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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. iN 2 years time will we see massive inflation after all this money printing when it finally gets into the economic system?

    But the they have to to raise interest rates again so what good will that do ? :o

    I really dont know,except the interest earned on savings would still be wiped out by inflation just as they are now with deflation,its almost worth not having your money in a bank not even for security sake.

  2. A friend who was arrested in BKK some years ago said that calling his Embassy was the worst thing he could have done.

    Once the Embassy becomes involved the police adopted an official position which left no room to maneuver, better he said to quietly negotiate a way out of whatever situation you find you're self in.

    exactly,tea money everytime.

  3. As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

    Funny how what goes around comes around.....




    Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

    ( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

    Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

    You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.

    who's to say the bin laden is still alive?it would pay no side to admit it if he were dead because they want to keep the dream alive.(christianity verses islam.)islams goal is to islamise the world,but there are two forks here,sunni and shi-ite.the sunnis hold the wealth and doing it by financial stealth(the creating of islamic banks,supposedly tying it to sharia law principle,the shi-ites and al queda or doing it through mass attacks trying to create chaos.

    I think you need to study islam a little bit more. Shi-ites are more moderate than Sunni. Btw Al Quada is not linked with the Iranian Ayatolla's but with the saudi Wahibi muslim sect. He is their enemy.

    knit picking HA?

  4. Well , it would appear that should you have a few spare bucks to spare in your back pocket , now is the time to invest in a few billion barrels , cannot see Iran letting it stay that low too long , need the money to build the nuke to turn Israel into a 'Glassland' . :o

    another war would suit everyone then.The Americans would have bought up,the arabs will be desperate for an increase,a war to end all wars of course.

  5. I have an anecdote about Thai women and swim suits;

    A few years ago my wife and I went to a local beach in my home town. Near by the beach there was a lawn where people sun bathing. When we approached the beach we saw on a distance 2 Thai girls who where very famous in the night-life in my town for there promiscuity and unconventional style to say the least, Both of them sunbathing topless.

    The moment they spotted my wife, immediately they where putting on their bra, T-shirt and pants, and they where very embarrassed that my wife saw them topless. And they gave a very deep and very respectful whai to her and apologized for being topless. Its was a very funny sight that in the middle of a few dozen topless women they did like 2 schoolgirls who where catch smoking cigarettes. I would like to emphasize that my wife is not an puritan at all and very open minded and never judge people. But she is rather respected, because she is the senior in the Thai community. Almost everybody call her Mae.

    This anecdote only shows that Thai girls doing things abroad they would never dare to do in Thailand.

    dont ya just love'em................well i do anyway.

  6. And the party has only just begun
    European banks may need 16.3 trillion bail out


    Hey, hold on there, that is surely more money than has ever existed in the history of the universe. If that article is in any way serious or related to the truth, then the whole crisis has reached unbelievable proportions. I suppose that we have now truly arrived at super-astronomical numbers, as those scientists only ever mention billions.

    Maybe I'm just suffering from a massive overdose of Chang and I will wake up tomorrow out of this comatose nightmare, the sun will be shining, my EXCEL sheet will be back to where it was eighteen months ago, Iceland will be full of happy people, Woolworths will be on the high street, the Labour party won't exist, er... OH SHIT, but they did, what is happening to me???

    And now...... is there an end to it?

    I'd love a printing press..........cos sure as hel_l thats what they'll be using in the USA,UK,EU.

  7. There seem to be some immigration offices/service areas missing from the PDF.

    Specifically, I can't find an Ayutthaya immigration office or Nonthaburi/Pathumthani service area.

    I have the same feeling, I can't find the Immigration Office in Hua Hin, or is this now closed ?

    maybe you'll have to go to hat yai :o have a nice drive,maybe thats the idea to get us out and about to see more of thailand.

  8. "Of course, after creating general mayhem and confusion, it'll be changed again in a few months, like the 40k/month income requirement and 400K in the bank c*ck up."

    Or the defunct requirement to trek to the MFA office and stand in line for a day for a stamp -- or the requirement to provide copies of a valid bank credit card, etc., etc. ( on my 1st Retirement Visa, I was instructed to return in the afternoon to pick up my passport and bring a bottle of Black-Label "for my boss" - I asked if that was legal - she said "yes, and my boss will approve your visa" -- I dutifully complied -- later, my friends rolled on the floor laughing & saying I can't believe they got away with that one again! )

    dont you love it!...................the thai way.

  9. Have two cups of kava, followed by a valarian root and a melatonin. You will be out, guaranteed. And all are non addictive.

    what is kava?and in what form and where can you buy melatonin,what is it?

  10. yes thats true the people were conned over Iraq,anyone with half a brain knew it had nothing to do with spreading democracy or WMD's,it was about oil and war reparation contracts to make a few more very very rich i.e.the bush family,cheney haliburton etc.

    But aside to that the iraqi's finally got fed up with the al queda insurgents and stopped supporting them.now we see these same insurgents flooding into afghanistan for a final showdown,but the white house will keep spurting the dribble about homeland security,and better to fight them over there rather than on home soil.but as we have discussed the US citizen should be more concerned for their own safety from within.

  11. The most historical pass in the history of the World!

    The Aryans came through here.

    The Mongols came through here.

    The British Army came through here.

    Even Alexander the Great came through here & suffered

    They all got hurt


    I think I posted this before but it will be tough to fight a country whose motto is

    sons & guns


    The only reason I look at all of this is I wonder why?

    Why now when the western world is on the brink would we dare

    to even think about this move?

    wars mean money,the ability to continually test new weapons,new strategies.keeps everone in a job.

  12. As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

    Funny how what goes around comes around.....




    Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

    ( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

    Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

    You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.

    who's to say the bin laden is still alive?it would pay no side to admit it if he were dead because they want to keep the dream alive.(christianity verses islam.)islams goal is to islamise the world,but there are two forks here,sunni and shi-ite.the sunnis hold the wealth and doing it by financial stealth(the creating of islamic banks,supposedly tying it to sharia law principle,the shi-ites and al queda or doing it through mass attacks trying to create chaos.

  13. As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

  14. And there's no doubt about the decline of the USA and UK,financially and socially,thats why they will be desperate to get a one world govt in place,including a world body to oversee the so called global economy,but dont they know globalisation is dead!

    Many people think the faceless people engineered the attack on the twin towers to legitamise the wars in iran and iraq,so bombing their own cities and murdering their own people would be a piece of cake.

  15. Hi 12,

    Here another reason to open the fridge and get some cold yellow liquid.

    There is 4 part's, make sure you see them all.



    Hi Alex

    I am just curious to know who put this together and why ?

    And what has been the reaction from viewers ?

    I liked watching part 4.who knows who put it together,someone with a vivid imagination?someone in the know? I seem to remember either reading a fictional book with the same story theme,or was it a film,or did i have a vision?but many a true word said in the captions of part 4.

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