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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I read somewhere that koh chang has the highest rainfall per year than anywhere else in thailand..........hope eveyone is ok.no electric,no internet and maybe supplies run short and no where to go but stay in the house.not much fun.

  2. Well we cant go back to the days that were free of technologly(only tv. and landline phones).Only thing i would like to see is some kind of social etiquette program taught in schools in regards to smart phone usage when in the company of others.

    For example,when dining out,it would be nice imo for all parties to switch off cell phones which would encourage conversation.

  3. Its so easy to become cynical here in thailand To the OP..............enjoy the moment but watch your pocket/atm card/bank account etc. cos once you start giving money it can be hard to stop.

    There are gems out there,not always easy to find.The age difference need not be a problem as long as you realise they are making a sacrifice in exchange for some security.The danger can really come if the said lady has a greedy mama and papa back home who will in time put pressure on her to loosen your purse strings.

    I sincerely hope it works out,dont get too starry eyed though.

    • Like 1
  4. In regards to getting on with other expats,is n't it just the same back home.You gravitate towards people that you find empathy with and they become your friends.Sometimes you find yourself talking with people that you would n't normally associate with back home but you do so because we are all expats living in a foreign land but they do not necessarily become your friends.

    The basis for a happy life here is to fit in,enjoy the different culture and accept it for what it is,dont try and change anything,go with the flow and accept the smiles as happy ones,even if they are not,and if you speak good thai and hear the locals slagging us off,dont get too offended,its their problem not yours.

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  5. So this topic is about higher school education,thai schools private schools schools abroad etc etc.

    When children are young they should be "seen but not heard"

    But when it comes to their views on schooling at a college uni level then they definitely need to be heard and their feelings,wants,desires taken into account,yes as parents we need to listen to them.

  6. This lose of face thing i agree is a big deal to thais,but only seems to work one way.............their way.It impeads the progress of society,and on an individual basis when two people have a disagreement "loss of face" gets in the way of solving a problem until one of them will totally lose it and explode violently,when the problem could have been solved by talking through it.

    And another thing is thais are basically cowards,they are quite happy to kick the shit out one person when they are many.So to conclude,for me,"lose of face" is a contributing factor to the violence here.

    And for westerners here it is very wise to stay away from arguing with thais,its a no win situation.Losing your cool here can get you killed or badly hurt.A smile and a wais will always win the day.

    • Like 2
  7. The problem is not the caning(imho)...............but in this case the severity off it.I dont have a problem with caning as a form of discipline,but it should not lead to bruises and cuts,so yes i think the teacher should be prosecuted.

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  8. jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

    Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


    you're not travelling to the restaurant at the end of the universe are you?...........i hear its quite dangerous cos if you fall off you'll have a major tom experience.

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