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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I think the OP phrased it badly, but I've also been curious as to how the foreigners at the bottom of the barrel manage to survive for months or even years with no money, no job and no source of income.

    As far as I can tell from speaking to some they borrow from lots of people, very occasionally do some work and rely on charity, often from Thais.

    I'm curious as to how they manage to last so long and have the money to drink in bars.

    Anyone with an answer that doesn't accuse me of being some kind of fascist for being curious is most welcome to comment.

    yes i'd like to know too,i might be there one day myself.maybe someone could start up a "how to survive in thailand with no money,no visa programme(free of course).

  2. Well my friends....I live at Somboon Sook (behind Carrefours) in a 2 bedroom town house..I have lived here 2 years and last week was the 2nd break in, albeit this time unsuccesful.

    The gate padlock was hardened steel, so they broke the weld on the clasp, the fromt door had a padlock which same again they broke the clasp, then they broke the anti theft Australian made fitted internal door lock..then they opened the door and my Yale House alarm went off and they scarpered!! The inner steel door was not broken into. (all windows have alarms and are screwed permanently shut.)

    Anyhow I dont see what more I can do...I am going to get a Thai ridgeback dog, mainly as a pet, but I think they would just kill the dog!! To be honest I am thinking that maybe a Condo is my last option?

    Any constructive advice would be welcome. :o

    maybe a condo yes,you sound like you already live in a fortress,choose your condo and area wisely,new one with internal security,reception,foyer etc.

  3. I told ya, these people have no feelings at all.

    It is time for a public execution where we have those banker guy's in front row, but even then I think they will not understand.

    I told you I have worked with those kind of people and really, they do not feel anything even if you decap their own child.

    They will not blink an eye, therefore I suggest a public excecution where we will take a knife and make a nice clean cut along their belly, rip out their intestines and watch them die slowly.

    Who is appointing those peeps anyway?


    you seem to be getting more angry,dont worry they will have their day of reckoning.

  4. what is acid rain,if it is not caused by toxic chemicals released into the atmosphere?what causes the ozone layer(a natural occurence) to protect the earth from extreme harmful sunrays.But i do see your point about other pressing problems.

  5. Hello All, It has been long time since I posted something here 

    I am Thai, early 30s, well educated.

    I have been going out with Mr. Brit boy for 1.5 year. He is very sporty. He runs marathon and stuff. Most of weekend, if he is not with me , he is out biking around Thailand with his gang. I met some of them occasionally. I never had any problem when he goes away with them, coz I trust him and I know those girls who he always go with.

    2 month ago, he went back to England for xmas, he was kinda saying that he would be going to Vietnam for a bike trip. I thought he would go with the normal gang like always. But it turned out that he was going alone with this farang girl who I know nothing about.

    He said he was arranging the trip when he was in England. It was spontaneous thing. They had been emailing back and forth for this trip. The special thing about this trip is they would just go biking from town to town, very intimated experience I must say.

    I was very sad when I found out all about this.

    Then I tried to compromise about this by asking him to set up dinner / lunch with this woman so I know who my bf is going with. He came back and said to me that she did not want to meet me. She thought it was a bizarre idea that I wanted to meet her.

    I asked him to cancel the trip coz I could not take it. I was crying and being miserable about it for a week and he knows about that.

    He said he could not cancel it because this thing has been planned for month and the girl took the work days off for this. Besides, he really wanted to go. He said it was just another trip, nothing else and I was just overreacted about it.

    He left last Friday and will be back on next Sunday.

    I am completely devastated.

    Advices, comments, comforts … anyone?

    Dear "Beautiful Administrator",

    Yes, your boyfriend is having a sexual relationship with this other woman and he doesn't give a dam_n what you think- he's probably hoping this will be the final straw and you'll get lost by the time he returns. If you don't, then you are a glutton for punishment.

    Maybe she's not conceited like you are about her looks and they have more in common than you could ever hope to as she's western and you're not.

    Sometimes, for a few select men , just being a Thai woman isn't enough !

    sharp reply HD,very sharp indeed.

  6. Just had one saved my life i think i was so hungry so all you tossers who call this establishment it did the trick for me.

    Going back for another now.

    you'll eat anything after too many beers or too many tokes,it all looks and tastes good,why do you think its 7/11 24/7.

  7. having a good verbal is not heard of by thais.you shout at them and run the risk of a beating by more than one.

    I know of farangs getting thais to beat a farang up,and heard of russians beating up english etc etc.We seem to pick up on only thais when there is a scrap,maybe beacuae they fight in groups generaly.

    Street harkers can be a pain but i have heard farangs telling them to eff off,so they deserve a smack.

    was thinking the same,while thais are known to hunt in packs,so to does this happen in the western world.the days of one on one(queensbury rules are long dead and gone)am not excusing what they did to this man.

  8. ubonjoe am i correct in reading that if you want to exit and re-enter thailand during a 90 day period you have to obtain a re-entry stamp.

    For example,i have a non immigration 0 visa(multi entry).my first 90 days comes due on march 21st.If i wanted or needed to leave thailand during this period would i need the re-entry stamp.

    IF i dont need the re-entry stamp,am thinking my next 90 day period would begin from the date of re-entering thailand, which going to shorten my 15 month max on this visa.unfortunately durnig this year i am going to have to exit thailand during these 90 day periods which looks like it will indeed cause my 15 month max to be shortened.I hope i make myself clear.

  9. America's age is no excuse for the views of many Americans and especially american politicians like "we are the good guys, anything we do is justified" and "those who are not with us are against us". proof that a lot of Americans think (or thought) that way was the reelection of the texan village idiot. now the general thinking seems to have changed a bit. but would it have changed without the disasters Afghanistan and Iraq?

    Yes I meant that tongue in cheek....Like you know a spoiled little child throwing a tantrum.

    Then again by the same standard what is the excuse for how many of the worlds oldest countries act at times :D

    As for electing the Texas idiot you have me there :o The fact that he somehow stayed in for 2 terms is well beyond my comprehension.

    But you know I have always said we say we have a democracy but we do not in fact have such a thing.

    We are always asked to vote for someone unqualified or someone even more unqualified.

    So we usually vote for the lesser of two evils. Or in the recent vote we voted the idiot out not so much the new president in.

    The folks we would like of course are never considered as their backers are honest aka: poor

    If it were a true democracy the ballot should include a third choice ...NONE OF THE ABOVE

    If enough voters choose that then it is clear we did not in fact agree with the nomination process.

    maybe dubya got his second term cos of a weak opponent.there can be no true democracy when corporations are allowed to fund campaigns.funding should be equal and from the public purse,then you would n't have all those dumb tv adverts.

  10. And here we go again


    The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is proposing to pay close to £1 billion in bonuses to its staff, just months after it was rescued by a £20 billion taxpayer bail-out


    heheh :D

    Yeah the other day the stock market guys were on the News here.

    Complaining that they should not be held to the 500k a year limit Obama put on them that are taking tarp $$'s

    They said how can you give us this money then handcuff us & tell us how to use it?

    Hard to believe eh? Then they said well ok but your going to lose a lot of talented workers!!!!


    So the news reporter said.........Oh really & where are they going to go to work & make more than 500k a year? The guy has the nerve to say....Hedge Funds

    LOL :wai::P :jerk:

    I just wish you would start your rampage soon 12drink :o

    they have lived in a financial dreamworld too long.

  11. However, It's not uncommon to hear non-Americans loudly and arrogantly proclaiming how loud and arrogrant Americans are. Perhaps they are just expressing a feeling of kinship.

    vee Tchermanns do ze zame butt vizz a distinktif differentz. vee komplain how laut and arrogant our tchermann kountry fellows behave espeshully vhen zey are hollidaying abroad.

    is that an east german dialect! :o

  12. while i think simon's cause is admirable i can see it being fraught with danger for himself.We are talking thailand here.Saving or not be able to save a farang would i think not have serious consequences from the victims family,they would see that the best had been done in the circumstances.but to a thai person and in particular their family if anything went wrong i could see big problems,most of it being money in compensation.and of course the thai law or its interpretation.Just my 2 satangs worth.

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