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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. such a thought can do your head in,take it easy.

    i think the chinese call it ying and yang.

    in this world everything has an opposite,good and bad,right and wrong,etc.hot and cold.

    do we have a built in mechanism to know right from wrong?or do we need to be taught it?is our conscience already programmed at birth,or do we need to be taught to have one?as the world grows older do we continually inherit dna defects from our parents?can these be repaired?

    maybe i need to chill out,good luck with your pondering!

  2. You know back when the first bailout dollar was spent I said Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

    No to banks

    No to car makers

    No to all

    Now they have given out all this funny money & I no longer care.

    They may as well give it out at the drive thru at Mc Donalds hamburger joint.

    Because all they achieved was nothing & have just continued their raping in another colorful

    inventive way. Funny how they make the car guys who at least provide jobs building albeit crappy cars beg like dogs.

    But at least they build something. Yet the banks who built sh!t but only helped tear it all down yes they get anything they ask.

    Whether they came to the asking in a jet or a limo matters not.

    Screw them I'm receding this year & they can have it. I swear I am getting as much out of their system as possible.

    good idea flying.the bankers got what they wanted by blackmailing the govt(they control the fed who do the printing),looking back the banks were on a no lose situation.your still in hawaii right?good place to chill out,just like thailand.

  3. we have nothing to worry about(reports in the telegragh,daily mail)gordon brown says britain could be on the road to economic recovery in a few months if the world govts. take on board his economic recovery plans in unison.

    Further more world economists see great hope in china being able to lead the world out of recession with there economic stimulus package,so sit back and enjoy.

    Frankly i'm not sure who china are going to sell to in the short term,maybe domestic consumption,but are there enough chinese with jobs and money to buy?i dont know.i think the world needs to chill out and stop panicking,let the cards fall where they may.

  4. I read a very simple explanation somewhere that actually was told by a banker.

    This guy was giving a presentation somewhere and someone from the audience asked him if he could explain what happened.

    Someone opened his can of premium tuna and inside there was rotten fish.

    You know a while ago there was this guy starting to sell these fancy looking can's with premium tuna and many people liked them so they bought and some resold again, bussiness was booming. Untill we heard that story of the guy that opened a can. So now there are lot's of people with cans with rotten fish. Some do not even dare to open them for the fear of also having rotten fish.

    Curious which countries are going to blow up, maybe Austria, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Greece?


    from all the reports it sounds like most of eastern europe are going to default,most of the debt held EU banks.

  5. I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

    Whatever I'm packing in my pants would be incomprehensible to you. :o:D

    well one things for sure you cant take critcism very well.

  6. I accept that this should be done by PM but I am concerned that 12D's last post was yesterday and he was last seen going to bed after consuming a case of large Chang.

    Now I have had several Changovers and, whilst unpleasant, they have never prevented me from posting on this forum.

    If anyone has news, please post accordingly.

    I want to make it quite clear that my concern is in no way related to the fact that he owes me a case of Chang :o

    drinking a case of chang could lay anyone low for sometime,on the other hand maybe as a result of the consumption he's solved the financial crisis,and is (as i write)posting on TV right now offering the solution to the crisis.

  7. I would say its probable that most farang men do not have a mia noi but some do have gigs,( bit on the side as someone else referred it to ) . some thai men have both,.and the funny thing is most thai wives dont seem to mind, in my opinion its a financial thing, if he can support 2 families they will put up with it, this is testament that some thai women will marry out of love and tolerate almost anything for money, as ( again in my opinion ) anyone really in love would NOT tolerate it,.i have a conscience and it wouldnt be for me,. some dont and can,

    cant afford those extra luxuries.anyway it would usually end up in tears,not worth the bother.

  8. OK, for those of you that are not aware of how your deposits are protected/insured, the attached list could be helpfull.

    Do not think each account you have is fully insured. If let's say you have 4 accounts at different banks but these banks belong to one group, those 4 accounts are considered as one.

    Attached a list which is still a bit incomplete but for now that is what has been compiled.



    its anyones guess if they really will honor these guarantees,govts. or banks.as big as the fear factor is i reckon a bigger problem now is a total lack of trust by people in govts.politicians,banks,financial services etc. and i dont see it coming back/

  9. I was joking of course


    The OP has felt the need to post this and is obviously saying his thai girl is different to the rest.


    i can only imagine he is stupid or just trying to get comments like mine or a heated debate.


    ps why all the congratulations?? nothing special? its a normal thing in the giving and recieving.

    AIthough I think your first post on this thread was reaIIy out of Iine, I do agree with the Iast part of this post.

    I dont quite understand sometimes the way western men wiII taIk about their Thai gfs if they do something enterprising, hard-working, caring, seIfIess and/or generous, as if it is truIy remarkabIe. I beIieve these sorts of traits shouId be normaI in any reIationship.

    RegardIess, gIad that you are happy OP. :o

    maybe he was just touched by the giving and wanted to share it.

  10. latest reports out of the UK is that angela merckle wants gordon brown to head a world financial body to solve the financal crisis...............its one way of leaving a sinking ship,but woe for the world.A lot of UK voters will be happy.I just wish they'd get off this globalisation crap as i see it as one of the causes of the problem.

    Give us a break. Unless you have a reference I cannot believe that. I have a lot of respect for the Merckle. And she does not like Brown and his policies.

    So come on, where did you hear/read/see it?

    on-line daily mail UK.

  11. latest reports out of the UK is that angela merckle wants gordon brown to head a world financial body to solve the financal crisis...............its one way of leaving a sinking ship,but woe for the world.A lot of UK voters will be happy.I just wish they'd get off this globalisation crap as i see it as one of the causes of the problem.

  12. I had a estimate for my G/F for a C-Section and to have a cyst removed of 82000B thought it was a bit expensive but was not going to change doctors 6 days before baby due so I accepted it. After 4 days when we were leaving I when to pay it took them forever to sort out the bill I thought many extras but no the bill was the same as estimate plus a test that I asked for. About ten minutes after we got home the hospital ring and asked if I could go back because they had overcharged me by nearly 26000B and I needed to get my money It was a bit of a surprise but I was going to query the amount when I saw the doctor on Saturday but pleased that they where honest and I do not need to

    thats a nice turn up for the books,not often that happens i bet,but good for you.

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