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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Made it to 80 this year , when we were young'un's that sounded ancient and they looked ancient , wife says i look the same as when she met me 37 years ago , and she doesn't lie , 😫 , I never ever thought that I would reach that age , as I have always eaten what I want ,lived in Chiang mai smog for so many years, when I see folks reporting they don't eat sugar ,fat ,Animals and all that bad stuff how long are they hoping to live ? , I don't drink alcohol or smoke maybe that helped. It's not how long you live it's what you do in those years, some people living around me in Gateshead never went further than the pub down the road , I was a traveler from an early age ,seen the World ,don't think I would like to return to many of those places now , glad I did it when I was younger and fit enough to OK take care , who knows what the future holds for us ,just do your best now.... regards worgeordie
  2. Imagine some Jihadist on his wedding night ,gets to unwrap one ...like a lucky dip i suppose ... regards Worgeordie
  3. Reading in British newspapers ,there's been smugglers caught at Newcastle , and Manchester airports with suitcases full of weed from Thailand ,sentences handed out seem to be around a couple of years , except for one rather beautiful influencer got off for free , maybe meeting up with the judge later on ...... regards worgeordie
  4. Well I have been around it a few times and never once fell off , so I am sure it's round. regards worgeordie
  5. People moving huge amounts of black money about seem to have few problems, but the man in the street ends up with all restrictions what he can do with his Baht. regards worgeordie
  6. Hi Bob , so our bashing Russian's today , tomorrow it will be Thai's for sure, I was hoping your new years resolution was going to be live and let live , regards Worgeordie
  7. Trump loses appeal.......he's never appealed to me .....🤡 regards worgeordie
  8. Give it a rest Yagoda , worry more about how your dear leader is making a right mess of things and he is not yet in office ,also the vice president or is he president Musk.... regards worgeordie howay the lads....
  9. There isn't any point to it ,that's the life cycle of that plant, you think too much ..... regards worgeordie
  10. More of the same S-hite I suspect , nothing changes ,the rich get richer and the poor will get shafted ,same old story... regards worgeordie
  11. If you cannot tolerate noise ,at any time of the day or night ,you are in the wrong country, the noise from battling loudspeakers ,one trying to be louder than the other,cockerels, dogs,loud motorbikes ,temple loudspeakers, just a few of the loud noises you hear everyday ,no good complaining ,nobody cares .....after the New Year it will be back to some form of normality , buy some ear plugs ... regards Worgeordie
  12. Should be in prison , not in office ,he is going to have a mountain of problems with the cabinet he has picked , the public will see they have been Trumped when the prices don't come down but actually go up........way up regards worgeordie
  13. BOB , please make it your New Year's resolution to stop complaining about things, take on a happier view of life , yes , s-hite happens but we dont need to know about it all the time , look on the bright side of life .... Happy new year regards worgeordie
  14. They offer a lot of excuses for what happened, just hope the judge sees it as B/s maybe the need to be charged with attempted murder, regards worgeordie
  15. I thought you would have a servant to do those things for you Bob, Happy Christmas Bob.... regards worgeordie
  16. Just do it Regards Worgeordie
  17. So many countries , did you realise there are so many , Donald J Trump ..... soon to be leader of the free World again,,,,, regards worgeordie
  18. Keep dreaming George ,it's never going to happen ,your too old , you will just have to keep pushing the mop ,till your retirement, or if you win the lottery ,which ever comes first. you should have made different choices earlier in your life, or married a very rich woman. regards worgeordie
  19. One thing for sure I am posting a lot less than I used too, there's so much crap been posted on here now , I just flick through the site while having breakfast , find nothing of interest and bugger off , regards worgeordie
  20. In the now 37 years I have lived here I have never been attacked once, only signs of trouble was while driving , few times looked like there could be conflict ,until I got out of my truck ,then they calmed down and got back in theirs , Not something I would do now as I am a lot older ,and more of them seem to be carrying weapons of some kind, any traffic problems now just let them go , and don't jester or sound the horn ,nowadays does not take much to set them off, like that the World over, people have become angry .... regards Worgeordie
  21. Seeing as it's Pantomime season, Oh yes you do ! , the biggest fib was, I am going away and never coming back to Aseannow again ,and here you are ,trying to hide under another name ,but you will always be Bob Smith to me... regards Worgeordie
  22. They need to bolt it onto the crane ,piece of wire is not good enough 🤕 regards worgeordie
  23. Also charge him with doing a job reserved for Thai's ,snatch and grab is their job .... regards worgeordie
  24. Don't forget to take your phone and that its charged ,as without proof,we won't believe any of your tales ,without proof it's just more of you B/s , happy xmas BOB , regards Worgeordie
  25. My daughter transferred 3000 quid to me yesterday ,arrived in afternoon , the service was quick ,but was charged 18 .50 Sterling for the transfer ,I thought that was a bit much ,is that normal ? thanks regards Worgeordie
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