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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. She got the boot because her state support shifted and she lost the Wyoming primary by a mile. Good riddance.
  2. Wow, now he's bleating about persecution: Hunter has a long way to go to suffer the same amount Trump has. What a crock. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/hunter-biden-defies-congressional-subpoena-for-closed-door-gop-deposition-says-hell-only-testify-in-public-hearings Sounds like delay tactics in any event. The GOP won't want him to dictate the rules and I don't blame them. Let's Go Hunter.
  3. You clearly define "current events" differently to me - this was a full year ago and I can't find one story that agrees with any other on the same topic. Your intake of propaganda remains far too high. Bye.
  4. Never heard of him. You do find some obscure and off-topic stuff, don't you? Strange.
  5. Like I said: don't believe too much propaganda from alarmist Democrats.
  6. Trump won't ty to become a dictator and the US Army will not shoot anyone. Don't believe too much Brennan Center propaganda from these alarmist Democrats.
  7. I didn't edit anything. I just replied in my own words. By specifying both pre pandemic and G7 you are making comparisons difficult. Other economies are smaller and suffer after black swan events for much longer than the US.
  8. Nonsense from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez makes sense but..... when the BLS determines the unemployment rate it is essentially by polling. The results are often adjusted within the next month and the last 3 months were all adjusted back up again. The official record of people working multiple jobs declining over recent years is probably due to the unofficial (illegal) employment of migrants.
  9. - best GDP growth (by 0.1%) is not "far". - very low unemployment (close to historic record). Historical records are meaningless as US unemployment is calculated so differently now. Many of these jobs are taken by the same person twice or more - now lower inflation rate than other advanced economies - not so - Japan is lower. - highest level of energy independence in over 70 years - not really - the US still needs to import oil by about 5 mmbd. - increase in industrial strategic sovereignty - whatever that means.
  10. Biden and his TEAM keep their heads down due to the shameful way they are ruining their country.
  11. If Jack Smit has to refer back to the J6 comedy hour year, that means he has (to use a popular line).....nothing.
  12. It's blatantly obvious to anyone who can see that Jack Smith has Jack Smit.
  13. That's quite radical. I'm shocked that you could say this!
  14. And I find it strange that, after my post, you still think that I have dismissed the negative economic consequences of Brexit. You are correct in that I think that Brexit was won because of the sovereignty issue but obviously red herrings did not ping back on my sonar. No pups were bought or sold as far as I am concerned. Being (temporarily) poorer was seen by me as part of the expected cost of leaving the EU. Brexit might have been 'done right' if the process had been managed by a strong leader instead of one who basically let the EU author that hopeless withdrawal agreement. We'll never know now. These "cumulative adverse effects" are mainly due to the rapid rise in the UK population and the associated burden on government services, especially w.r.t. health, housing, schooling and social welfare. More acute adverse effects concern the criminality (especially violent) which is an unfortunate and disturbing characteristic of certain immigrant groups. Now political and civil unrest is increasing in the UK and Europe and years of high immigration rates are the man reason for that. Migrant assimilation has not happened. You guys always worry about the growth of the economy rather than the preservation of the nation. Infinite growth in any economy is both impossible and unsustainable, in any case.
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