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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. So, let's see....they were lured out of the lucrative flesh trade (Nana and Patpong) to become housemaids in India, a country and people pretty much completely disliked by Thais.

    It's greed, pure and simple, and they aren't innocent victims. Whether one believes the sentences imposed for drug smuggling/trafficking are proper or not is one thing, but whatever the punishment it is, let's have it meeted out fairly to both groups.

    Valuable police resources are being used in 'assisting' these women, but they can't come up with anything. REASON: Guilty.

    yeah good point about nana and patpong,i forgot about that,why indeed why would they leave to become housemaids.

  2. another thing, this economic crisis really suites the financial sector,some of them are making more money than before the crisis was brought on, with the continual bailouts,and how well does it suite the auto industry,that was going to collapse anyway due to them not having put in place any restructuring,now they being made to do so at the tax payers expense.And how well does it suite the oil industry(they are still making billions) the heat is now off them re the outcry over global warming and the worlds desire to replace oil as the main source of energy.All this has no gone on the backburner because of the financial banking sector disaster.Whether by design or not some business sectors will be rubbing their hands with glee.

  3. has anyone noticed the change in rhetoric coming out of the white house and downing street?it began with a tone of "we are in control,we put in place packages to deal with this"now its warning of dire consequences for the economies of these 2 countries.so are we now being set up for something(take away any future shock/outrage from the public)?

    Bradley Schiller writing for the Wall Street Journal has an interesting take on that see here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123457303244386495.html his article compares current economic woes to those of the Great Depression and other declines.

    its certainly true re the unemployment figures,but i dont think we have any idea of the final numbers until the end of 2009,then it may look like the great depression numbers.the california govt. have just annouced they are to shed 20,000 jobs.

  4. "Hotel South Pattaya"

    On a brightly lit street, cool wind in my hair

    Warm smell of somtam, rising up through the air

    Up ahead in the distance, I saw many neon lights

    My head grew heavy and my trousers grew tight .

    so i stopped for a while

    there she stood in the doorway

    saying, "come here young man"

    And I was thinking to myself,

    have i got enough money man

    Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way

    There were voices down the corridor,

    I thought I heard them say...

    Welcome to the lek hotel

    Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

    Such a lovely face

    Plenty of room in the lek hotel

    Any time of year (Any time of year)

    You can find us here

    Her mind is definitely on yaaba, she got the skinny look

    She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls mens

    How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

    Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

    So I called up my mate

    'Please bring me more money"

    He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'

    And still those voices are calling from far away,

    Wake you up in the middle of the night

    Just to hear them say...

    Welcome to the Hotel lek

    Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

    Such a lovely face

    They livin' it up in the hotel lek

    What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)

    Bring your alibis

    Mirrors on the ceiling,

    pink champagne on ice

    she said 'We are all just prisoners here, with our our own device'

    And in the master's chambers,

    They gathered for the feast

    They stabbed it with their steely shaft

    But they just can't kill the beast

    Last thing I remember, I was

    Running for the door

    I had to find the passage back

    To the place I was before

    'Relax,' said the night man,

    'We are programmed to receive.

    You can check-out any time you like,

    But you can never leave!'

  5. (IF there are any entrepreneurs out there in Lamai, open a bar with MUD WRESTLING CHICKS! That's my big idea but I haven't the inclination to do it myself. But trust me, do it right and you will not only be making money, you will become a legend.)

    Siam bar & grill used to have some sort of wrestling.I don't remember if it was oil or what.

    If i remember rightly they tried both mud and jelly/jello ( not at the same time ).

    Didn't really take off

    yeah thai's dont like getting oil on their bodies,when they have a massage its always a thai massage,so they sure would n't like mud,but you could import western women to do the mud wrestling(uzbekistanis perhaps)

  6. There as guilty as sin.

    I get so tired of the double standard. If it's a guy--he's stupid, guilty, should be hung. If it's a woman, she's been duped, forced and should be freed.

    the article did say they had been lured to places like india for housekeeping type work only to find there wer n't any,then pressured into carrying drugs,if that is true then you have to feel compassion for defenseless women out of their own environment.

  7. has anyone noticed the change in rhetoric coming out of the white house and downing street?it began with a tone of "we are in control,we put in place packages to deal with this"now its warning of dire consequences for the economies of these 2 countries.so are we now being set up for something(take away any future shock/outrage from the public)?

  8. game4shame:
    I can't quite put my finger on it but a night out in lamai or chaweng used to get me excited. these days I'm struggling to think of anywhere half-decent to go.

    I hear you, but I think it might be you and me that has changed more than the bars or the social engineering professionals who staff the places. I remember Patpong in 1986 as being quite the bee's knees. It's all still good, but the polish is off the apple.

    I remember when I first saw juice sold in Baggies filled with ice, the top wrapped in a red plastic twistie with a straw coming out. I thought that was so bizarre; but today, it doesn't even register.

    I think your comment would fall under the "boredom" category for me.

    (IF there are any entrepreneurs out there in Lamai, open a bar with MUD WRESTLING CHICKS! That's my big idea but I haven't the inclination to do it myself. But trust me, do it right and you will not only be making money, you will become a legend.)

    that's a very good idea,once saw it of all places in an RSL club in paddington sydney,drew in alot of people.(RSL) is like british legion clubs back in UK.

  9. My (Thai) wife gave a black golliwog doll to my (Australian) niece last time she travelled to Australia...My niece took one look at it,and burst into tears,running away because it scared her... :D I couldn't stop laughing,but my wife was upset."Why she no like doll,why she cry,why she run?"The bottom line was,this type of doll was long ago banned in Australia,but in Thailand,no one gives a crap.It's just a doll! Anyway,after some reasuring,she drags this doll around everywhere now,certainly draws some looks... :o I personally think the world has gone mad,overly sensitive to everything that could be construed as racist. :D

    totally agree.

  10. She has told me several times she genuinly loves me but it might just be my money that she likes.

    Given her former employment history the chances of the latter approach 98% plus. Once you break up, do yourself a great big favor and promise yourself that you will never get romantically involved with a prostitute again in any country.

    funny that you use the term prostitute,i never think of them in that light.many have n't had the educational oppotunities that prostitutes have in the west and its a way to earn good money and support their families.I will stick up for them every time(no pun intended)

  11. sounds to me the OP is frightened of her reactions(what she might do)when the shit hits the fan.If that is the case,quietly move out when she is at work,change sim card and move to another part of thailand.

    You are in the right neigbourhood of what I want too know.

    As I am not custom too the kinds of reactions that occur here (only by reputation) I just wanted too get some insights too what can happen here, likelyhood etc. As I said I do not have a problem with letting her know, I just want it to go as smoothly as possible.

    trust me she wont be understanding at all,she will be pissed off(loss of face)she may threaten you with many things(you will have to decide if she will be serious or not,especially if other thai men are in her life or brothers etc)we are not dealing with a western woman here with all that goes with that.you could explain your feelings/reasons etc(doing the right thing etc.)but be prepared for any response cos once the cat is out of the bag there's no going back and you may need a quick exit strategy.

  12. i could see the roads being an issue after you leave,while here you put up with them,after you leave you realise how good it is to drive on a good road.

    I'm addicted to island life,have always loved the lifestyle.my wife wants to return to isaan,cultivate?breed fish to sell to the markets,grow vegies etc,and am bulking at this whole idea cos i'd miss the cool breezes,swimming everyday,and the night life and company of other westerners,and as much as i like thai food,always feel a need to revert back to some western dining.isaan is ok(would make me learn thai more) but the weather is either hot or cold,and i'd end up living in a small thai village.not saying i'd never do it,but right now samui is just fine.

  13. ....... for a Thai lady?

    I was very close of leaving my current wife for a thai lady but then I realised it's not worth breaking up the family. She did find out about the whole ordeal but then I stuck with her at the end. The thing is she did forgive me but she won't forget.

    How about you?


    that's an old and certainly true saying"i will forgive but i wont forget"good on you for sticking with your family.

    My situation was very different to yours as i had been seperated for many years before divorcing and coming to thailand as a single man again,but am now happily married again to thia lady and after many trials and tribulations felt i have finally met someone i love and am happy to share my life with,i often ask the question"but why did it take so long to find the right partner"

    Same with me. Me and my wife have been having problems for a long time. Sometimes, I've just had enough and want to leave her but the problem is that we have 2 kids under 6yrs. I can't afford not seeing my kids everyday especially giving them a kiss when I come home from work. I still love my wife but I'm not sure if I'm still 'in-love' with her.

    When I met this Thai Lady during my trip last year with my friends, it felt like we just clicked and felt brainwashed. I spent the whole week with her and it was my best time being with her. I come back to Australia and I felt very distant to my wife. She noticed a lot things my changes and she slowly found out about the girl in thailand.

    Sometimes, I wish I didn't travel to thailand and met this nice lady. :D

    thailand can be an emotional graveyard too.as the other poster said,it was a holiday fling and now back to reality.you've got responsibilities to your family,and you're probably right it was best you never came to thailand at this time in your life.

  14. :D

    Whats the logic behind raising the bar fine at Nana to 1000 baht on Valentines Night????

    Thought it a joke at first???????? :o

    have n't been to nana for years,what is the usual bar fine?sounds like a good joke/try on etc.or else they are real honey's.

  15. thanks coventry,since posting i have found a pharmacy that sells an american brand in naturopathic form,60 tabs for 890 baht,not cheap.what did you mean by "make sure you buy it in synthetic form"?
    There are 2 forms of the substance. Natural and synthetic. The natural form is not recommended, but is available. It can contain viruses and proteins from the animal it was extracted from. The synthetic form is recommended, due to it's production being closely monitered and more precise. Go to http://www.melatonin-info.co.uk .

    ok thanks for that.

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