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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Ok, what if you are involved in an accident on Sukhumvit for example, say a small prang with one of the lunatic weaving motorcycles.... anybody know what is the procedure (besides doing a runner) where the cops are concerned? I imagine you stop and wait for cops with their white spray paint right?

    Anyone with first hand experience?

    Always, always contact your insurance company immediately and wait for their rep to arrive and let them deal with it all, do not try to deal with it yourself, or it will cost you!!!!

  2. Q cars did have a couple of single & extra cab vigo's and rangers not sure if they still have them but worth a go

    I have tried them all. I dont recommend Q cars because they dont use credit cards

    so you have to leave a deposit in cash.

    Every time I took the car back they had to go hunting for the farang owner because she

    was only one who could open the safe to me my deposit back and the last time

    i waited for 1 hour so she could finish her " walk along the beach " !

    No apolgy or anything for me waiting.

    I recommend Expat Car Rental - they use credit cards ..............or anyone excepy Q cars :)

    Midas, did you read the OP's post - "i don't have a credit card" :D

  3. Townhouses can be organised as Condos (farang freehold), if built more than 10 units in one "building". Like Boat Lagune, Phuket

    Do you have a link to that site?

    Sold out years ago I think. Try google Boat Lagoon Marina, Phuket.


    I had a look at that site, cannot see anything resembling a townhouse, and definately no mention of being able to own them freehold as per condos - youv'e got me all confused now?????

    The pictures of that ones in Hau Hin are definately not the same as the ones you get here for less than 1m!!!!

  4. Beeing the owner of 3 (three) townhouses, I think I know what it is. Since my parqette floors in one of them is 3.000 baht/sqm and the rooftiles are 1.200 baht sqm I guess the one you talk about are cheap.

    Townhouses can be organised as Condos (farang freehold), if built more than 10 units in one "building". Like Boat Lagune, Phuket

    Must be something totally different, do you have any pictures?

    100s, but dont know how to post any. Not really smart with computers :)

    Do you have a link to that site?

  5. Beeing the owner of 3 (three) townhouses, I think I know what it is. Since my parqette floors in one of them is 3.000 baht/sqm and the rooftiles are 1.200 baht sqm I guess the one you talk about are cheap.

    Townhouses can be organised as Condos (farang freehold), if built more than 10 units in one "building". Like Boat Lagune, Phuket

    Must be something totally different, do you have any pictures?

  6. There are a number of these type developments around the east side of Pattaya ranging from 600K to 1.2Mil, some are really rather nice then there are others that are not so nice.

    Drive around, a lot over soi siam country club, soi nern plabwan area.

    I have not seen anything over there under a million. Was it recently when you saw them cheaper? Or perhaps they were already bought and the owner raised the price for resale?

    There is one development currently on its second phase, about 150m from Wat Sutthawat, they were 790k but i think i noticed the other day they are now 820k? i will see next time i pass.

    Not so long ago we looked at a development that was offering at 700k!!! we went there on the second day of the project kicking off and they were sold out!!!

    There is another one by Ekmongkol behind the shophouses on Chaiyapruek 2, start from 900k, no signs, no advertising and guess what - sold out!!

    There are quite a few on the go but nearly all the signs are in Thai, have a close look, you will rarely see these properties on websites or in realestate mags, you need to get out there and look!

    The ones currently under development are mostly all under a million, like everything else here though they soon rise in price!

  7. Does that mean that Lease hold or Freehold they all have the same documents, it is what is written in the contract that is determinant if it is a freehold or a leasehold?

    Or in case the documents for freehold and leasehold are different I mean have a different letter heading, please tell me what is the name of the documents for leasehold and what are the documents for freehold. If possible, what is the thai name, if possible in thai script so I can compare.

    I can read thai (the basics) so that would be easier for me.

    I will get a copy of the brown Chanoot document somewhere next week. I'm not in Thailand so I canot check right away.

    No, read what Monty wrote in post #2, but to clarify, where Monty wrote she may have a copy of the chanote, in the last paragraph about leasehold, that means a photocopy.

    Freehold = Chanote

    Leasehold = Contract and maybe a Photocopy of the Chanote

    There is no specific document for a leasehold, it will be a contract agreed between the two partys.

  8. There is a shoppie about 200m in the Huay Yai road from Sukhumvit on the right hand side, dont know what its called but it has a picture of a duck on the sign, blue seats and blue tables, she opens about 4 in the morning and goes right through till evening, real fine!!!! :)

  9. Watch out for your money

    Lets say land price for a townhouse is 200.000 baht. 400.000 baht left to build for. Minimum construction price is 10.000 baht/sqm. That would give you 40 sqm of townhouse. Could they be looking for deposits on offplan houses?

    You obviously dont know what a townhouse is....

    Usually 4m wide x 12 or 16m deep, 2 floor, linked with neighbouring houses, space to drive your car in the front, sometimes called row houses. Usually very basic finish with Thai style kitchenette.

    Construction prices are usually around 3000 bt/sqm, or less!

    There are a number of these type developments around the east side of Pattaya ranging from 600K to 1.2Mil, some are really rather nice then there are others that are not so nice.

    Drive around, a lot over soi siam country club, soi nern plabwan area.

    As someone else said much more space than a condo, but unfortunately come under the same "ownership " rules as a house!

  10. There is also a white typed form on Thai legal sized paper, heavily stamped, of what significance is that?

    If this paper was recieved at the same time as the chanote, it is most likely the contract between the buyer and the seller.

    When you submit your documents to the land office on day of purchase, they make this document up and both parties have to sign it prior to transfer of Chanote. If you look at it closely you should be able to make out addresses and a price (that you told the land office), this is also an important document and should be kept with your deeds.

  11. It is meant to be one way, east side - south, west side - north, but still a free for all today!!

    It was supposed to be officially open on Sunday 24th May with 12 days to sort out any problems, wont hold my breath.

    The traffic lights are in place, and they are placed correctly for one way rob, however they are only flashing at the moment.

    This road will need some serious policing in the early days to educate all drivers to the directions, lights etc.

    There are 2 cement plants at the south end near the Huay Yai junction, on the southbound side, they are only about 100 & 200m from the Huay Yai road, do you think the trucks going in there are going to make a few kilometer detour to do a u turn and abide by the direction of the road??

    This road is mega dangerous, take care!!

    See this other thread too....


    According to the direction arrows painted on the surface,the westside road will be 2 way.Only the eastside road will be 1 way direction south.

    Again strange decision as the westside road is much narrower the the other side and by the way already heavily damaged between khao talo and khao noi.

    Not so basjke, the traffic light placement and new arrows clearly show the west side will be one way north, there are however old arrows still painted on the road for when it was two way!!!! All very confusing and DANGEROUS!!!!!

  12. It is meant to be one way, east side - south, west side - north, but still a free for all today!!

    It was supposed to be officially open on Sunday 24th May with 12 days to sort out any problems, wont hold my breath.

    The traffic lights are in place, and they are placed correctly for one way rob, however they are only flashing at the moment.

    This road will need some serious policing in the early days to educate all drivers to the directions, lights etc.

    There are 2 cement plants at the south end near the Huay Yai junction, on the southbound side, they are only about 100 & 200m from the Huay Yai road, do you think the trucks going in there are going to make a few kilometer detour to do a u turn and abide by the direction of the road??

    This road is mega dangerous, take care!!

    See this other thread too....


  13. Thaivisa created a monster: THAIVISA!

    Statements are made, published here and foreigners are ON FIRE!


    Foreigners can't use nominees to buy land. We all knew it. No?

    Yes, foreigners CAN'T OWN LAND (few exceptions) in Thailand.

    I receive emails EVERY WEEK of foreigners saying: "I'm buying land with my wife.."

    NO! She buys land. Not you...

    This is the letter of confirmation that foreigners sign when their spouse buys land in Thailand:


    Now, I don't think these statements were made in English and there might have been some "translations problems".

    The only sentence making problems is this one:

    If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said.

    Why? Because it's perfectly legal to make a loan agreement, to GIVE money to your spouse, and it's perfectly legal for a Thai to acquire land.

    Perfectly legal for a spouse to make a lease, a usufruct, a loan agreement to a foreigner. Married or not.

    You just have to make it clear: The married foreign husband (or spouse) doesn't own. The THAI PERSON OWNS.

    If you for more information about PROPERTY LAW, try http://www.thailawonline.com (We will update this section in the next 2 weeks)

    The LAND CODE is there, in the LAWS section.

    The Civil Code is there. (Left menu, CIVIL CODE)

    Usufruct is at 1417 of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code. (book 4)

    Lease is under HIRE OF PROPERTY (537 Civil Code, book 3 title 4))

    Superficies are at 1410.

    Common property under marriage is called SIN SOMROS (1474 of Civil Code, Book 5, family)


    By far the most sensible thing said on the subject as yet!!! This is nothing new folks!

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