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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. How about a permit system for the village "walls of sound"? Some of those are very disturbing even if "temporary".

    If you mean the mountains of speakers that appear when someone dies/gets married/son goes into temple etc., then believe it or not but you do actually have to get a permit for that!!!

  2. Well well, about twenty minutes after i wrote the above post, another fatal accident at that junction!!! A black toyota yaris travelling south on the releif road T boned a motorcycle crossing in front of them, the motorcyclist had no chance.

    And yes the lights were flashing in both directions - made no difference whatsoever!

    Thouroughly disgusted! :)

  3. Just been out tonight and the lights are working! Flashing amber for traffic proceeding along the bypass and flashing red for traffic crossing the bypass! So looks like the road is officially operational and the traffic on it takes priority.

    Been like that for about the last six weeks JohnC, more or less since they were planted in the ground!, the ones at Chaiyapruek 2 even longer, see what happens in the next 12 days !! :)

    Correction: the ones at Nonghin/pattaya RC WERE working when they put them in the ground until somebody demolished one of the poles!!, then the red ones went off, the yellow ones have been working though!

  4. I think it was a good idea not to add a year date in his statement so he never can be wrong.

    Yep, as bugger all change today anyway, still a free for all with no traffic lights operating correctly! :)

  5. Even within a single moo baan there can be differences in the price they charge, some put a premium on corner sites, sites near the pool, sites near the security etc.

    Asking the residents within a particular moo baan will help too, are they getting their moneys worth? Services, Security, Maintainence etc. as promised.

    It really is difficult to put an "average" price to it other than doing the legwork as you are already, at the end of the day you have to be happy with it.

    Good luck!

  6. You need to be a bit more specific Tokay, there are a lot of variables, are you comparing like for like?, ie: ekmongkol and siam royal view are both in your distance's but vastly different ! (no disrespect to either)

    I think it would be fair to say there is no "average" unless you are comparing two identical projects in identical locations with identical features and services!

    Some moo baans dont seperate the house and the land (sold as one), so then you have to apply your own percetion as to what the land is worth.

    With literally hundereds of moo baans on the east side, have you really looked at most of them?

    The land office actually stipulates a price for all land similar to a "rateable value" in UK, this is how they calculate their fees, but i have never known anyone to actually charge that price, however the banks will normally use this figure for consideration of any loan / mortgage on the property.

    The bottom line is the land will be worth whatever you or someone else is prepared to pay for it, so if the price dosent suit you, move on to the next one - there are plenty to choose from!

  7. ..............................the releif road is not officially open yet, ....................................

    I see along at this end they have painted the direction arrows on the road clearly indicating that the lanes are one way, nobody seems to be taking any notice though!

    Presumably on the day it is officially opened everyone will suddenly notice the stop signs and one-way arrows and everything will be wonderful and there'll be no more accidents :)

    And maybe they will adhere to the speed limit which is 50KMH, and stop treating it like some sort of Motorway/Expressway!!

    And thanks Craig, i know where it is.

  8. Well guess what, as we were feeding the dogs this morning near the Pattaya RC/Nonghin junction - another horrendous collision.

    Two motorbikes this time, ran into each other and bounced into a pickup!

    Both motorbike drivers taken to hospital, one of them pretty serious, an older man that sells puddings round our way, you could tell by the shape that his arm and leg were badly broken and he was loosing a lot of blood.

    I spoke to the policeman on the scene for a while and he said that traffic crossing the railway line has right of way - reason - because the releif road is not officially open yet, and that is currently how the law looks at it!! Be Aware!! :)

    I asked when the road would be officially open and got the standard answer - soon, soon!

    I see along at this end they have painted the direction arrows on the road clearly indicating that the lanes are one way, nobody seems to be taking any notice though!

  9. ... That means with a moderately sudden stop the rear passenger or passengers may be ejected onto the roadway...

    Hi Jingthing,

    I think there is something wrong with your "physic laws" :)

    If the bathbus stop, even strongly or suddenly, passengers tend to pe projected towards the FRONT of the vehicle, not the BACK. :D . There is then no reason someone can be "ejected on the road". For that you should need a very strong acceleration that these bahtbus are not able to provide.

    The bahtbus is a good system for me (as bus, not taxi!). He could get improvement, yes, but more about number, hours, organization...

    Exactly what i was thinking, unless of course they were travelling in reverse!! :D

    Who gave this topic a five star rating by the way?? :D

  10. That is A M A Z I N G those things are bracing if not trying to hold the floor above in place.

    Remember the New World Hotel Singapore? The blame for that collapse was put on quote: Under-design, shoddy workmanship and cost-cutting by the contractors were found to be responsible for the collapse.

    The Sampoong shopping mall collapse in Seoul in 1995 was due to them dragging air con compressors across an already overloaded roof. In both cases the building 'warned' people that it was ready to collapse by shuddering and cracking.

    But neither of those events could apply here right?

    One has to wonder....

    1)Were these brackets added as a result of a problem appearing? and if so, have they cured the problem?,


    2)Were these brackets added to prevent a problem from occurring? and again, if so, are they sufficient?

  11. I sent the good photos by Phil Conners into a science , math and engineering forum asking the engineers to evaluate the after

    construction braces addition.

    So far I have only one reply from a physicist:

    ( quote from part of the reply ) "How long are the lag bolts ? we dont know. In any case this places the concrete surface elements

    under the braces under additional shear upon vertical loading "

    Thanks for that morrobay, be very interested in anymore replies you get.

    Not my field of engineering exactly, but i feel that the brackets are too small to be effective in supporting any load? and as suggested above the bolts/holes in the column would do more harm than good?

    I hope someone comes up with a definative answer as to the suitability of this "afterthought".

  12. Where do you get this rat bait (I'm in Pattaya)? We've just noticed a few scurrying around the garden at night. Pretty sure they will soon be in the house if we don't stop them quickly. Also is this rat bait likely to kill/harm dogs? I have 2 dogs and wouldn't want to cause them harm.....

    There is quite a few different kind of rat baits/poisons for sale in foodland, read the packs carefully but i would think any kind of poison that is going to kill a rat would also kill a dog/cat.

    The trays with the sticky <deleted> works well too but then you have to "dispose" of them yourself!!

    Snakes work well too.... :D , or you could just wear your "Nicky Tams" when in the garden! :)

  13. . I did not want my wife to enter that building - I told her no need for both of us to die.

    Please do not take your girlfriend there because I have a six sense about these things and really feel that building in unsafe.

    I don't think much of these paranormal extrasensory perceptions that you claim to have, but if you really think you have some good, sound evidence to show that the building is about to collapse, why not bring it to the attention of people who can prevent a major catastrophe. There may even be some Thai Visa members inside the building when it collapses, so you could really help out here.

    Tropo, not me that is claiming to have these remarkable abillities, i just copied the e-mail as it was sent to me, as i said at the top of my post - make up your own mind.

  14. Well, here is the e-mail that i got along with the pics, from a freind of a friend of a friend....., make up your own mind!!


    I would avoid the Central Shopping Plaza on 2nd Road in Pattaya "like the plague".

    I took the below pictures (with my phone) when I parked there this afternoon. It looks like some recently added steel supports are holding up floors from collapsing. Talk about dangerous. They also drilled into the concrete support members to attached the big bolts that were holding up the steel bracing (see pictures) - further weakening the structure. I am not a civil engineer, but one thing I do know is not to drill holes into concrete support members.

    I did not think much of the steel bracing until after the movie when I felt the entire building shake!!!!! NO SHIT.

    After we watched a movie Xxx and I were ready to get dinner and having a coffee on the 6th floor. I felt the entire building "shutter" a few times over the course of a minute. My wife felt it to along with some other people that just stopped "dead in their tracks". Perhaps it was the construction of the Hilton hotel (adding another 15 floors) on top the shopping plaza, but who knows. We got out of that building as fast as we could.

    In fact we exited on the front elevator (near beach road) and I told Xxx to wait for me on beach road. I went and got my truck. I did not want my wife to enter that building - I told her no need for both of us to die.

    Please do not take your girlfriend there because I have a six sense about these things and really feel that building in unsafe.


    Xxxx X Xxxxxx

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