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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. These were senate Republicans 9 months ago!!! Times have changed and so has control of the house. Since then the GOP has been doing the work of the FBI. And evidence is slowly emerging.
  2. The evidence is being collected and prepared according to the GOP oversight committee statements. That despite apparent obstruction from DOJ, FBI etc. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-justice-department-attempting-a-biden-family-coverup/
  3. Somehow I think Joe might be more troubled that his son.
  4. Sounds like you lost confidence in your own numbers.
  5. Cover-up alert. MTG is quite right. Why suddenly now SC after so long? Oh, I know! Weiss already let the statute of limitations run out on several other criminal charges and concocted the (failed) sweetheart deal! Now he can he can prevent anyone else from investigating "his" case. Total cock. It's yet another fit-up and Weiss is the last person that should be appointed SC (unless your name is Biden, of course). LOL back.
  6. I wasn't talking to you. Why not read back and figure it out while I wine and dine? TGIF
  7. If you mean this: The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016. ...then this is not merely limited to US-China trade. So you are clearly confusing this. Your pompous post begins with this: Did Trump reduce the trade imbalance with China? This is what your article says about that: Deficit with China fell: Trump was successful in bringing down the bilateral trade deficit with China, as result of the tariffs he imposed on more than $350 billion worth of Chinese goods. Final figures show the trade gap with China totaled $311 billion in 2020, down sharply to the record high of $419 billion in 2018. And, yes, I know deficits went up with other countries instead but that is not the issue here. Always better not to lean out of the car window too far.
  8. True. But then again I don't post the same misleading claims time after time.
  9. Yes, after 2018 for goods. What is this $916 billion supposed to be??
  10. It was $1.5trillion over 10 years. Then you talk about silliness! Great. The US China trade balance (deficit) at >USD300+ annually for over a decade: https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c5700.html
  11. Well I would never have guessed. I wonder how many others would be for the chop around the world for 'mishandling'?
  12. Sorry I can't help you out with this. Hoping you get the help you need. Good luck.
  13. That's fair. It's the users that are usually the problem.
  14. I'm not a big fan of links but this gash needs some mustard on the side.
  15. Your so-called facts are the baloney. You omit to acknowledge the effects of Covid and/or the Ukraine problem with most of them.
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