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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. This is the byline: By Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner The New York Times Jan 27, 2023 at 3:30 pm This is the copyright: c.2023 The New York Times Company
  2. Talk about living on the edge! I see a few flights moving ex Auckland now - let's hope there is no more harm to people.
  3. SCUBA tanks by the look. They need to stop things like this if they want to the aid to continue coming in because any anti-aiders will jump on it.
  4. I read it. It's just the same old style of propaganda, with no actual proof of any of its claims.
  5. I know. The story said that dairy had become more profitable. But the cost of the pollution is high in all other ways - this has already affected lower reaches of rivers, nearly all of which eventually drain into the sea. Fertilizer run-off can deplete the oxygen in rivers careful and harmful algal blooms have wide-ranging effects on aquatic species that can be lethal too. South Island, in particular, is mostly rugged and a far more natural environment for sheep than cattle. I was hoping that the UK could help out and import more sheep again now we're out of the EU. We owe the Kiwis after all! ????
  6. This backs up the "rock snot" stories I've been hearing about in some NZ rivers over the last few years. Anthropogenic eutrophication from the nitrogen and phosphorus used in farming fertilizers is a problem everywhere they are used. I think that NZ dairy exports were driven up by demand from China but it looks like a return to sheep farming would be a better way to go - there must be a better market for lamb these days - it's expensive enough.
  7. I didn't like it - I loved it - mainly for the last sentetnce.
  8. I'm not "mixing and matching statistics". I was showing how the numbers from various sources differ greatly. Stop your flaming nonsense.
  9. See my added comment. However the numbers from various sources differ greatly. Here is the US Treasury version from: https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/#:~:text=The federal government spent %246.27,the United States that year. So normally here about 20%.
  10. From your own link: Government spending in the United States was last recorded at 37.0 percent of GDP in 2022, according to initial estimates. Looks like you have a point. Can't see <20% after about 1960.
  11. The numbers are relevant and show averages over two 3 tear periods of relative stability. Using this data over these periods was suggested by Candide, who is the person I was talking to. Not you.
  12. OK fair enough: From the table I linked before and for Obama's last 3 and Trump's first 3. 2013 $16,738 2014 $17,824 2015 $18,151 2016 $19,573 2,835 2017 $20,245 2018 $21,516 2019 $22,719 3,146 Well you got me. Over three years the debt went up about 300B more under Trump. If you look at annual debt fluctuations then 100B annually is not relatively huge, especially when more than half of that difference was used on extra defense spending. I also don't recognize the direct GFC / Covid comparison, as Covid resulted in far more debt and so was far more costly, both financially and in other ways.
  13. I've openly stated the first 3 Trump year average as a direct follow-on comparison from Obama. Do you really think it's honest to have me include the first and most costly year of Covid panic (2020), when the debt increased at least four times the previous annual average?
  14. This gave an effective majority: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided" (U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3). So if there was dissent in the Democratic ranks then maybe the dissenters had good reason for that?
  15. The deficit increased at about the same rate through Obama's and Trump's regimes, until 2020 and Covid. The Trump tax cuts encouraged some businesses (and jobs) to return back to the US. The artificial stimulation of the stock market was mainly enabled right after the 2008 GFC by Federal Reserve low interest rate policies and successive rounds of QE. Government Debt in the United States https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt
  16. By using the words are occurring simultaneously I was inferring the present tense and asking about new laws, not historical ones. Biden has been there for over two years and with a Democratic controlled senate AND house until early this month - if he hasn't repealed these oh-so-damaging Trump tax cuts by now, then I'd have to ask you just why that is?
  17. No more selective than the post that I was responding to, which was not yours, incidentally.
  18. What tax breaks are occurring simultaneously with this latest mad spending then?
  19. Trump increase for 2017-19 was 8.3% of total up to end 2022. Not much different to Obama's average over the previous 8 years. You might remember that 2020 saw COVID-19 and a the associated mini-recession. Don't expect Biden to improve this. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/national-debt-by-year-compared-to-gdp-and-major-events-3306287 https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-pace-1-trillion-budget-deficit-2023-2-7-billion-new-debt-day
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