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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Recent GDP growth numbers are positive as the US emerges from the pandemic (low), the same as for the unemployment rate, which now is slightly above that with Trump pre-covid - the 50 years low was early 2020 - but these numbers appear good now due to a lower labour participation rate than in 2019/20, which is bad. The budget deficit has reduced for the same (covid recovery) reason but the US debt is still rising and at a record high. I don't think that Joe's plans to spend trillions are going to help that! International leadership and recognition? Well the Afghan exit debacle certainly got him recognized.
  2. Well Bojo is still there for now, at least, but with a poor level of confidence - 211 to 148.
  3. From all the reports included in the link below, it looks like the Russians still occupy 50-70% of Severodonetsk. Maybe the Orcs lost concentration while they were blowing up wooden monasteries, with women and children inside? In the key city of Severodonetsk, Ukraine says it has recaptured part of the territory that was lost to Russian forces. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61656289
  4. You linked an allegation but there was no proof. There are conspiracy stories, as ever, but none conclusively prove collusion, which is a word used rather carelessly here. Whitlam led a government that was effectively powerless, so Australia was rudderless until Whitlam went, which he wouldn't do voluntarily.
  5. I suppose as head of state, HM is entitled to be kept in the loop.
  6. But I thought they wanted privacy? Apart from the Netflix exposure, that is. ????
  7. Cesspool more like. A new line of whiners. At least they won't qualify as future monarchs.
  8. So it's OK to bring Trump in when it suits you?? I really don't think RT is the most dangerous weapon in the Russian propaganda arsenal. Do you?
  9. It was Jingthing who brought his name into it and you also used it.
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