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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Which sitting MP acted to assist a foreign Government against the elected Government?
  2. You can believe that rubbish if you want but don't assume that we all do.
  3. I was amused at the irony of the use of word, not the spelling.
  4. The eastern arm of the SW Monsoon actually arrived in western Thailand a bit early this year (21st May). This produced higher May rainfall than average in many areas but the CM area (and others) did not benefit straight away.
  5. Well it looks like they've certainly expanded!
  6. Gumi an tenner and I'll take you round the world.
  7. Oh! I though it was one of those trees they put in.
  8. And all the while the Harris Hatchet became more and more blunt until, at the end, it was useless.
  9. Sounds like another complaint from a loser.
  10. Yes, funny. And, yes, a few million more to count.
  11. By your total votes, then there were 16 million more of them in 2020 than 2024! Amazing considering that this one was widely claimed to be the most important election in history! But you're right, 2020 is indeed the outlier. Maybe Joe should have run again after all, eh?
  12. Before we know all this, Number Six. We need information.
  13. Demopot calling or what?
  14. The alternative would be the full circus (without a tent of course).
  15. Well those posters are sure to change the vote, eh?? 555

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