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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Your friend arrived at your house and jumped into your pool fully clothed. That does not seem to be normal behaviour, even if his story of being spat upon is true.
  2. I think it is possible that the children's home has plenty of rice already, but may be in need of other supplies. I would speak to the management and ask what they need.
  3. If you can hang on for a couple of years (maybe less) Elon Musk will be able to insert his Neuralink implant directly into your brain. No more worries about ear pods falling out. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-11-07/elon-musk-s-neuralink-brain-implant-startup-is-ready-to-start-surgery
  4. Official confirmation at last. Now all the rumours and speculation will end.
  5. You have a wonderful singing voice.
  6. Might it be easier to tunnel under your garbage bin, and re-route the pipework. More space to work in.
  7. Loong Phol has been raking in the cash donations and other goods from his followers for more than 3 years. IIRC some of them built a new house for him. Mrs C tells me that he now has several properties and cash in the bank, donated by people who thought he was wrongly suspected of the murder. I hope there is some way that his ill-gotten gains can be confiscated and given to the girl's family (or, at least taken away from him).
  8. I just looked and there is a laughing emoji attached to the OP. Maybe it's a new one since you last looked.
  9. That makes more sense. So it seems that the article is incorrect in describing the charge as "premeditated murder".
  10. Do your pets have the ability to make informed decisions about whether to accept you proposals of marriage? Will they consent to have sexual relations with you?
  11. *Piccadilly Circus. Please stop making me look like a know-it-all. Edit: Forgot to say thanks for the Sunday post. The Isaan skies are great. I like the thunder clouds best.
  12. I think it was Cupid (Roman God) that dropped one of his arrows on his own foot, thus falling in love with Psyche. I'm pretty sure that Eros was a Greek God, with a similar story. Now I need to go and check with Google.
  13. The story of Cupid must be told differently in Thailand.
  14. According to the linked article in this topic she was 17 years old. Is there some further information you are aware of, or is it a different case?
  15. The 300,000 baht withdrawals from an ATM during the time they were in custody will take some explaining.
  16. When your white Maserati convertible isn't getting you enough attention it's time to step up your game.
  17. Read the whole paragraph again. "The rapist claimed that he had helped her negotiate with a senior police officer, so he should get something special in return."

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