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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. ok i'll give another example.A russian chick pulled up to a bar i was having a lunchtime drink in,she did n't look well ,collapsed on a table a whiter shade of pale,and the thai ladies behind the bar came to her assistance,towelled her face down with one of those ice towels they keep in the fridge.After she recovered sufficiently,they organised a taxi to take her to her hotel,left the bike at the bar.I remembered at the time how kind and attentive the thai ladies had been.

  2. Is n't thai society matriarchal..............that is the family unit is run by the women? Thai men are the babies,yet to grow up while the sister's are more mature have been taught about responsibilities...So i think the women are independent in this way.

    The real problem for thai society is the poor education system.But it appears to me that "the powers that be" are happy to keep the poor ignorant.

    • Like 1
  3. @ tthMan

    We expats do have rights and we should be lobbying Thailand to allow us those freedoms that many Thais enjoy abroad, because without a voice we are just cattle that can be steered at the whim of the Government or an Individual, when they choose to do so. And perhaps a group can bring more international attention to the human rights aspect of the expat situation in Thailand.

    To use the UK as an example. Giving rights to every minority group has led to the current state of the UK and many other Countries. I have to disagree with you, by saying that minority groups should not have a say that is to the detriment of the local population of whichever Country, those minority groups should be made to comply to the laws and customs that Country.

    That is not to say that I am unsympathetic to what you are trying to say / do. I too have looked into starting a business here in Thailand, but currently deem it a non starter. I would even happily donate my time, free to the local school, if I did not have to jump through hoops to be able to do so.

    In essence, I think we all, or certainly the majority of us knew the score when we decided to set up camp in Thailand. I do not think that we, as foreigners have any right to try and tell the Thai's how to run their Country.

    Their Country, their rules and we should respect that.

    Agreed... But its now my country... my family.... Im sure there are others here who also believe Thailand is their country.

    Things dont change by remaining silent... Thats my point.

    Sorry to disagree,but it is not your country.Just because you married a thai lady and have children does n't change anything.They(govt) just dont care.However i agree that rules ought to be more relaxed for expats in your situation.There is one very active expats association and that is "pattaya expats club".....you could start there.I hope this helps.

  4. I would describe living in thailand as 'DANGEROUS"

    You have to keep your wits about you.Its dangerous on the roads.The ladies are dangerous,always ready to suck you dry(no pun intended) for the sake of their family.Yes they will love you for(taking care) but thats all.

    Posted by a bitter and twisted old man with no where to go!facepalm.gif

    odd, i dont seem to have these issues.

    recently splitting my time between bangkok and manila for work, i can tell you bangkok is a walk in the park compared to the phils on all the counts you mentioned and then some.

    As for living in thailand, i have lived in the same rental property here for almost 20 years, built a house here at the beach 10 years ago and have been to my home country once in the last 5 years and i have a child here who i raise as a single parent. does that qualify?

    qualify for what?

  5. to poster 'JAFO".............you are of course right in the posts you have made.Statements are often made in a generalised way"...as many of mine are,but i always think readers will figure this out.

    your comment"choose your woman carefully" is spot on.The point about thais "will always put their family first" is also true.you and i will always be a poor second,its their culture and we just have to remember this.

    • Like 2
  6. I only listen to my Thai wife.

    She keeps telling me I'm young and hansum.

    Why would I bother with other opinions?

    That suits me fine.

    Must be all that Badger Milk that you drinklaugh.png

    Yep, and I would advice everybody to follow my diet on Badger milk.

    Especially, that Mr ND, judging from his avatar, I do think he's got some kind of skin, face disorder.

    We should both try to introduce him to the miracle effects of Badger, ant or gerbil milk.

    well i would guess by ND's avatar he indeed needs some badger's milk quick smart...cos his face looks like its been sucked dry!

    • Like 1
  7. Another question could be " how much does it bother a young thai lady to be with a much older man?

    Does it embarrass her?...do her friends frown on such a liaison?

    I ask this cos in thai culture i am led to believe age is no big deal providing she is being taken care of financially.

    So the next question is:...is it possible for a young thai lady to actually "love" an older man just for who they are?

    I think i know the answer!..........and it is yes but there still has to be "the taking care" without that "love" flies out the door.

    • Like 1
  8. would it be any different in Laos,cambodia, or vietnam?I dont know,just asking.Its very easy to be happy here and its also easy to become unhappy.

    Think of all the immigrants that may live in the UK,Australia,USA etc.Immigration depts. from all countries never make anything really easy.


    I believe its important to have a good circle of expat friends so as to discuss all these things too.


    There will always be hiccups here along the way..............nothing ever stays the same and its easy to become discouraged,bitter even.

    And you do seem to be somewhat disgruntled!


    IF its so bad for you then perhaps a change of scene would be a good idea

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