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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I could agree that the general public has no right to details of his private medical situation. However, he is a prisoner released into the custody of the hospital and (according to the article) the Justice Minister has not been given details. How can this be acceptable?
  2. It's impossible to speak out against the decision to reduce TS's prison sentence. Further clemency will also go unchallenged, for the same reason. News of the investigation into Srettha's crooked land deal has suddenly gone quiet, and Chuwit is silent since being threatened with a defamation suit. All is back to normal in this LoS.
  3. I'm starting to think that he is a troll. Says something obnoxious to get a reaction, then enjoys sparring with other members. I won't be feeding him again.
  4. The UK does have a double taxation treaty with Thailand https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/507424/uk-thailand-dtc180281_-_in_force.pdf The pension issue is not a taxation issue. Yes, that sucks!
  5. List of countries having Double Taxation Treaties" with Thailand, https://www.rd.go.th/english/766.html
  6. I doubt that these people give any thought to their victims. Their only regret is getting caught.
  7. +1 Great stuff, Owl Keep it going.
  8. Brick Top, is that you?
  9. I think this calls for a Les Dawson Mother-in-Law joke ... My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked.
  10. I suspect that "clean up" means transferring the profits from one corrupt player to another. Maybe I'm just a cynic.
  11. Agreed. And thanks for the simpler version.
  12. I am a heavy drinker myself, and have experienced occasional blackouts (maybe 2-3 in 40+ years). However, my drinking has never got me into trouble or caused problems at home. I do not see myself as an alcoholic, but I would surely benefit from reducing or stopping my alcohol consumption, both financially and health wise. From what you describe, Bob, I do not think you are an alcoholic, but I'm no expert.
  13. Maybe ask some real alcoholics about your idea. There are a few on this board. AFAIK it is not possible for a true alcoholic to become a moderate drinker. All or nothing Bob. Are you an alcoholic, or just a problem/heavy drinker?
  14. The UK and Thailand have a double taxation agreement, which means (in simple terms) that any income which has been taxed in the UK will not be taxed again if brought into Thailand - and vice-versa. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/507424/uk-thailand-dtc180281_-_in_force.pdf
  15. They won't be eating stewed pork on rice, washed down with Montclair's finest wine from a box. That's for sure.
  16. (Welsh) Rarebit
  17. Just for fun, I just checked a Thailand Income Tax calculator. I would be better off paying tax here, if the UK allowed it. https://www.uobam.co.th/en/tax-calculation
  18. In the other topic on this subject Srettha was quoted as saying that the RTAF's A340 aircraft has insufficient 1st class seats, and some of the business class seats are broken.????
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