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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. plenty more cheaper fish in the sea,but beware she wont like to lose her golden goose,and could get nasty,watch your back.If your gonna have a live in relationship,then set the rules from day one,if your earning big baht and dont want her to work fine,but seriously 20,000baht a month is a lot of dosh.give her 8000 a month,more than enough.I fit was me i'd insist she get a job(not bar related of course.Laew tee khun though.

  2. there's an aussie thread with some fantastic jokes some of which involve a genie offering 3 wishes,by the third wish it all goes to pot cancelling out the 1st. two,making you wish you had never wished in the first place.

    i wish at age 30 you stopped ageing,and no matter what harm you did to your body,it would have no bad effect on your health.

  3. Now all the cranks are starting to show up .... :D They all seem to have the lowest common denominator of blaming Bush for everything ... Now that he is gone ... what or who are they going to blame now ... :o

    obama of course,gotta have somebody to blame.seriously though as much as obama may have all the good intentions,presidents have in reality very little power.Its those behind the scenes that pull the strings,but i'm am not telling you anything you dont already know.

  4. Thaskin has a better chance of being re-elected to Prime Minister than these idiots have trying to destroy an Aussie icon. If you believe any of this crap you obviously belong in Thailand continuing to support the sick buffalo and the dreaded brother (or was that lover) that has fallen on hard times.

    yes true but the point we are all making is that its another PC brigade trying to dictate what we can and cant eat.

  5. one thing i do know is that everyone sat back when hitler came to power,and said to themselves "he wont do this"and "he wont do that"...........and of course he did everything he said he would,and look what happened.its time to stand up to these globalisers.due to the cleverness of the USA defense dept.who i believe set up the first internet,we are now much closer to information and are not as hoodwinked.you certainly cant trust the media who are already controlled.as for the freemasons me thinks the title is a contradiction in terms.

  6. I too am itching to find out more,as i probably walk past you in big c every day...On my way to MK for that delicious crispy pork and their delightful little dance... :o

    looking at your avatar tritex i cant work out if your chilling out with your mates,shagged out,or have had too much bundy rum.

  7. i'm not much help really,went there in 1972,walked 22 k out of katmandu up to 11000 feet to a place called nargacot,stayed in a small chalet.was told we could see the sunrise over everest(same time as you are planning to go)got up before 5am to take a picture and bus load of japanese tourist arrived clicking kodaks.had been hoping to have the place to ourselves as we were the only ones staying in the chalet.............but thats life.we could only see the peak of everest before the sun obliterated the view,but it was a nic experience.if you go to pohkara in april there is a fantastic festival to witness,and welll worth seeing.nepalese people are wonderful,and friendly.we stayed in nepal for 4 weeks.i would think travelling on a UK passport you would not need a visa,but best to check,and your thai wife will most probably need one.enjoy.

  8. have to admit the water out of these containers does n't taste fresh,but i have n't been sick from drinking it yet.changing the subject slightly,i can never understand why people insist on carry the small bottles of water around with them everywhere they go,like they'll die of thirst if they dont,then you see the power walkers carrying them too.i think weve been hoodwinked by the health officionados that its imperative to our welfare,and the soft drink/beer companies have latched on to it over the last 20 years,how did people survive before this advent that's what i'd like to know.

  9. I invested in one of those 3 filter osmosis water purification systems. Bit slow but good enough for domestic supply of drinking water. One of the huge side benefits has been not having to carry all those plastic bottles full of water back from the supermarkets. Great! No disposal problems either.

    good idea,although i thought most residents buy the 20 litre water tubs(100bahtdeposit).get ours delivered,and only costs 12baht for 20litres of clean water.

  10. am just watching gordon brown being interviewed on CNN,he keeps harping on about this global crisis,global this global that,as if its the only way to go.I would have to say its this global thinking(plan)that has got everycountry into the mess its in now.anyone honest and serious would say '<deleted> it" lets get back to basics,individual country sovereignty,let each country control its own way of living,then if it doesn't work out for that country(economically speaking)then only they are affected.but no the top boys/girls want total world control in the hands of the few,and they will get their way to the detriment of everyone else........................to put it bluntly this global thing is all bullshit.

  11. surely the value of someones home is the price someone is prepared to pay,it cannot be artificially made.with regards to the USA and the UK,money was lent with little deposit and with little credit checks either being made or applied.it was actively encourag ed by a democrat govt. and senate.I for one would not blame the people applying for these loans,it was probably the first and only chance they have ever had.an impossible dream for some.The blame lies fairly and squarely on the govt. and on the banks.

    In my opinion, the pouring of money into the banking system will prove to be an even bigger mistake.let the rolling of the dice settle where it may.

    But i believe this has all been orchestrated to happen,some peoples golden plan that has still to be played out.

    with regard to unemployment,which seems to be happening on a massive global scale,if i was in govt. i would encourage companies to hold on to their most skilled workers govts. could part pay a wage to the firms holding onto these people.employees that were n't so vital,skill wise, could be let go,receive welfare payments on condition they attend re skilling programs for jobs in growth sectors in the future,one such growth sector would surely be in the environment,for example a trade in installing solar panels to homes etc.

  12. FA to take no action against bosingwa. stunning.

    If i done that to someone on the Street, i'd be nicked...

    yes true and he should have been booked.at the time i thought it was funny cos he did n't really hurt beny,but you could see that bos was just so frustrated at beny shielding the ball for what seemed a long time,and chelsea had just been flattened by 2 quick goals............pent up frustration no doubt.no excuse but funny to watch.

  13. The Masons are a force for good in the world and Western civilisation owes much to them and movements like them for it's existence.

    They are not a pagan movement. The are non-denominational. The only religious requirement is to vow that you believe in a creator.

    my friends uncle was one and yes am sure they do good things. however they are very secretive,you can only become a member by recommendation, and he described to me their very weird rituals that originate back in the dark ages.as i said before very mumbo jumbo stuff.if any one gets a chance you should take a look at their books that describe these rituals.

  14. A video from youtube about the bar...


    There you have it straight from the horses mouth. They are all looking forward to moving to their new venue up the mountain.

    The thought of that awful racket going on until the small hours ? Terrible.

    Time to start looking for a new home Samuibeachcomber :o

    am all for a good time and may go myself,dont mind the occasional all nighter,hopefully its not everynight otherwise yes i'll be on the move.

  15. "Old Man"

    Old man look at my life,

    I'm a lot like you were.

    Old man look at my life,

    I'm a lot like you were.

    Old man look at my life,

    Twenty four

    and there's so much more

    Live alone in a paradise

    That makes me think of two.

    Love lost, such a cost,

    Give me things

    that don't get lost.

    Like a coin that won't get tossed

    Rolling home to you.

    Old man take a look at my life

    I'm a lot like you

    I need someone to love me

    the whole day through

    Ah, one look in my eyes

    and you can tell that's true.

    Lullabies, look in your eyes,

    Run around the same old town.

    Doesn't mean that much to me

    To mean that much to you.

    I've been first and last

    Look at how the time goes past.

    But I'm all alone at last.

    Rolling home to you.

    Old man take a look at my life

    I'm a lot like you

    I need someone to love me

    the whole day through

    Ah, one look in my eyes

    and you can tell that's true.

    Old man look at my life,

    I'm a lot like you were.

    Old man look at my life,

    I'm a lot like you were.


    thanks,such a beautiful song.

  16. Doom and despair nearly everywhere then?

    Try booking rooms as I have just done and see the response.

    This is the reply I got asking for one room at the Sala, Choengmon from the 13th to 16th February 2009.


    good to see someone doing well,dont know the place but choeng mon is a lovely spot.

  17. thats the problem is n't it,if torres gets injured again they look a bit thin upfront,has anyone heard of a keane replacement.had wondered if liverpool might have done a 12million plus bent for keane,otherwise they've just given away 8mil.

  18. Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

    Interesting, I will be in Phuket in May-June. Would you mind giving me the name of this establishment? I would be interested to pay a visit. Thank you!

    you'll probably find them in bangla with a plumb line.

  19. Be careful your dogma getting in the way of the truth. Try educating yourself on both sides of the story before you get into bed with a populist belief..... someone wrote a web page on it, it must be true right....

    The origins of modern freemasonry are relatively recent. Its roots go back to the stonemasons of the middle ages who worked on our great cathedrals. They formed themselves into guilds to preserve and protect the skills of their trade - some of the Masonic symbols of the apron, the square, the compass etc. are the leftovers of this. The old trade guilds fell apart after the reformation, with no further major building projects, so the guilds were thrown open to non Masons. The rituals used today are largely the product of the freemasons of the late 17th. and 18th. centuries, although many of the actual esoteric secrets go back to ancient Egyptian times or earlier, and have been passed down through the mystery schools of Egypt, Babylon, ancient Greece, and then down through the middle ages by such orders as the Knights Templar, Cathars and Rosicrucians, and from there to modern freemasonry.



    well it must be true then..............is the order open to bricklayers! :o

  20. Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

    spot on there... Khao Yai is ok, but it aint the true 'wilderness' experience

    i would suggest the northern region Doi Ang Kang, Pha Hom Phok mountain range for a proper 'out on your own' job..

    but beware, the 'wilder' you go up there (especially up around the Myanmar border) the greater the risk to your health.. an Australian couple where attacked/murdered whilst 'wild camping' in this region a few years ago

    maybe i'm a bit of a chicken but i would n't go trekking/camping in any ares of thailand on my own......too dangerous,too many crazies out there.

  21. if the guy is n't after a profit but wants to cover costs,as a business person he will have to work out how many patrons he needs at what price to cover those costs.he should work on same price for all,lowest fee possible.for example at 100baht per person per lesson,how many patrons would he need.start from there.i go to a gym,its 100 baht for all,thai,farang etc.

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