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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Things are changing fast here since the army took over...........but i can see nothing detrimental to these changes so far.The good general comes across on camera very well and their TV station english sub titles are good.

    i post this comment only assuming this guy stickman is seeing a different "wind of change" than i am.

  2. Been here 19 years and have had girlfriends the entire time, educated and also farm girls. Arrived as a young handsome man at 37 and now 56.
    From my experience Thai girls who work bar are mostly interested in money, that's how you first meet them and that mind set is difficult to switch off, learned behavior....
    Non bar girls are attracted to farang for many reasons but one of the major reasons is the hope of a better life. They dream about living in a nice place, having money to give to mama, having a car, traveling etc etc ....
    If you are a poor farang and can offer nothing but love with little hope of a comfortable future I don't believe Thai girls or most girls around the world would be interested in you except perhaps for a night or two of fun.


    yours is the perfect answer and so true.And why should n't they expect something in return...........nothing is free,not even in the west.

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  3. I dont think they see 'rubbish" in the same way we do.Bit like excessive noise never seems to bother them.On the other hand a new subject at these useless thai govt.schools teaching children  public responsibility and duty could go along way....awareness of things around them might be a start.


    But generally thais are a lazy race with no pride in a job well done,they seem happy to be this way....just let them get on with it.


    Meanwhile the rubbish will pile up.Not all soi's are like this.Important to pick your place of residence caefully so as to lead a stress free life.


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  4. the question to ask is 'how these dogs have been trained" have they been trained to kill?depends on the nature of the dogs too.

    Some dogs are killer breedsYes cats dont understand "territory' except where they piss and leave their mark.Without knowing these dogs i'd guess they are a couple of viscious bastards.


    I think for neighbourly peace the OP should offer an apology and a peace offering.Obviously the 10,0000 baht being asked is a typical "thai" poke in the dark to see how much he can extort.Probably does n't give "a rats arse about the cats' anyway.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




    E by heck, does cardboard box in middle of road have a class here?
    To me it's quite modest....but it's home.

    Cardboard eh?
    You were lucky!

    Reminds me of the monty python sketch , when i was a lad....

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    yes the four yorkshiremen sketch,it was very funny and still is today.

  6. Why all the hostility and aggression? If you don't like them, don't watch them.
    I don't follow their show but I think Kim is an extremely attractive and sexy woman. But that's my taste.

    Sent from my AT270 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    She maybe and its not her fault if people crave to follow her life.But imho people who soak all this celeb thing up need a reality check about whats missing in their lives.

  7. I n the end it would depend on the diagnosis to be able to make a valid decision.For example some chemo/radiation can work but most just gives you some extra months with accompanying pain and degradation and you end possibly throwing away money that could have been left to living loved ones.


    For if or when i get some form of cancer i would treat by diet with the help of a machine(cost about 5000 USD) that emits high frequency waves that zoom in on the cancerous cells to reduce size quickly.


    Each to their own how they handle these things,but that would be my plan

  8. what is the thai lifestyle?...........living in a bamboo hut with an 800,000 baht toyota(owned by the bank that will never be repaid),and eating 60 baht take aways,watching thai soaps and drinking copious amount of chang that is chemically threatening to your health.


    Is this the thai lifestyle..............not forgetting red bull lao khow rice whisky,

  9. Well i will say it once more.................waving the flag is a root cause of exacerbating nationalism which if you include religion are some of the causes of war.FLAGS are totally useless and in my opinion just make people look like sheep...................like following the crowd.


    I would rather fly my kite thank you very muchrolleyes.gif

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  10. I'd like to die like those cowboys in the old western movies.

    In a crowded bar, I suddenly jump up and stagger about clutching my chest. I fall to the ground and a caring but tough friend rushes up and holds me in his arms. I manage to stutter out a few words like "tell Noi I love her" or "the keys to the bike are under the door matt" I have a couple of dramatic gasps, ga ga gaa, eyes wide I tell everyone it's getting dark now! Repeat a couple of times. All the girls are crying as I am carried out like a hero.

    Or I just fall down pissed at home and the cleaner finds me.

    well bung i think the 2nd scenario is the more likely.


    The first scenario is like somthing out of a holly wood movie.

  11. the last time I said a fond fairwell and bye bye to the MiL, was just as they were putting her in the cremation oven, FiL gone as well, so technically my Mrs is an orphan now rolleyes.gif


    an orphan.any children?.....if non manna from heaven for you.No offence to the "loving" mother in laws to farangs out there.

  12. I didn't think we had a choice unless we take our own life, otherwise I believe, "Shit Happens," and then we're on our way out. That's what prompted me to early retirement as shit started happening to too many of my friends and co-workers......

    Enjoy what you have left.

    totally agree.We all gotta go sometime but no one wants a long protracted illness.

  13. thanks for the replies! the end result was I told him I was not comfortable giving the bank money with out showing me as some kind of a lien holder. he said he would pay off the car and I could just pay him. I said ok. then he said the bank takes 10 days to return blue book. I said no problem I can wait. then very strange all of my some 22 emails of communicating with him disappeared off my computer. never seen that done before. so I called him direct and he was vague but said he didn't have time to deal with waiting 10 days see you latter goodbye. so I change my password. and am still looking.. I think I will just go buy a new one! smile.png

    good idea.....

  14. thought this was a great post/topic..............but there's a little bit of  cynicism creeping in.Ok i think its not a natural thing for say 20+ ladies to be with male partners 40-50 years older than themselves.Its just not possible that they could find us attractive,so be careful guys,with your wallet.


    If your ATM is limitless(as thais often think they are)..then nothing really matters.However if it is finite,no point in emptying it.


    There is nothing so beautiful as a beautiful young lady who also has a beauitful heart.........just keep the brain working and the ability to reason in tact.

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