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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Most drivers don't know how to descend a steep hill safely , you can see them in front of you, brake lights on all the time , instead of using a low gear and letting the engine do the braking , they either freewheel down to save fuel , or have it in high gear with foot on the pedal ,so when they need to brake , they have brake fade and cannot stop..... regards worgeordie
  2. I have lived here legally for 37 years now ,out in the wild I have only been asked for my passport once ,by a soldier ,as at the time there was a coup going on and there were road blocks everywhere , but maybe it does not count as he was reading it upside down , regards worgeordie
  3. What ever savings ,its coming from the poor, veterans, and disabled ..... and is going straight to the billionaires , if they have not already got enough , greedy bastards ,they will suck your blood regards worgeordie
  4. Lets hope it clears the air up for a few days ,and it will save watering the garden, regards Worgeordie
  5. Did they go to the Congo ,where the Pygmies' are for a short time ? regards worgeordie
  6. xenophobic Bob ,I cannot understand why he lives here , even if he does, so many fibs ,you cannot believe anything he says , why does a man with so much money complain so much 🙄 regards worgeordie
  7. When you had to do a tax clearance ,before you could get a departure OK, but the tax due was never more than 500 baht , and the tax lady was more interested in what you could bring back from overseas for her, knickers,bras, and perfume ,I never did do that ...but maybe others did regards worgeordie
  8. Bob you have to realise it's not all about YOU , like many other people on hear ,I don't believe a word you utter , it's all BS , but if it makes you feel better about yourself ,OK regards Worgeordie
  9. A fool and his money ... which I doubt is even true , more like a wet dream , go back to sleep Bob ,people with real money never brag about ,so many bad things can happen , dream on Bob. Wonder what nonsense you are going to come up with tomorrow , regards worgeordie
  10. Rumours should not be spread , wait until tomorrow , for the truth or not, I can sleep well every night because I have never used agents.... regards worgeordie
  11. Putin plays Donald like a fiddle, any time he likes ....I suspect they have something on him, although he would be difficult to embarrass as he is void of morals a narcissist and liar . what a lair . regards Worgeordie
  12. Elon is really showing Trump who is the boss ,not in a suit and tie ,bringing his son to oval office meeting and speaking a lot longer than him .... regards worgeordie
  13. Donald J. Trump + Culture , that's one hell of a oxymoron . regards worgeordie
  14. I thought it was very funny , you obviously cannot take a joke , So it's the BBC and CNN that are killing people and are still at it , I suppose they send death though the airwaves . regards worgeordie
  15. I got mine when I was 18/19 I am now over 80 and they ares till eligible ,maybe not for some other people , but like i said it's their bodies , don't you worry about it.... regards worgeordie
  16. So who are they ? , regards Worgeordie
  17. I think the folks that don't like them , their problem is they are afraid of the pain to get one, Why not just leave people alone to do what they want to do , its their body. regards Worgeordie
  18. If this had happened during Biden's Presidency , Faux News ,and all the right wing newspapers would have been ripping him apart , that's a fact , they did and the eggs were much cheaper then . regards worgeordie
  19. I am betting you also believe the World is flat ....so they all died of old age ... regards worgeordie
  20. Then right back on the booze again eh Bob , there is no hope for you, sorry to put it so bluntly ,but Bob there is no hope for you until you stop lying to yourself and your fellow members on here , we have heard it all before , take care of yourself Bob........ regards Worgeordie
  21. No More stupid than putting big fans in middle of Chiang Mai hoping to blow the smoke away , or the minister who suggested putting huge fans on top of Doi Inthanon and blowing all the pollution over to Burma.......there let them have it .. regards worgeordie
  22. They were going to build a new airport ,I think it was out San Kamphaeng way , someone in the Government owned the land ,maybe that's why it was chosen, that was years ago , and have not heard anything about it lately regards worgeordie
  23. Maybe not be smart ,to complain about people who you know own guns , maybe Police run it regards worgeordie
  24. I does for me ...always will regards Worgeordie
  25. You learn something new everyday on Aseannow .....Bob You have also been copying me regards Worgeordie
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