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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Suicide is normally a private matter, where the person takes his/her own life in a private way. For example, jumping out of one's own condo or hanging in the bathroom.

    Making a public display of a suicide is pointless. I don't believe that a suicidal person would take such a dramatic way out. Why put yourself on every website and newspaper on the planet???

    Unless, of course, this was the exact motivation behind such a public display. Maybe this was a way to be famous in death?

    Either way, this case is sick and I am having trouble trying to get the images out of my mind.

    I think this kind of case and image, so graphic and disgusting could send many folks into the soft monkey house....psychiatric ward.

    ok so the plot thickens,he tops himself in sensational fashion,leaves a message behind for his darling teerak.

  2. If i were the new resorts i'd be selling package tours through travel tour operators who would then lease the appropriate size plane(i suppose you'd have to a deal with BKK airlines to use their samui airport)and bring them in that way.the asian market would be the way to go as they seem to prefer everything to be organisedpackage to include organised tours,and of course all meals to keep the money in the hotel.

    As said before its the only way to bring extra tourists here cos BKKairways only have so many flights a day with limited size aircraft for the size of the airport.

    Fialing that build a new airport which should have been done years ago.

    no that that is not correct, BKK Air COULD easily be running 20+ flights a day...take a look, they ran 15 today (have a look at their website)...why? because 25%+ LESS people are coming here now (and its been that way for months)...and will get "worse" :o

    sorry but your missing my point which was in the 1st paragraph..........its called the package tour/charter business,you'd by pass BKK airways,and its caled a captured market.

  3. looks more like a construction site on fire with a lot of standers by.If its not please tell me what was going on am interested.

    200,000 demonstrators against the Poll Tax. 5,000 were injured and Thatcher was kicked out a few months later.


    Whilst the Poll Tax was regarded as the undoing of Thatcher I think she had run her course by then, and the economy was in a parlous state - can you imagine what it would be like now if interest rates were 15% !

    As an aside, I would wager that you would take take Thatcher at her worst to Brown at his best ?

    well i'd settle for 8% and i'd have thatcher anyday over brown.

  4. looks more like a construction site on fire with a lot of standers by.If its not please tell me what was going on am interested.

    200,000 demonstrators against the Poll Tax. 5,000 were injured and Thatcher was kicked out a few months later.


    interesting,thanks,i was living in OZ by then,probably sipping fosters and getting a tan on bondi beach.so who knows maybe there's still backbone in the old country yet.

  5. I have never seen so much unbelievable hypotheses' in all my life. Talk about armchair detectives :o

    From decyphering messages to calling a death based on a 2X2 photograph. You guys are good :D

    All we have to go on right now is the Police Report. With the Police tendencies over here to put most things onto Suicide, the fact they are saying it is NOT a suicide, leads me to believe that.

    I dont think the real truth will ever come out, but hey guys keep up with the conspiracy Mafia/ Triad/ Russian /Gay theories. :D

    thanks jackdanny,but we have n't got into the who dunnit properly yet....more to come i guess.

  6. Don't be quick to jump at the "off-plan". World economy is in the tank and looks like it will get worse before it gets better. I suspect buyers are not lined up for new condos anywhere.

    Why not wait to see if it really is completed mid-2009? Its only a few months away. If it completes in a satisfactory manner you can always go and offer the "off-plan" price. Given the circumstances the developer may be quite happy to see you. There's no need to take on real estate risk these days.

    good advice,a fool and his money is easily parted.

  7. my money's on foul play(russian mafia)made to look like suicide.If he'd been heart broken from his teerak why not just take pills and booze,why go to all that trouble.

    Far too cinematic-the mafia does its best to stay in the shadows. A stunt like this would only attract unwanted attention.

    Terrorists want attention, but they would most likely have left a more decisive message.

    This may be the work of a sadist, but the message that was left has me thinking the person who wrote it had a connection to him.

    Should mention I've analyzed the message and I don't think it's an anagram or a code.

    You probably would of been better off not to share any of that with us....naturally you must have qualifications to support all of your good work?

    monroe,i should think the message is clear"dont <deleted> with us" imo the russian mafia are a law unto themselves(paying the police in vast sums of baht to allow their activities to go unhindered)looks to me like a message to others.but then im no sherlock holmes,more like clousseau :o

  8. dont believe it,the british are incapable of this(too much effort)now the french,thats different!

    sacrebleu :o

    I hope no one relies on that assumption alone :D

    well the masses have their beer and footie,the middle class are just too nice to do that sort of thing.BNP might do it i suppose.as for the french(1789)and again in 1968.If you want a good revolution the french know how to do it.

  9. I just read this, ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Obama the great magic master is going to pull out billions and trillions of toilet paper from an empty hat.


    Good luck!


    why is it that politicians are so good at reacting(the media have been going on for weeks about how scary this massive bailout has become)but so lacking in vision.

  10. Pattaya is a walk in the park compared to the
    culture in the west.
    . My best guess is the problems in the Philippines are a direct result of the Catholic church changing the culture.

    iv'e not been to the phillipines,but i dont understand your reasoning,can you explain please?

  11. Granted it happens but in this case how would he of put his head in a plastic bag & still tied to this rope?

    well , letting my imagination run riot , i would say that he puts his head and neck in the bag , ties the knot around his neck and jumps , the knot tightens , simutaneously decapitating him and closing the bag , the body falls in the river and the bag is held by the knot.

    yes , i know it sounds impossible. maybe i should just go and join the thai police force.

    actually that is very plausable,they'd know for sure from the head if it was severed or not.have to await the coroners verdict.

  12. he certainly comes across as a fraud,as the article said the usa and uk have only one rabbit left to pull out of the bag and thats to print money.we are witnessing the terminal decline of both these coutries with i guess asian countries emerging stronger(a shift in the balance of power)interesting that china is able to finance its own rescue package.

  13. did n't get to read the full article,but it sounds like commonsense,and we've all been saying the samething on TV.

    Why did the US and UK goverments in particular do this bailout thing?

    because if they did n't the collapse would have been swift and horrendous,and they would have been kicked out of power,and thats the one thing they would hate to lose.plus we all know that they are complicite with the bankers and financial gurus,so what they are doing is self serving.however they are only postponing the inevitable

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