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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I love Thailand and I love and respect whoever is in power, I thank God and Buddha that I am allowed the honour of residing and studying in the greatest country there ever was, is and will be.............. Should be safe now

    you should do well here...just make sure you "wah" correctlytongue.png

    • Like 1
  2. the language that the general uses sounds very similar to camboda during the khymer rouge period and vietnam after the americans high tailed it out of the country."reporting to have one's attitude changed".......i find this disturbing,indeed as another poster remarked "time to keep the luggage packed and ready to go at a minutes notice"

    You have no idea of what you're talking about,....It was the Vietnamese that kicked out the Khmer Rouge. and thanks to the USA the Khmer rouge had a seat in the united nations representing the very people they killed....

    you have not understood my post.the point i am making is about these two communist countries wanting to re educate their population.they used words similar to the current thai general!

    • Like 1
  3. Surely the best way to improve your chances is to buy more tickets???

    Increasing the number of draws improves everyone's chances. (Or have I got this one wrong? I still do not know, how I scored a pass on the stats paper. whistling.gif )

    yes it gives more opportunity to win...............buying a whole stack of tickets on only just 7 draws does n't stack up much on chances to win,for sure it must give the person a better chance but not much.

    If it keeps not being won you can be sure the BIB WILL BE ROUND FOR THEIR CUT TOO.laugh.png

    • Like 1
  4. It's all BS

    Eat less + Exercise more = weigh less

    If you are too lazy to exercise more and too weak willed to eat less, you have no hope of losing weight.

    so true.I made all my meals much smaller,drank more water and lost 1 kilo every month for 17 months and went from 82.8 kg down to 66 kg......it was so easy to do.

    cut out snacks,most sugar,reduced carbohydrates,no more chocolate and yellow cheese,cut down bread intake it was so easy,ate more salads etc etc.

    • Like 2
  5. Just to emphasise again the key point here:

    That Aussie Kid is nothing special compared to other Western kids...he is just a normal western kid..

    The point is the vast Chasm between a NORMAL western kid (not gifted or especially well developed or advanced by Western standards) compared to a NORMAL Thai Kid.....in fact I would go one further and say that these Thai kids are actually probably more advanced than the average Thai kid considering their parents are the type that can afford to send them to International School...not just the average Somchai.

    no need to apologise bowerboy...thai learning ability is pretty poor cos most are lazy,they have never been taught to think for themselves.

    • Like 1
  6. AOA said - "Australia has the worst schooling in the western world.

    I can spot Australian posters in a second, they confuse loose with lose (etc.), and never learn from their mistakes.

    I have several Australian friends who freely admit they left school illiterate."

    Oh come on AOA, Australian education system is slipping but is still way ahead of America. In secondary school PISA rankings of Maths, Science and Reading. 19th, 16th and 13th v 36th, 28th and 24th, even accounting for all our 'loose' friends. (I thought that it was just the standard TV way to spell 'lose'.) Drives me mad every time I see it actually, but you're not supposed to comment on that <deleted> here. And here's me always assuming it's an American. What an eejet I am!

    But I won't argue with you about university standards seeing as the US dominate the top 50 unis on the planet.

    Aussies are pretty much brain dead when it comes to general knowledge...............they always come last in our trivia quiz!tongue.png

    • Like 1
  7. Another Thai-bashing thread from our resident basher, the bower boy. How can you possibly know, at two to three years of age, that "the Farang kid is absolutely miles and miles ahead of every other kid in that Kindergarten." Is he doing advanced calculus? Is he publishing research papers? The answer is you don't know. But being as hopelessly biased as you are, I'm sure you'll come up with a long list of bogus reasons.

    perhaps you are the biased one..."everything thai is just so good is n't?"

  8. as the OP has already said stay away from packaged fruit juices they are nothing but garbage.Even the water we drink is quite acidic,to neutralize the acidity squeeze some fresh lime juice or just add baking powder.Of course if you are "neverdie" it does n't matter,just grab a leo out of the fridge.

    Wish I'd read this comment first you old Coote .

    I don't drink that stuff.

    what's your poison neverdie..............carbolic acid in the outback?

    hope you are well.

  9. The annual horror of extension to my retirement visa is looming.

    There seem to be myriads of rules now and I am totally confused as to what is now actually required!


    Do I need to supply a map if I have a Blue book? If yes I understand that there is a place opposite

    the immigration which can produce the required doc for a fee.

    Do I have to produce a medical report?

    Any other new rules?

    I have a letter from the British Embassy confirming that I meet the Thai financial requirements but last year the immigration guy still wanted to see

    Bank books.

    Would be grateful for any update as the guy there seems to revel in being unhelpful and intent on finding something "not in order"

    I made the mistake of applying for my last visa one day before expiry and I was told to come back on the date of expiry!

    Sorry if I'm going over old ground but I find this whole process unpleasant and time consuming. (Wish Samui residents could use Suratthani main office).

    yes you will need to go across the road to see herbert,give him your address and he will provide a google map of where you live.then take it back,immigration will ask you to circle where your house is.It's 150baht for the service herbert provides.

  10. Exactly what spiritual reputation did Thais ever have? Do you mean they'll stop believing things are caused by ghosts?

    Surely it isn't Buddhism which they don't really practice but rather give lip service to.

    I have never met a people who are more driven by money (even if they don't have much) than Thais.

    What a strange, negative response.

    Maybe it's the Thais you hang out with. Do you have any Thai friends?

    Ever sent time in a temple?

    I was at my Oz neighbour's house yesterday and his Thai wife announced she was off out the back to pray by the pool. 'For what?' I asked. 'Good luck'. As expected. I then asked 'What's with all the clay chickens up at the local temple scattered around the statues of various Thai kings? 'People put the chickens there to ask for something and if they get it they give a real live chicken'. ... laugh.png

    exactly my point......thais always want something for nothing.

  11. giving without expecting a return is non existent in thailand..going to the temple to make merit is only done with the expectation of getting something in return.But like all religions,mostly its all just lip service.

    What an unbelievable broad untrue generalization. I can understand if you live on Samui.

    dont judge too quickly neeranam................somewhere in the middle of what i said is definitely true,and has nothing to do with me living on samui.

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