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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Exactly. Glacial advance or retreat trends take years to measure. Seasonal changes in appearance are irrelevant.
  2. Yea you are right, sh!t happens and it could well happen again. And the planet will look after itself as best it can. But our problem is that won't necessarily look after us.
  3. Yes,a lot more research needed, especially by certain AN brothers and sisters! Climatic and glacial studies have been ongong for a lot more than 30 years, BTW. A few, selected, glaciers in the Himalayas have recently increased mass slightly due to heavier local snowfall but this is likely due to rising temperatures and this condition is probably only temporary. The Patagonian ice fields and glaciers are also receding, just not as fast as in Europe. So it does fit the "spin", I'm afraid.
  4. Or it could mean she does not have the confidence to give an interview. Apparently she is averse to doing homework. Or it could mean she does not have permission to give interviews yet? If she keeps this up she'll blow the debates even worse than her boss did.
  5. I wouldn't describe these as 'perfect conditions' for anything - but each to their own. From his name, it is likely that the attacker is of Romanian origin - no motive/reason for the attack given so far, I think? I assume that Abdullah is Muslim. He was clear, brief and modest in his interview. His courage has hopefully prevented two more deaths and he is a hero by any measure. I hope he is recognized with a commendation. Over to you, Your Majesty! Best Wishes R. Winger
  6. I didn't say anything about significance - only you did that - so I don't see nor feel a need to comment. That is all.
  7. They are annual totals supplied as requested - not by you of course.
  8. I didn't really want to argure about it. But it was you who asked for evidence. Now you have it.
  9. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m 2020 11,318,000 barrels 2021 11,268.000 barrels. If you really want to quibble.
  10. Actually, it was slightly lower in 2021 than in 2020. I've already said that changed in 2022,
  11. Look back. I did not say 2020. You did. Argues against what? Boring.
  12. What part of "That all changed" is so hard to understand??? ?? ?
  13. Looks like you agree with me for a change. Thanks. Of course, Biden also managed to sell nearly half of the total US SPR from 2022 to 2023. Let's Go Brandon. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_ending_stocks_of_crude_oil_in_the_strategic_petroleum_reserve
  14. Well, it is very different to my come bag.
  15. It did fall, and so did investment in the industry. That all changed quick-time in 2022 with the invasion of Ukraine and then with high inflation.
  16. Fair enough then, call it just a term, an expression. But whatever her job was called, she failed in it miserably. https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/4813704-kamala-harris-border-czar-denial/ https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/1371/text#:~:text=H.Res.1371-,H.,secure the United States border.
  17. This "complex relationship" nonsense interview confirms that Biden has already had to eat his own words.
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