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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. Or to paraphrase: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  2. I've been with Kasikorn over 23 years, back when they were The Thai Farmer's Bank. Never a problem. And you'll get a year's statement of your account there and then if you need it for your visa extension.
  3. But before that, being Thai, go and see the Mor Doo.
  4. Today I've installed Windows 11 on a different disc. Floorp downloaded with Edge, installed OK but will not run! It's something to do with my basic computer setup, but I cannot think what. I give up.
  5. My processor is an AMD Athlon II X3 455 but a Floorp requirement is having a Pentium 4 processor with SSE2 support. Perhaps that's my problem because I've just tried the offline installer, the online installer and the portable version one after the other, all with the same result. But thank you all for your suggestions.
  6. Didn't he write to Josephine "Home in three days. Don't wash."
  7. I re-installed it and immediately restarted my PC. No deal, still would not launch. I disabled the firewall and Windows defender virus protection, no deal. So I'm stuck now. I have a thumb drive with Windows 11 on, I'll try that when I feel like it. Thanks for the suggestions.
  8. For the sake of something to do I've been trying out different lesser-known browsers. Thorium, Epic, Falkon, Phoebe, UR and Min so far. I also downloaded and installed one called Floorp which sounded interesting. It installed without a problem but when I double-clicked on the icon nothing happened. So I tried to run the icon as administrator, nothing doing. I went to the installation directory and found an install log. Very comprehensive, but no install problems. I double-clicked the .exe and then tried to run the .exe as admin, all attempts were ignored. I uninstalled it and download the previous version and installed that. Same same. I uninstalled that and downloaded the portable version: same same. I've looked in the Windows task manager when I try to start, but nothing happens. Any thoughts from anybody what could be causing it? All other programs start OK.
  9. Either is better than bath!
  10. I was pleasantly surprised to receive my UK postal vote paper today. I filled it in, and posted it off with a tracking number. (and that's getting expensive now). I'll report back when it's signed for.
  11. And this is the country that wants nuclear power stations.
  12. I have registered to vote but I suspect that the delays inherent in both the UK and Thai postal systems will make it pointless.
  13. I haven't used a counter-signatory for my last three passports. I've aged a bit each time, but it's still obviously me.
  14. Which is about where the tory government has been for the past 14 years.
  15. I've always done that, especially with copies of my passport. I also put what it's for, 'Visa', '90 day' etc.
  16. But do ensure it's been wiped clean first. And I mean really wiped.
  17. And lasers are always ready and do not get blocked ink nozzles that cause you to waste a lote of ink to clear them.
  18. Unless you really need colour printing, why not get get a cheap laser printer.
  19. I think you're thinking of Marmite.
  20. I did my 90 day this morning. It was so quiet the young trainee on the door didn't even give me a queue number. The IO scanned my passport, printed out the new slip (30th July) and didn't even give a cursory glance at my form and supporting paperwork. I then asked when the new office was opening. He said "Another 5 months". We'll see. But they don't seem to be in a hurry, which suites me as I live barely 4km away. The new office will be a pain.
  21. Too much of a Temptation. (showing my age there)
  22. But that's their policy on that day and for that officer only.
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