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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Your claims haven't shown a thing. No evidence. Nothing.
  2. C'mon man. You're not explicitly demonstrating anything here.
  3. if you cave "to the GOP" what gets kicked down the road a year?
  4. The expected and typical comment from Laird Macslur. Your words describe yourself perfectly though.
  5. And here's me finding out that senses of humour rarely exist. Enjoy your travels.
  6. These "boys" (or their lawyers) are now trying to blame Trump to try and get their sentences reduced. That's to be expected but that's all there is to this. No idea what your second comment means but it doesn't matter.
  7. And, if he failed, which is most likely outcome, the result would be binned and buried.
  8. Like you, I don't give polls much credit, Bill. But there's too much pressure for links here.
  9. Judging by the guffaws it looks like the rest can't, or don't want to. What a shame. No wonder the country is in such a mess.
  10. What's with the population news? https://news.gallup.com/poll/505202/biden-begins-reelection-bid-low-point-presidency.aspx
  11. https://news.gallup.com/poll/505202/biden-begins-reelection-bid-low-point-presidency.aspx
  12. I care because the strength of the USA is critical to the free world. Right now America is being badly led by Biden and is in decline. Most Americans can see that now.
  13. Well I enjoyed it insofar as I had a good laugh. Up North News? First I was thinking Yorkshire and then I saw Wisconsin mentioned. Well, I suppose if you cast the net far enough I guess you'll find what you need. Owners are Courier Newsroom, who describe themselves as building "the largest left-leaning local news network in the country. We neutralize false information by delivering good, factual information directly to those stuck in right-wing echo chambers". No bias there then!!
  14. An incredible list of accomplishments? Do you have a credible list of supporting links to match that claim?
  15. Linked on previous posts and certainly not false You should try reading your own link first. Quote: And maybe roughest of all for the president, 70% of all Americans — including 51% of Democrats — don’t want Biden to run for president in 2024, with nearly half of these respondents citing his age as a major reason.
  16. I don't know how quiet these engines are but small diesel/electric subs are not expected to be stealthy for more than a short duration (electric only) anyway. Greater battery charging capability is obviously preferred but the efficiency of the batteries themselves is at least as important. Use of diesels, either surfaced or snorkeling means that running silent is out of the question. Even the use of electrical propulsion makes some noise. Submarines near Singapore and most of the Malacca Straits will encounter similar depth restrictions as those in the Gulf of Thailand but heavy traffic background noise in the busy straits would help mask engine and prop noise.
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