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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Today I transferred the seedlings to the growing box. Still not sure which are tomato. They all had a good amount of roots, even the 3 that have no leaves yet. The fertilizers (A&B) came with the kit. The third one I bought separately, it's specially for fruit, and I added a helping o that too.
  2. IIRC Oscar is the shy one. Last mention was 6 November 2023 (I did a search of the topic) when he had a scrap with the cat, Poo. I hope all is okay.
  3. My guess is that the mayonnaise is the more likely cause of your less than "fine fettle". Especially if homemade using raw eggs.
  4. On a much smaller scale, this is what happened when my sister-in-law decided to fill in one of her ponds and invited the whole village (only about 12 houses) to take out the fish for free. Maybe that's what's happening here.
  5. Spot on! From the linked article ... The senior cabinet minister is none other than Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thammanat Prompow.
  6. I do the same, but it's too old for the phone.
  7. During lockdown I discovered that there are only 3 shops I need: Specsavers, Boots and Greggs. My life is just specs, drugs and sausage rolls.
  8. PS to my post above: I planted the tomato and capsicum seeds in the same tray, but different rows. Now I cant remember which is which. So now you know my level of expertise.
  9. That set up looks good but for a more serious grower. Mine is shown in the link I posted above. I would guess that the periodic spraying of the roots will work much better than keeping them dipped into the water/food mix. That is why I want to try planting some of my seedlings into pots of soil, then I will know what works best. As I have said, I know very little about growing, I'm just experimenting. So far I have quite a few seeds that have germinated in their little foam cubes ... The foam looks like a single sheet but it is pre-cut into cubes that easily pull apart for transplanting ,,.
  10. She said yes! - to prostate massage?
  11. I think that jail time is on the cards for Pita and others. The "establishment" which now includes PT as well as the military, will want to send a warning to any future challengers. Any popular protests will be easily squashed as the military are now working with most of the other parties to keep MFP out of power, at all costs.
  12. This is my first attempt, but I have read that tomatoes can do well with hydroponics. I intend to let some plants develop fully in the hydroponics pots and others I will try to transfer to soil pots (peat moss) when they look sturdy enough. All of this is completely new to me and, unlike Mrs C, I don't have green fingers, so I'm just experimenting. The basic kits are inexpensive and comprise a styrofoam box with holes in the lid, small pots that fit into the holes, a tray with foam cubes* into which the seeds are placed to germinate, and the liquid food. * alternatively, the small pots can be filled with damp coconut fibre for the seeds to germinate. This sort of kit ... Lazada Hydro Tech Shop
  13. I have tried, and failed to grow tomatoes (and capsicum) in compost pots. They always get off to a great start then fail at about 6 weeks. Reading this topic I suspect I've been over watering, but insects underground could also be the cause. About 2 weeks ago I started to experiment with hydroponics, using store bought tomato seeds (beefsteak) and capsicum seeds straight from the peppers. I bought a starter kit off Lazada. 24 seeds in all, and about 15 of them are sprouting in their tiny foam cubes. Later I will transfer the healthiest 12 into small pots and start them on the liquid feed. Mrs C has had great results with her various leafy veg, basil, and mint using the same kits, so I'm full of hope.
  14. They haven't finished with him yet. Looks very much like his party will be dissolved and leaders could be imprisoned for daring to suggest amendments to LM. Same old story - If you can't beat 'em, destroy 'em.
  15. I guess fear, shame, lack of confidence in the adults around them (uncle was also abusing) and mistrust of the authorities. And a child might wonder: Who is going to take care of me if my father and mother are arrested? Who will believe me if I tell them it's been going on for years? They will ask why I didn't report it before now. The wife - I find it very hard to find any reason for her not to defend her children instinctively, but we have no idea about her own childhood. This sort of behavior may have been "normal" in her family. Not excusing the father, mother, or uncle. Those adults should receive the maximum punishment.
  16. Same here, but I recently made a cauliflower pizza base following this recipe https://ifoodreal.com/cauliflower-pizza-crust/ It turned out very nicely. Will definitely do it again.
  17. That reminds me. I went to see my therapist about my depression... He asked: "What seems to be your problem?" I replied: "I hate myself". He reassured me: "That is a very common complaint ...... ..... lots of people hate you".
  18. OP's wife is Chinese.
  19. A lot of people thought he was just a speed hump.
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