaganda in the early 1930's with 'Refer Madness'; all financed by the same big pharmas pushing drugs on you today. we rely on our doc, (17 years) in Surathani.. whose experience covers just about everything medical. he is a GP and does surgeries. His advice: use the oil for pain management and use good weed for severe depression and anxiety attacks (a life-long affliction) .
  13. I'll give you an uptick on the question, although it is a bit disengenuous. You've raised a good point - the OP is about him returning or not, Its not about him getting elected. If he were stupid enough to return (and he's not stupid) a coalition govt would never let it be. The numbers say that PT cannot get a clear majority, so, hopefully, they'll have to link up with Pita. my mantra for this week is ABP (anyone but Prayut). ????
  14. The dog ate my homework. Plus: every Thai I know (and I know some really poor, disabled ones, out here in the country side) uses the 30 baht scheme. We have a saying back home, 'the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know - meaning what have the Coup makers done for this country.?
  15. Good on you, lady, for starting the debate about the educational system in Thailand. anyone thinking this is excessive pay - I say balderdash. Principals are responsible for exercising a complex set of skills: implementing the curriculum (an intelligent, self-starting principal would have valuable input); parent teacher liaison; annual budgeting; school maintenance. the list is endless. e.g. there are no Phys Ed positions in these schools. Thailand needs to up its game. I'm delighted to see her taking the risk of rising above the average.
  16. yep try living 24/7 with back and hip pain, at 81 years of age. some negative posters here seem to suffer from anal retentive syndrome.
  17. Criminalize ganja and, therefore, the medicinal products which my wife needs for severe pain management. while at the same time it is ok with you that 'drivers who sometimes happen to be drunk'. RATFLOL.
  18. Someone once told me when I heard my house (without title) might be knocked down by the army after the tsunami ''Inertia rules in Thailand''. after 25 years living here, it is so true.
  19. I love watching tourists ask the supermarkets to explain why alcohol sales are forbidden during school hours - then throw their hands up in the air, in despair. Little knowing that your local Thai grocery store will sell you booze at any hour, day or night. This is why I love Thailand. It makes you laugh every day. Good for your health.
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