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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I can only speak for whats happening on Koh Samui................and i and a good many other expats see a growing anger,resentment,and aggressiveness towards tourists and expats a like.I have no idea why but it could be many factors like the army trying to crackdown on known mafia elements,lose of income due to less people,i really have no idea why but can feel and sense the change.

  2. The one positive thing is TAT has been muzzled, it appears. Perhaps someone with integrity was asked to provide accurate information, for a change.

    Great care was taken not to mention the islands, but again this was an opportunity missed, they could express condolences and support for (real) justice to be served.

    Besides, KT is not symbolic of all the islands - far from it I would hope.

    yeah, there must be at least 1 island where the locals arnt afraid to kill you because theyre untouchable..............anyone know that island????

    The island of DR.Moreau perhaps.............................it certainly aint Samui!

  3. Besides, KT is not symbolic of all the islands - far from it I would hope.

    From what I have seen, KT is a perfect example of all the islands.

    Rape, murder, violence, gang control and mafia.

    your post is spot on!

    Why don't you guys at least attempt to add something of value to the discussion, instead of really lame one-liners - oops sorry AOA managed two...

    because i have just joined this topic that is now 9 pages long and i am viewing each post as i go along.So if its ok with you i will continue to do so until i finally reach the last page and probably by then all with have been said and i will no longer have anything to add.tongue.png

  4. The one positive thing is TAT has been muzzled, it appears. Perhaps someone with integrity was asked to provide accurate information, for a change.

    Great care was taken not to mention the islands, but again this was an opportunity missed, they could express condolences and support for (real) justice to be served.

    Besides, KT is not symbolic of all the islands - far from it I would hope.

    Compare the " social structures" in places like KPN and KS and you will find them all about even Stevens in the way they operate with "families and police of great influence". They are all an organ of the same functioning living organism. Don't believe anything different. If KT is exposed KPN and KS will follow. Protecting KT is not what this entire cover up is about. Only a part of what it is about. All three islands are covering each other at this very moment. Watch this space.

    You are correct all 3 islands are run by rich influential thai families who have the local police in their pocket.Nothing will ever change,not even the army will be able to effect change.For expats living here its either"put up with it or get out"...and i think the time is fast approaching when decisions "to stay or not to stay"...are going to have to be made sooner rather than later.

  5. Why am I not surprised? Is it perhaps because...

    1) Visitors have realised that Thailand is far from "safe" due to the Koh Tao and other incidents?

    2) The deep south is a civil war zone, although not officialy announced as such?

    3) Democracy is dead in Thailand?

    4) Thailand by now is without freedom of speech and under censorship?

    5) Your friend and helper, the RTP is a corrupt pile of horse$#ite?

    6) Many Thais are getting more uneasy and more aggressive by the day?

    7) Foreigners are losing more and more rights and by now are stripped of the few privileges they previously had?

    8) It still is unattractive to invest in Thailand since foreigner can own $#!t and due to all the additional minus pointes here it gets even more unattractive?

    9) National and marine parks are being poached, neglected and handed to the fishery industry to be destoyed at will, while the park fees disappear in the rangers' pockets?

    10) Martial law?

    11) The smile in the land of such disappearing?

    12) Prices increasing?

    13) Quality decreasing?

    14) ... on and on goes the list - it could fill a book sad.png

    your point in no. 6....i completely agree with.We are seeing this more and more in the 'GULF" islands of Samui Koh Tao and phangan.

  6. I'd like to see some solid statistics (wouldn't we all).

    For example - my numerous contacts in the hotel/resort business tell me that numbers are down overall, but revenue is disproportionately even lower. The Asian tourists have increased in numbers - but their stay typically is only for 3 to 5 days - therefore they are spending less per head and overall.

    The number of Euro visitors has declined by much more than 10% - more like 20% or even more. But their length of stay is three times greater than their Asian counterparts - typically 10 to 13 days

    So the overall effect on tourism is that there's a numbers drop of perhaps 10% overall. But what nobody is outlining is the comparatively big spenders are missing now, even though part of their numbers has been offset by Asians with smaller wallets.


    Agree entirely...just look at the empty bars near empty restuarants.............one wonders what and where these asian tourist eat...thin air by the size of them.

  7. They are all basically children,with a child like mentality.They think like children,act like children,behave like children and talk like children.

    Coupled with this is a firm belief that every other nationality is beneath thai culture,that is why anything bad that happens to foreigners in thailand is always the fault of the foreigner.

    ..................................."Coupled with this is a firm belief that every other nationality is beneath thai culture"................................

    Judging by your first two sentences it seems you believe the Thais are beneath you. Unless of course, you are even more "childlike" than them. whistling.gif

    so you basically do not agree that thais are child like?and you do not believe that thais look down on all other cultures?If that is true then you either have not lived here very long or you enjoy keeping your head in the sand like an ostrich.There is nothing in my post to suggest i am superior to thai people,i was just stating what i have observed and experienced after living here for the past 9 years.

    Please don't try to put words in my mouth. Read my post again, slowly. I simply commented on the fact that your comment reeked of hypocrisy.

    I would never say that all Thais are childlike and look down on other nationalities, but I am sure that applies to some of them.

    I react to posts like yours because I am fed up with all the anti-Thai comments posted on TVF, which go against forum rule #11.

    I first came to Thailand about the same time as you, nine years ago, but it seems we have developed a different attitude towards the country and it's people. Fortunately for me I have accepted the fact that Thai people are different to people from my home country and I try to see the good in them, not pick on their faults.

    You have every right to state your thoughts on the country. Some will agree with you, no doubt, but I probably won't. thumbsup.gif

    I have re read your reply again,i find nothing different.How is my post hypocritical?Of course not all thais are the same,I am not "thai bashing"just giving my opinion that in nature they remain childlike,never maturing from children to adults.This topic was generated because of what happened in koh tao and the response from the PM to what occured,always blaming other people rather than looking at themselves and saying"maybe we have a problem in how we behave towards other nationalities".If you prefer to see thailand and thais through rose tinted glasses so be it.However there is a lot of concern out there at the way the police and the govt.react to events that will ultimately do this country a lot of harm.

  8. They are all basically children,with a child like mentality.They think like children,act like children,behave like children and talk like children.

    Coupled with this is a firm belief that every other nationality is beneath thai culture,that is why anything bad that happens to foreigners in thailand is always the fault of the foreigner.

    ..................................."Coupled with this is a firm belief that every other nationality is beneath thai culture"................................

    Judging by your first two sentences it seems you believe the Thais are beneath you. Unless of course, you are even more "childlike" than them. whistling.gif

    so you basically do not agree that thais are child like?and you do not believe that thais look down on all other cultures?If that is true then you either have not lived here very long or you enjoy keeping your head in the sand like an ostrich.There is nothing in my post to suggest i am superior to thai people,i was just stating what i have observed and experienced after living here for the past 9 years.

    • Like 2
  9. tongue in cheek post..............I rarely go to tesco here on Samui as their supply chain is crap.In the fresh fruit and veg dept. nothing is on display until about 2.30pm....its quite pathetic,macro for me!

    When i want to register a complaint at tesco the manager is always on holiday just like the rest of the staff!

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  10. They are all basically children,with a child like mentality.They think like children,act like children,behave like children and talk like children.

    Coupled with this is a firm belief that every other nationality is beneath thai culture,that is why anything bad that happens to foreigners in thailand is always the fault of the foreigner.

    • Like 1
  11. This forum is well managed by the moderators.Posters should develop thick skins if they want to participate and not take things too personally.

    The case in point,the koh tao murders has as usual been handled very badly by the local police and authorities but there is nothing new in this.

    I doubt if the local police have been trained very well in knowing what to do,like securing the crime scene and blocking any ferries leaving before checking everyone on board.

    To us these actions would be seen as common sense.But a policeman on 10,000 baht a month salary is more interested in collecting "tea" money or finding an angle where money can be gained quickly.

    And finally about the press releases on updates in the case,we should remember that we are dealing with a nation that does not mature as they grow into adulthood but rather stays in a child like state hence we witness these bizarre and confusing press releases.

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  12. I used to think thais had a higher tolerance level to noise than we did,but i think its more about not liking to complain(like we do) as the consequences are possible loss of face to both parties and thais dont like to argue except when nothing is resolved.

    Westerners in general have a low tolerance to noise so it can be a big problem in thailand.

    The answer is either go to bed as the locals do 10pm and wake up 5.30am..................or come home at 5.30am if you live in an entertainment area.

  13. Yes yaabaa use by locals us the far greater problem than a few all night dance parties involving tourists.

    The ones doing the bag snatches, house break-ins and irrational assaults are spaced out locals on yaabaa,

    including the nutter who shot the cop in the gas station on video.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    yes,ya ba and ice meth..............biggest scourge here in thailand and for me Samui is getting worse and worse for shootings,stabbings and assualts

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