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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. There is quite a few along both side of Sukhumvit, look for the signs, Hi Kool, Lumina etc. Lumina is reputed to be the best film around but cant say for sure.

    A freind of mine got his done in Sri Racha, just as you are going into Sri Racha from Pattaya on the right (you have to U turn), there is a shop that replaces car glass and next door is the film shop. He got Lumina fitted, very good but he did say the Lumina film was the most expensive.

  2. How about centipedes? Had about a 9 inch centipede pass me on my patio a couple of nights ago. It disappeared down my side garden. How dangerous are they?

    Mega dangerous, people have suffered some SERIOUS bites from these, there was some pictures on ThaiVisa somewhere regards the damage these buggers can inflict, was it perhaps Soundman that posted them - cant remember.

    Be careful!! :)

  3. It sure is not normal anyway, all you condo dwellers here take a look around your buildings, new or old, and i doubt if you will see such add on's!!

    The absence of extra supports in other buildings in Pattaya doesn't mean they are not necessary. Your comment proves nothing at all.

    Not trying to prove anything, simply making a comparison.

  4. From what I have been told by a local BIB volunteer - this was changed for the main reason that a lot of people get paid mid month and end of month and the 15th is the Monday directly after the next mid month pay period.

    So the BIB have more chance to collect tea money on the 15th rather than the 8th, and from what he told me they are planning a big swoop along the whole length of the road on the first couple of days of the changeover to catch people going the wrong way or stopping on the yellow criss cross between intersections and the flyover bridges.

    Fantastic!!!! :):D And i quite believe it!!! :D:D

  5. I guess it is going to be difficult to ever get accurate justification for these "extras", difficult to know how many there are - are they fitted all over the building and hidden by suspended ceilings etc.??, or only in a specific "problem" area??

    It sure is not normal anyway, all you condo dwellers here take a look around your buildings, new or old, and i doubt if you will see such add on's!!

    Not that long ago since there was a collapse during construction in Pratumnak soi 6........

    From the last thread some members have passed on the pics and limited info to engineering types, but no real "concrete" replies yet as it seems too little info to go on for the experts.


    The vindictive German co-owner of a Pattaya bar, outraged that his Thai partner had rejected him, sought vengeance, on 3 June 2009, by going to her new place of work, a beer bar in Soi 6, and slashing her neck in full view of customers and staff. He escaped immediately afterwards and police are still searching for him

    At 01.30 am, on 3 June, Pol. Lt. Col. Suppachai Puikumkaew, Pattaya Police Investigator was notified that a German national had slashed a Thai woman's neck at the Love Pub Beer Bar, located at 437/35 Moo. 9, Soi 6, Pattaya Second Road. A police team was sent immediately to investigate.

    Arriving at the bar, the police found a crowd of onlookers, both Thai and foreigners, gathered around. The victim, Miss. Sairoong Boonsomtop, [27], a waitress at the bar, had a 20 cm.-wide wound on her neck. The heavily bleeding wound was so deep that it had nearly reached her trachea. She was rushed to Pattaya International Hospital.

    Questioning Mrs. Kanokwan Srisongkram, [46], another waitress at the bar, police learnt that Miss Sairoong had just started working at the bar, that being her first day. Mrs. Kanokwan further related that Miss Sairoong had told her that Miss Sairoong's partner, Mr. Harry, was a wife-abuser. He had apparently been in the habit of frequently beating her up until she could stand it no longer. She had then told him that she wanted to end their relationship and she started working at the bar. Mrs. Kanokwan said that Miss Sairoong had told her that Mr. Harry had repeatedly sent her threatening messages on the day of the incident.

    The actual attack happened while Miss Sairoong was playing snooker with a foreign customer in the bar. Mr. Harry had apparently approached her from behind, held her in a neck lock and then slashed her neck with a knife, splashing blood everywhere right in front of everybody. Harry had apparently then run away to the end of the soi, caught a motorbike taxi and sped away.

    Questioning Miss Sairoong's friends, police were told that Mr. Harry was the co-owner of the Poppy Beer Bar in Pattaya Soi 6. He was apparently a jealous individual who was always drunk.

    Police then questioned the motorbike taxi driver who had taken Mr. Harry away from the incident. He said that had taken his customer to the beginning of Naklua Soi 27 where he had disappeared down the soi.

    Initially, the police searched Room no. 307, on the Third Floor of Roi Lung Apartments, Mr. Harry's residence, but he had escaped before the police arrived. In the room, police found the passport of a Mr. Erik Zodrow, [38], a German national, which was held as evidence. The police will continue their search for the suspect and arrest him as soon as possible.

    From Pattaya Daily News.

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