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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I think you should provide a link to your "massacre of 1500 people". There was a disgraceful incident, but not on that scale.
  2. I just got home. Picked up my passport around 3.30pm. A moment of panic while they couldn't find my passport, but all is good. New extension stamp, nothing said about a TM30.
  3. I was there today for my annual extension. I have a TM30 receipt in my passport from 2019 and I last entered Thailand in August 2022. Nobody looked at it and nobody asked about it. Things can change overnight here.
  4. My missus and I (and latterly our daughter - now 11 yrs) have been visiting Koh Samed (or Ko Samet) on average about 2-3 times each year since 2001 - excluding the Covid years. IMO there's not much to do on Samet, apart from lazing around, so a 3-4 day relaxing trip is optimum. Hire a scooter for the day - there's just one road around the island. Hire a canoe/jetski for a few hours and that's about it. Beach resorts have a BBQ and fire show in the evening, some have a disco until 2400hrs. As a family attraction, that is what keeps us returning each year. We don't need the night life. We have stayed at beach resorts all over the island but we now come back to Samed villa every time. https://samedvilla.com/ - great buffet breakfast. There are much more expensive options (we tried a couple, on the sunset side of the island) but IMO not worth the extra. Of course YMMV.
  5. There are an estimated 4.7 million British citizens living abroad. https://www.oecd.org/education/emigrants_report_final_feb_2015.pdf The average constituency MP represents just under 70,000 British citizens in the UK. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/elections/electoralregistration/bulletins/electoralstatisticsforuk/2017 On that basis British expats should have around 67 MPs to represent them in Parliament. We don't need reciprocal arrangements, we need equal representation in the House of Commons. If 67 seats were up for grabs we would soon see changes. IMO
  6. A guy goes to see his doctor. D. .d..doc. I..I..I n..n..need he..he..help w..w..with m..m..my st..sta.. stammer. The doctor carries out some tests and tells the guy that his huge penis is preventing the blood flow to his brain. The only cure for the stammer is a penis reduction, 6 inches will have to be amputated. The guy agrees for the doctor to carry out the operation, which is successful in curing the stammer. However, after a few months the guy starts to regret having the operation as it having a negative effect on his sex life. He goes back to the doctor and requests a reversal of the operation. The doctor says “S.. s..sorry, th..th..the op..operation c.. can..can’t b.b.be re..rev..reversed.
  7. My daughter (11) and a dog lover, obviously, had a great time at these two places. Parents enjoyed them too. https://www.facebook.com/neverlandsiberians https://www.facebook.com/corgiinthegarden/
  8. But no one is pointing - with the possible exception of the man taking a leak.
  9. I don't pretend to understand the technical details. My question is: Will the 10,000 THB handout be based upon a Thai ID number, or a registered address? If it's the former, every Thai over 16 years old will get it. If it's the latter, many thousands of Thais will lose out because they live/work away from home. It was the same during the Covid handouts - many could only claim the cash by travelling home, which was not viable.
  10. As opposed to a moving shop? (Sorry, I couldn't resist the "spelling police" moment)????
  11. I thought the Future Forward Party was disbanded over 3 years ago.
  12. As Yul Brenner said in that banned movie: "A girl is like a blossom, with honey for just one man. A man is like a honey bee and gather all he can. To fly from blossom to blossom a honey bee must be free. But blossom must not ever fly from bee to bee to bee"
  13. Some "humorous signs" need to be explained - or, at least, give us a clue.
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