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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. "if the Taliban negotiated a peace agreement with the Afghan government"
  2. The Afghan government and army didn't start to "implode" significantly until after Biden was in the WH. The Taliban did not follow the Doha Agreement and this gave Biden the opportunity to do likewise. This article sums up all the others I've read quite well: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-biden-withdrawal-doha-agreement-taliban-debacle-terrorist-jihadist-islamist-haven-11630435825
  3. Unlike the report. You might have noticed that Biden never acknowledges responsibility for anything.
  4. Isn't Biden great? He's never responsible for anything.
  5. Thanks, although I see generally higher rises than 5% In Thailand YOY. But I think this thread was concerned with the U.S. For 2022 in the United States: Food-at-home prices increased by 11.4 percent in 2022, more than three times the rate in 2021 (3.5 percent) and much faster than the 2.0-percent historical annual average from 2002 to 2021. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/?chartId=105676
  6. If you can show details of this variation across housing, fuel and food, that might help me to agree with the use of the "core" method. But to me it's just another fudge, used to produce smaller inflation numbers.
  7. https://www.investing.com/news/economic-indicators/us-private-payrolls-miss-expectations-in-march-adp-3049528
  8. Oh no - it's another I failed to mention. What you failed to mention is that the USD highs of 2022 and early 2023 came after the Fed finally realised that inflation was not "transitory", so aggressively hiked interest rates. Now these are hikes are slowing and are expected to stop, so the Dollar is retreating.
  9. This is 2023 but we're only as far as April according to my calendar and the oil price is kicking up again, can't you at least wait until the end of the year?
  10. I wonder how much money most people have left after paying for a roof, food and transport?
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