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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. They can call me what they like .... I dont give a XXXX , I am a Geordie first , Howay the lads.. regards worgeordie
  2. None of this c rap and chaos , was mentioned when he was running for President, it was all about getting the price of food and gasoline down , and he has only just done the opposite ,in the 2 weeks he has been in power , who knows what the next few months are going to hold... remember he is immune for most things he is going to do , very scary regards worgeordie
  3. Why do the drivers that go off the road end up hitting a tree,lampost ,or shop.... regards worgeordie
  4. Hi Jim Bob , sounds like your life story , but did it actually come from AI , just asking regards Worgeordie
  5. Whats going on here is just mirroring what is going on in USA , with unelected people behind the the leaders ,trying to run their countries.... regards worgeordie
  6. Can getting Cancer be a good thing , are you joking ,it's only good for the Cancer regards worgeordie
  7. Just use a vacuum cleaner regards Worgeordie
  8. Tvapp.to has a new service that you can view without VPN , here is new addres https://tvpass.org/ Many U.S.A. channels you can watch for free regards Worgeorgdie
      • 1
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  9. I have thought about it ,...and it means nothing to me ,lots more important things going on , as I say does not take more than 10 mins , and I am not a criminal and therefore don't think like one ,it's all good Bob , regards worgeordie
  10. Visa extension takes all of 1.5 hours a Year , 90 days I do online ,maybe 10 mins, Thai Immigration very good they even email you when its due , regards worgeordie
  11. Bob , You hate Thai's and Thailand as your many posts under a former name show , why would you want PR in Thailand ... regards worgeordie
  12. If Greenland was ever to be sold , the Uk , has first refusal ,that is in a treaty with Denmark ... from many years ago .Trump would most likely offer to buy with his Meme coins .... regards worgeordie
  13. Plus each will be given a free gun ,and a President like Trump , I think that would be a deal breaker. regards Worgeordie
  14. You have to take better care of your A rse ,Bob , of cause it must be sore the way you treat it , giving it to anybody , you keep changing your name but we know its you as you moan and moan the same , regards worgeordie
  15. Is this some of that AI generated stuff ? and you should have said "Please" , regards worgeordie
  16. worgeordie

    queue ticket

    You have to book a ticket a LONG way in advance , Few days ago I got a ticket for April 28 ,2025 , but i did not get the confirmation E Mail , so I had to email the m,and the reply was I have told the officers you are coming at !.00 ,although the booked time was 2.30 , so will just have to take copy of email and hope it's all ok , If you need a ticket book well in advance , keep checking for the day you want ,as when that day opens up they go quickly . regards worgeorgdie
  17. Or a cat walks by and bites your leg ,straight to hospital for rabies injections, the sky is grey ,due to smoke pollution, the sand is dirty and you just stood on a broken bottle ,the sea is full of floating condoms and human <deleted>, the drinks are a rip off, that's what it's really like , stop dreaming ....BOB regards Worgeordie
  18. Beans , chop an onion up fry it ,add BBQ sauce and plenty white pepper Ayam now have an English recipe version ,smaller navy beans.. regards worgeordie
  19. I get mine signed at a local Chemist ,where I buy some medicines , last time I went to get him to sign ,there where 3 other Farangs already there , and not one of them bought anything after getting the paper signed and stamped., greedy buggers , I just send the paper back ordinary mail ,as they have increased time for return , and so far it's always arrived , 1000 Baht is a lot to send a letter , or did you send FedEx or some other courier...I suppose after reading this i will be getting the letter shortly. regards worgeordie
  20. i Think you mean CIA , the FBI are only supposed to work in USA. The size of the new USA Embassy they are building up here in Chiang Mai there must be a lot of them regards Worgeordie
  21. The smoke problem up here in Chiang Mai is villagers burning the forest so its ready to collect mushrooms when the rainy season starts again. The Authorities know where the burning is going to start ,and when because it's the same every year ,if they got they Army (think there not too busy) Police, Volunteers ,get them up in the hills , use drones ,catch a couple of arsonists take them to court and make an example out of them 5-10 years , should be a dettrant for others , talk talk talk nothing is going to change , this is a serious problem that affects peoples health ,people die because of it, tourism is affected by the smoke , but nothing gets done.... regards Worgeordie
  22. They did a U-turn ,as they often do , and supposed to be illegal again 1st Jan 2025 , regards worgeordie
  23. The Immigration office at Central is only for 90 day reporting, agents getting visa's for people that pay extra ,you have to go to Airport office to obtain and renew visa's that office is like heaven now , after what you had to go though at the old office and at Promenade , you had to be there 4 in the morning in hope of getting a ticket. regards Worgeordie
  24. Maybe he should save his pardons for the end of his term , I am sure he will need a lot , plus one for himself ..... regards worgeordie
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