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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Bob Smith would be a good pen name ,,,,,,, regards worgeordie
  2. You should have come right back at him ,about your life is also very hard BOB, so many houses to look after, how you had to sell your Rolex , how you have had to change your identity so many times ,you now dont know who you are ,how you have a serious drinking problem , that you hate Thai's and Russians with a passion. regards Worgeordie
  3. I can think of much better ways to spend 8-12K ,you still have to go to bank to get statements and immigration to get photo taken . regards Worgeordie
  4. This is why I spend a lot less time on ASEANNOW ,what with stupid posts , and the posts asking too many personal questions ,,,, what a sad state of affairs ,I actually learn something new everyday on Youtube ,watching thoughty2 , check him out ,a much better way to use your time and you too will learn something new ....plus xenophobe Bob is back on here,he's been complaining about Thais and Russians , regards Worgeordie
  5. You never here about food product recalls here , in the West it's everyday , pleased to know Thai food products are soooo safe .....🙄
  6. This is just going to encourage others ,especially if a beautiful girl ,don't think the guy who was caught at Manchester airport ,also with 2 suitcases full of weed got off so lightly ,judge needs to be investigated .... regards worgeordie
  7. Well i am 80 next week , I enjoy what i want to eat, what about you , ? regards Worgeordie
  8. No never ,because I don't have a phone, don't need one ,now the wife is never off the bloody thing.... regards worgeordie
  9. At last....something of interest on Aseannow regards worgeordie
  10. They collect VAT on parcels arriving from overseas now , couple weeks ago I was charged 25 Baht , how did you not know.... regards Worgeordie
  11. As Trump is the greatest businessman in the World ,..nay the Universe , I mean how many people have bankrupted a Casino , and been bankrupt what is it 4 times, and the list of his failing companies as long as your arm , The people of America are going to suffer ,bigley ,just look at the clowns he is trying to get in his cabinet ,without FBI checks , all very suitable for their posts ? , the people who voted for him deserve all that's coming to them , God save the U.S,A, regards worgeordie
  12. Your a nosy bugger George , what are you going to do with the information you collect, and why do you need to know ? regards Worgeordie
  13. Every week in the UK ,supermarkets ,food producers have recalls on food products ,because of some contamination in the product ,but in 36 years of living here I never once have heard of any recall of a product, I once bought a tin of Quaker oats , when I went to open it , it was full of live weevils ,took it back to the shop ,not easy to get refund, in those times ,but I did , I had put a mark on the tin , and unsurprisingly it was back on the shelf the week after...once I bought a 1.5 liter bottle of Sprite , back home opened it up it was flat ,no fizz at all ,and tasted funny ,so took it back to the shop along the road , the owner would not exchange it for me , the reason You have opened it !, but I had to to find out something was wrong with it , but she was having none of it...Thai logic , never shopped there again , so she lost a customer over 18 B, price it was at the time.... regards worgeordie
  14. Will Trump continue the grifting when he is back in the White House, maybe open a shop there to sell his Chinese crap ,or will he find other ways to earn a dollar,? Do you think his perceived enemies will be leaving the USA for the UK ,Europe, Australia or even Thailand ,seeking political asylum,before he locks them all up,like he said he would. regards worgeordie
  15. Yes, He will include people eating cats & Dogs , Sharks & Electricity , and a lot more of his crap, what is really worrying is the dark force behind Vance ,and all the 2025 crap , America voted for him ,now they have him , I think they will end up regretting what they (the Maga's have done ) with immunity ,who knows what he will do , but the whole World is going to suffer God save America.... regards worgeordie
  16. Thanks mother , regards worgeordie
  17. Of cause they do , I was invited to the White house 2 days ago , but I was too busy, if Donald j Trump can spew lies , why can't I 🫢 regards worgeordie
  18. What kind of response is that ,bringing football into a debate on the Orange narcist guy. regards worgeordie
  19. Still in the cult Yagoda ,not come to your senses yet , the man you follow, does not care a fig about you or the rest of his followers , he only thinks of himself , he is only running to try and stay out of jail. as he is a criminal, sex offender, grifter , a huge liar ,almost everything he says is a lie ,I hope one day you open your eyes and see him for what he really is..... regards Worgeordie
  20. Because there are a lot of male agriculture workers there ,and I was wondering if that means both sexes regards worgeordie
  21. Even the male agriculture workers ... regards worgeordie
  22. Just sprayed our roof ,only the downstairs roof,as cannot get on the roof too high, sprayed it with bleach mixed with washing up liquid to make it stick, it killed the black algae/moss or whatever it is , Just wanting it to rain now,I should have done it weeks ago when it was raining everyday ,next month I will be getting the house painted ,so will get the workers to clean the 2nd story roof and also paint it too , regards worgeordie
  23. The amount of money been spent on this election , by both parties is obscene , I am sure it could be used in much better ways , regards worgeordie
  24. Quoting Faux news .....it must be true , what's it's like been in a cult regards Worgeordie
  25. You sir are in a cult ,maybe you don't realise it or your too stupid to figure it out, saving up for a 100 K watch to show true support to to your leader ,the grifter, regards worgeordie
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