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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Just saying that the "toast" suggestion is a possibility. The tea/coffee could have been consumed prior. I have not read any official confirmation that the poison was in the tea/coffee cups (nor the glasses).
  2. In the BBC news report you posted in a related topic, the reported said that 6 glasses were found - each with dna traces of one of the 6 victims.
  3. Tops, but probably not in all branches, https://www.tops.co.th/en/olivado-extra-virgin-avocado-oil-250ml-9421009030019
  4. Tops have it, but not always. https://www.tops.co.th/en/search/lard
  5. But no lessons were learned and, in 2023, this young boy was able to buy the chip which led to his death.
  6. Bob. Just my thoughts. Did you work for the NHS and get paid by the local authority, or did you work for NHSBSA - providing services for the NHS? If you were paid by the local authority during your career and NHSBSA are just the people administering your pension, then I'd think you have a Government pension. If you worked for NHSBSA, maybe it's non government. Would be a good idea to write to your pension provider asking for clarity.
  7. Government pensions are covered in the UK/Thailand DTA. Here is a list of Government/Non Government pensions according to HM Gov. https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/international-manual/intm343040 You will notice that National Insurance pensions (which I assume means State Pension) is, oddly, not a Government pension.
  8. My wife discovered recently that car wash liquid will remove the white deposit on our glass shower partition. Applied undiluted with a sponge.
  9. I think, when it comes to wanting a taste from home, we prefer the taste of the things we grew up with. For example: When I am recovering from an illness, only Heinz tomato soup hits the spot. Nothing wrong with Batchelors or Baxters, but they're not what I crave. Of course, you are correct about the duty and taxes.
  10. Wife, daughter, passports and bottled water.
  11. My missus calls it tuna, which it is not. Seems it is "short mackerel" https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=ปลาทู
  12. Don't blame the cows for global warming! A lot of them are Friesian.
  13. I stay indoors with windows and doors barred, and have the aircon set to 22C.
  14. 12.85% of 2000 people is exactly 257 people.
  15. I think that DDT is prohibited in Thailand, but I'm sure that the "fogging" chemical (whatever it is) is not good for one's health. Like you, I make sure that we all stay away from the smoke - pets too.
  16. Were they doing the fogging? I pity those guys as it must knock years off their lives breathing in that smoke every day with just a paper mask to protect them. Probably the equivalent of a 40-a-day cigarette habit (or worse).
  17. Hi Jeffers, You should have saved this story until April 1st.
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