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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. All this is basically called 'begging"....the ukrainian,the bangla deshi etc.but when confronted on the street its hard to know,so being kind guys we give a little,but on reflection from reading some posts here its not hard to come to the conclusion that its just an easy way to get a little extra.

    I mean how did they get into thailand originally? They must have had money to start with.

    At the end of the day we all make our own judgement whether to help in some small way or not.And of course in the back of our own minds might be the thinking"this could be me one day"

  2. Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

    Some of them take around more stuff for a month long trip than I would for three....and I still manage to wear jeans and a freshly ironed shirt in the evening while they lounge around in singlets stinking the place out sharing one beer between four of them....and on and on.....lol

    yes but not everyone's a cool dude like you smokietongue.png ......i bet you even iron your underpants.just joking mate!

  3. Adult thais are really just big children,they will laugh at the most chldish things as do i thats one of the reasons i like living here.i believe thais do discipline their children,however its left to the mother rather than the father who is too engaged drinking whiskey with his mates.

    WOW,that,s a huge generalisation

    It was meant to be.


    OP should be relieved he's not like that bloke who needs a translator to speak to his wife.
    Poor sod even said she has no interest in him whatsoever; won't learn English but I think she owns part of his business.


    Should be relieved that his log in name isn't 'Cypress Hill', talk about bitter and twisted.

    Maybe the OP's GF is too scared to ask questions about his past, fearing that might set him off to ask about her past.


    ND....ever the psychologisttongue.png

    • Like 1
  5. Yes I have observed what the OP has written about for sure.


    OP I agree 100%....they seem completely uninterested.


    Not sure why that is but certainly it is an annoying trait....probably something to do with the education and being taught never to ask questions and essentially not wanting to know becuase they have never been taught to want to know.

    At school they are not taught to ask questions and that is carried into their future life.It does n't mean that they are not interested in you.It's a cultural thing.


    We invariably never die the way we would like to.Like a thief in the night we are caught unawares.As the thais like to say'dont think too much"

    You might want to think enough to read the OP which says, "If my math is right that's about 60% died in Thailand and didn't use any health insurance during that process.  So maybe if one looks at the actual way old folks die in Thailand health insurance is not such a big deal here?  It is nice to have health insurance but what are the odds that an old guy in Thailand really needs it? "


    ok point taken.Some health cover is good.What if you have a bad accident say in a car or scoooter,you are not dead but badly injured?I got cover 100% at age 60.did n't cost much and i've never had to use it as yet,but thats what its for "insurance against the possibility"


    regards SBC.

  7. i think renters should pay on the agreed date,if occassionally late by 1 day ok but if its continually late by 5-6 days then it means problems for the landlord(am not just talking thailand here, it could be in any country) because he/she is always having to chase up.


    And this loss of face business as an excuse for not doing the right thing is pure BS.


    Do not let her get away with it.If it persists change the locks,pack her stuff up and providing the inside is the same as when she moved in return her deposit.

    • Like 1
  8. You helped him.

    It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

    I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

    As the saying goes"there is more happiness in giving than receiving"

  9. pattaya expats club would be a good place to start to ask for help and information.I agree with others here about remuneration,30,000 minimum.


    It must be difficult for your friend and heartbreaking too.


    I dont know much about parkinson's but if he is 'sharp as a tack" then maybe a carer is all he needs and someone trusting who could go to pharmacy when medicine is needed,to cook food,clean the house and i guess clean him to.


    If that were the case then maybe 15000-20,000 would suffice.Best to be generous with this if financially possible.

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