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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Don't go outside Bob , your sure to have some problems , just stay in and watch Tv regards wrgeordie
  2. Macho Bob , complaining if his food has a chili in it , this is part 2 of complaining about having to send food back ,because not made to his liking , poor Bob ,nothing ever seems to go well for him , regards worgeordie
  3. Mass posting on here ...if I was you ... regards worgeordie
  4. Do the Police ever check the brakes to see if they are working or not or just take the drivers word for the cause of the accident , I have been driving all kinds of vehicle's for over 60 years , never had brake failure, but driven plenty with dodgy brakes .... I think the driver meant to say brain failure , must likely driving to close to vehicle in front and could not stop. regards worgeordie
  5. Hi Bob ,Problems again ,Thai's to blame , maybe next time take photo of the empties with your phone , which sometimes you say you don't have with you but still say you took photo ..... regards worgeordie
  6. He is only trying to deflect attention for what is really going on in USA, look at this shiny thing here ... while not bringing the price of anything down , he is dismantling the country , raising jobless, not for filling one promise he made , Do you think he would have been elected if people knew all this crap he was going to do ,he is creating chaos ,while enriching himself and his family , he should really be in jail , 3 rd term he will be lucky to finish this one ... regards worgeordie
  7. Never mind that divorce Bob , what about you ,I have never seen you mention the good lady once since your return here under the Robert Smith moniker , all good or has she finally had enough of you ? regards worgeordie
  8. 555, get a life , your only posting crap to get your numbers up , you have a bigger ego than Donald , that's your greatest achievement been top poster for the week on here , so your good a something 555 , regards you loser
  9. I have lived my life to the full , you only dream about what your life could be ,sad regards Worgeordie
  10. Have you got nothing better to do than troll me , as I keep telling you get a life.. regards worgeordie
  11. Nah ! , he just likes dictators , he would really love to be one himself and he is heading in that direction ,unless someone stops him... regards worgeordie
  12. I seen the World when I was younger ,would not like to visit some of them now, I have visited over 100 countries ,so you have some catching up to, unfortunately for me too old to travel now , Madagascar and Easter Island will have to wait till my next life , regards worgeordie
  13. Posting all the way , you need to stop and see what's going on around you .. regards worgeordie
  14. When do you sleep with 1615 + posts in a week ? You need to get a life ... regards worgeordie
  15. To put it simply Trump wanted Zelensky to say something nice about his boss Putin ,but no way would he do that , Trump is in Putin's pocket ,he defiantly has something on Trump ,maybe one day we will find out ,until then Trump with continue to kiss Putin's arse . regards worgeordie
  16. Glow in the dark, that's going to attract the idiots even more , a stronger tablet ! people are going crazy with the standard Meth pills , Thailand just got even more dangerous ....maybe. regards Worgeordie
  17. I just get the Fortean Times and all my other magazines Free in Pdf form , just Google free magazines Pdf download. regards Worgeordie
  18. What are they basing those rates on , as they are no way what is happening in the real World, the wet markets ,supermarkets , Malls , stuff you are buying everyday ,the important stuff like food , prices are rising like 10 % or more regards worgeordie
  19. And took the drivers phone with him ? regards Worgeordie
  20. Yes on a headband to record all and every minute of his fabulous life.... regards Worgeordie
  21. 4 out of 515 , unbelievable , last time I was getting my truck tested in MOT testing station there was this old, very old truck , very bad condition ,maybe carrying fish or ice , it was rusted to bits , then they did the smoke test part , the whole place was filled up with thick black smoke , I am thinking no way is he getting a pass,...I was wrong , regards worgeordie
  22. Hi Bob , I did not think a man of the World , fearless ,swashbuckling guy like you would be worried about such a thing , now you are coming over as a pussy ,I am losing all respect for you now ...you better just stay in the house ,as the World is full of dangers .... " I also took a picture of the taxi drivers license photo and his registration. " But Bob you said you did not have phone with you ... regards worgeordie
  23. Whomever is responsible , will be paying out the minimal compensation , thats why nothing improves here , leave it till its really broken , or someone gets hurt, if they had to pay out real amounts of compensation they would make sure equipment is safe. regards worgeordie
  24. He is soon forgotten , without him we would be speaking German today , While Trump has returned the bust of Churchill to the Oval office.....go figure ,one good thing he has done.. regards worgeordie
  25. Do you mean Ireland or Isle of Man ? , you really should make a complaint and come out with who you really are referring too....☺️ regards worgeordie
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