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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Why don't we do it in the west?

    Probably because to most westerners the idea of having an infant on a motorbike is absolute insanity. No way would it be legal in any western country either.

    Fair comment, however, their thinking must change when they have been in Thailand for a while, i have seen many westerners in Pattaya with the infant onboard!

  2. Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

    I suspect they use the American system where you get a little ribbon for all sorts of things like the scouts/guides do: boot lace tying, handling a rifle without killing a senior officer, surviving the guy next to you's rifle drill, efficient nasal excavation while on guard duty, tea-money collection merit etc...

    :o:D That would definately explain such a colourful array!!

  3. Little or no effect here, other than having to "clarify" the situation to friends and relatives overseas, the media in the west with it's piss poor reporting blew the whole thing out of proportion, their emphasis on reporting that the "delegates had to be airlifted out" was diabolical, the reason the Exhibtion centre has a Helipad is for easy shuttle to and from the airports.!

    Life is good in Jomtien!! :o

  4. I heard on the BBC that there were 80,000 army and police drafted into Pattaya for the summit. 80,000 and the protesters just walked in. Unbelievable! Somebody should be made to pay for the embarressment that showed Thailand to be totally incompetent. Surely the safety of the attending leaders deserved better ?

    8000 was the figure given here.

    Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

  5. Red shirts, Yellow shirts, Blue shirts, Brown shirts and Dark green shirts, they are all a complete disgrace to Thailand.

    Pitiful display of control during an international event such as this!

    For a country that puts so much emphasis on not losing face....have they no idea how foolish they look in the eyes of the world right now?! :o

  6. Excuse my ignorance but is Aberdeen where the lochness monster is?

    I would love to see Scotland North one day,when i get tired of going to Thailand.

    On another note,how hard is it to cook fish and chips?

    Is it easy to learn?

    Obvioysly simon is cooking so you can get a work visa then.Maybe fish chef?

    Are you takin the piss?? there is a clue in the name.... Loch Ness ...Inverness????

  7. The ones on the roofs of the bigger trucks are there to lift electric wires out of the way so the truck can pass underneath!!! Bizzare but true! :D

    There is a big mango tree outside my house at the roadside, and it just cracks me up to see the same ones getting smacked in the face by it every other day, usual response though....just grin and laugh!! :o

  8. A few minutes ago on Sukhumvit between Tai and Theprasit, this is the Korean convoy, one second they were are at the right of me then the left, looks like they abandoned an attempt to go down theprasit?? Major snarl up anyhow!!

    Funny, when the Korean tour buses come to Pattaya they go flying through under a police escort, no such luck for their government!! :o




  9. Anybody that wants to learn about the only REAL fish and chips, just google "The Ashvale" all else are pale immitations by comparison, mmmmmmmm :o

    Ashvale was good 15 years back, but I haven't had a decent meal there in years. You can't beat the Bervie Chipper IMHO. Long way to go from Jomtien for a bag of chips, though!

    Aye, its been a while for me too, the Ashvale in Inverurie was always the best of them in my opinion, the Bervie chipper gets a thumbs up too!! Aye, long way from Jomtien..... :D

  10. I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

    3% is the going rate....5% find another broker! :o

    olsen, unfortunately you are behind the times, 5% is the norm now in Pattaya, a 3% agent is a rare breed indeed these days!, absolutely no difference in level of service from the agents wheather they take 3% or 5%!

  11. In 10 years i would like to see a skytrain circuiting Beach and second Road can you see it?? :o

    I can already Picture it....they`ll have a Stations at Central Festival , Walking Street, Hardrock, Big C and so on..... :D


    In order for that to happen Andy, the project would need to have been started 10 years ago!!! Keep on dreaming! :D

  12. From Pattaya One news....

    Popular daytime bar raided by Immigration Police.

    In the early hours of Friday Morning, Police Colonel Anon-nut, the Chief of Pattaya's Immigration Office led an operation in the Pratamnuk Area based on a search warrant issued by the Court for a property known as Kinnaree House located between Soi's 4 and 5 off the Pratamnuk Road. The venue is registered as a restaurant; however Immigration suspected the venue was being used as a bar whereby women could be hired for the purpose of sexual services. An undercover operation used foreigners who were armed with marked bank notes took place. As soon as the cash was handed over, the Immigration Officers stormed the building better known as the Kinnaree Palace Gentleman's Club. 26 women suspected of engaging in prostitution were detained and later paid fines at Pattaya Police Station. Two people identified as the manager and owner were also detained and taken to Pattaya Police Station. Khun Nootjarin aged 36 was accused of controlling the suspected prostitutes and Mr. Raymond Rose aged 67 from England was thought to be the owner of the premise. Both are now assisting Police with their enquiries and for now the future of the venue is in the hands of the Police.




  13. Hi HOE and others.

    Im running a Fiberglass Factory near to Pattaya. I just had a jacuzzi built. Round with 3m diameter.

    Sits 8 ppl and looks really cool. I have the mold already and can therefor make a very good prize on that

    one. One mold i can pop out about 100 Jacuzzis. ;-)

    Anybody interested pls message me private. I will supply pics and more infos.

    By the way....we also produce superb sit on top Kayaks with detachable ice boxes which also can be used

    for fishing in either fresh or salt water.

    Regarding Pool company i think that Lunatec made a good impression to me.

    I think you mean Lomatec, or maybe you were right first time going by their prices!!!

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