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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Why didn't you just say the flight was on a TG/SK codeshare, without implying that THAI actually fly into Manchester? Much easier, accurate and truthful.
  2. From the polls it looks like a lot of them aren't so keen on those policies now.
  3. I see. So Dems have no such emotional obsequious attachment to Biden because he has no personality.
  4. SAS have been flying to Manchester for decades - it's really not that difficult.
  5. So now you care about what Fox employees have to say? Then claim hypocracy? 555
  6. Makes Joe tired. Then again you could say that about almost anything.
  7. "Appear to hold the belief which appears common amongst Brexiters"! Well, from that, it appears to me that you appear to have no idea what I believe. However, I will agree that neither party had a plan, mainly because those in power believed that a no vote was forthcoming. Initially, elements of the UK Gov foolishly expected to get far more from the EU than was going to be given from the more belligerent elements within the EU. Then again, there are no exit plans or arrangements set out in the Treaty of Lisbon, anyway.
  8. The EU had plenty of time to offer this "similar" type of deal before Article 50 was triggered.
  9. We'll probably never know what truly might have been "on the the table". May was trying to act tough, failed, then soon changed her tune, eventually going to Merkel in the wee hours to return with with the lousy "Chequers Agreement" (as dictated by the EU and that few in the UK cabinet agreed with). The other, more relevant cause of friction was, of course, the belligerent EU, itself.
  10. I think I used the "witchunt" word but not "bogus" (although probably also true in most cases). But feel free to show me this elusive post that I apparently made.
  11. That status has taken decades to develop and was not offered to the UK anyway.
  12. If you try comprehending what I said, then you might avoid making such obtuse comments.
  13. Great to see I'm being monitored! You're partly right, I won't refute or agree with the charges brought against Trump because the full truth of these needs to be revealed.
  14. OK then. But I will be sure to avoid your propaganda first.
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