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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Typical exaggerated marketing (okay fraud) perpetuated by the Pattaya real estate pimpsters! In this case, implying closeness to the bright lights of Jomtien/Pattaya and not 20 minutes down the highway.

    20 minutes???? And the rest!!!!

    9 minutes tonight, Beaches to Pattaya Tai, and i was not breaking any speed limits, stopped briefly at the lights in Ban Amphur too. It's not that far, map is still no good though!! :o

  2. Wannakorn Kongmueng for me.

    Absolutely! (The one on the left in BritM's pic above).

    The other two look like typical "old" Thai ladies, but when they were young (if you know what I mean!)

    The one on the left is an absolute dish! :D

    Oh, I just noticed, the one who won is the whitest. :o

    Agreed 100%, it's not even close in my opinion, the local judges obviously have different tastes to us lad's!!, :D

  3. Most, if not all the banks hold sterling, however, depending on the ammount you want to change - there may be some paperwork to fill out, particularly SCB :o .

    Best go to Bank Gold in soi Rungland south Pattaya, quick and easy :D .

  4. I never understand why Thai's tend to construct a lot of single storey houses, the cost of the foundations & roof is the same, but they can double or treble their useable floor space with additional floors !

    Not true, the cost for foundations, re-enforcing steel, and concrete is significantly higher for houses over a single storey, and the higher you go the costs rise further!!

  5. I feel I'm a deadbeat. :o

    That feeling is mutual, you are correct.

    I would add 'Cheap Charlie' to your description.

    29 yrs old, never had a g/f. Hmmm,

    Left a load of debts in the USA, Hmmm.

    Infantile posts, hmmm.

    When does your Tourist Visa expire?

    I'd say you should join another forum, PM me and I'll give you the url. :D

    You beat me to it GungaDin!! :D

  6. I met a 14 year old girl on the internet. She was clever, funny,

    > flirty and sexy, so I suggested we meet up,

    > She turned out to be an undercover detective....

    > How cool is that at her age?!


    > I went to see the nurse this morning for my annual check-up.

    > She said I had to stop w-anking.

    > When I asked why she said, "Because I'm trying to examine you!"


    > I just saw that Harry Potter film. A bit unrealistic if you ask me. I

    > mean, a ginger kid, with two friends?


    > A family is driving behind a garbage truck when a d!ldo flies out and

    > thumps against the windscreen. Embarrassed, and to spare her young

    > son's innocence, the mother turns around and says, "Don't worry; that

    > was an insect."

    > To which, her son replies, "I'm surprised it could get off the ground

    > with a cock like that."


    > I had a mate who was suicidal. He was really depressed, so I pushed

    > him in front of a steam train.

    > He was chuffed to bits.


    > When I got divorced, my wife said she would fight for custody of the kids....

    > Took her out with one punch.


    > My granddad gave me some sound advice on his deathbed....

    > "It's worth spending money on good speakers," he told me.


    > A woman brings eight-year-old Johnny home and tells his mother that

    > he was caught playing doctors and nurses with Mary, her eight-year-old daughter,

    > Johnny's mother says, "Let's not be too harsh on them.... they are

    > bound to be curious about sex at that age."

    > "Curious about sex?" replies Mary's mother. "He's taken her appendix out!"


    > I was walking in a cemetery this morning and seen a bloke hiding

    > behind a gravestone. I said "morning."...

    > He replied, "No, just having a sh!t."


    > Disabled toilets. Ironically, the only toilets big enough to run around in.


    > I was reading in the paper today about this dwarf that got pick pocketed....

    > How could anyone stoop so low?


    > I was walking down the road when I saw an Afghan bloke standing on a

    > fifth floor balcony shaking a carpet....

    > I shouted up to him, "What's up Abdul, won't it start?"

  7. From Pattaya One News.....

    East European man loses the plot, and money, on Sukhumvit Road

    Martin Vanis, a 34-year-old man from Slovakia, was taken into custody on Thursday afternoon by police after he had created a series of increasingly serious disturbances on Sukhumvit Road in central Pattaya. Mr Vanis had been spotted walking along Sukhumvit Road with his shirt off and acting in a strange manner. Police and volunteers were soon on the scene and kept an eye on Mr Vanis as he walked in the direction of north Pattaya. At one stage he pulled out his passport and began carrying it above his head before wandering into the road and falling face first to the ground without any outside help. He later began writhing about the grass verge and scattering various denominations of Thai banknotes while muttering unintelligibly. Police and rescue services were compelled to exert some force to restrain the Slovakian from either injuring himself or others. He was taken to Bangkok-Pattaya hospital to be put under observation for mental illness. He had also damaged the windscreen of a motor vehicle, possibly with his head, and will no doubt be asked to pay compensation to any aggrieved parties for his anti-social behaviour.




  8. Monty do the maids not check the room when the customer checks out. Surely they would notice a missing DVD player?

    Missing remotes must be very frustrating!

    They try to.

    But we are a relative small operation, so our maids are only present during office hours, on top of that we work a lot with groups, meaning that sometimes 10 or more rooms check out simultaneously...

    Not always easy :D

    DVD only happened once though!

    It's the remotes which annoy me the most, heck not everybody has the same LG AC's as I have, or do they?

    I always wondered where all those remotes for sale at the markets came from!!! :o

  9. Peter, I feel like ofcourse he's within his rights to make sure the condo is in proper order, but he should set up a day/time with me to come take a look. He shouldn't just wait until I go out and sneak in and snoop around without so much as telling me. That's a violation of privacy, and frankly it's creepy.

    Second, utilities were included in the rental price. I've paid everything I agreed to. I don't have any outstanding balances.

    Neverdie - that's what I was thinking... This guy is farang and he should know better. He's either a slimy weasel or really stupid.

    I'm torn. The angel on my shoulder says "Clean up, give him the money he wants because he obviously needs it more than you, and be on your way", but the American on my other shoulder says "F this guy. Tell him you're charging HIM 10,000 baht for violating your privacy and trying to take advantage of you".

    Absolutely, sounds like a right weasel! :o

  10. If its sea and sun you want then yes Jomtien or Naklua are the best bet.

    Ever been to Blackpool? Then that's what Jomtien has to offer.

    Naklua is nicer, quieter, but not a lot around the beach areas in the way of shopping / eating.

    Well, with a comment like that, you have obviously never been to either!!!

  11. My wife's theory as to why the highway police wear the "tit" masks and sunglasses is to avoid recognition and retribution by any of the truck drivers they pull over??? :o

  12. I know one bar owner who only gets 3 bhat per play I don't think you would get more than that, also from my experience the machines are owned by local police men or local mafia so there's very little the bar owner can do. The owner I know ended up getting rid of it because it was a real money loser as locals would sing all night nursing one beer between them.

    That about sums it up nicely!

  13. You too seem to have an uncanny prescience. My view is that the property market like most in the world, was/is in a bubble, and I do not believe the prices are sustainable. Speculators will of course make good bets, and bad. I don't have your prescience to know at what price the speculator bought the Suk Res, but if it was THB240k price I mentioned, then a THB2k profit isn't that terrific. But no doubt you will tell us all how much profit he made. Please show me where I have "constantly whined about the collapsing real estate market". My view, again, so that you don't have to make it up as you go along, is that there is not fair value in a condo priced at THB240/2k in Bangkok. I still believe that. Clearly you feel otherwise, and like me, you are entitled to your opinion, but I think it's usually better not to name call those who differ with your opinion.

    Wow...240 thousand Baht a square metre!!!!

    Thats near 10 times the price of this house!!! http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/real-estat...lete-10404.html

    Its a no brainer, i know which one i would have!!!!

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