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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. +Far be it for me to even attempt to correct you, but the poster said 'passbook" not "passport". Why would your embassy want your bank passbook?
  2. apostled? Anything to do with Mathew, Mark, Luke and John?
  3. Anyone right of the BBC you mean.
  4. That show was the best at everything, especially the divine Emilia.
  5. The problem will be receiving the voting form from your home constituency and then getting it back to them in time to count. A proxy would get round that, but do you trust your proxy to vote the way you want?
  6. Your embassy will be informed, but how do they know who is your next of kin? And if you are married here then surely your wife is your next of kin? For example I am from the midlands of England, happily married here for 23 years and my son lives in Scotland. How does the British Embassy know that or how to get in touch with him?
  7. The only person who cannot be a witness to a will is a person who will inherit something from that will, ie a beneficiary. They can be relatives, but must not also be beneficiaries. So a wife could be a witness to her husband's will, but only if she does not inherit anything from him in the will. Unlikely, I know. The witnesses are there only to witness that the person signing the will is the right person. The witnesses have no right to know the contents of the will. They must witness the signature as it happens and then immediately themselves sign in the presence of all three people.
  8. I slow down but I have stopped stopping at crossings because the cars behind me just overtake, and the bikes go round me. It's more dangerous for the pedestrian.
  9. So illegals pay for their hotels and food do they?
  10. In this cold weather it won't take much concealing.
  11. Those two floppy discs are why your modern main drive now starts at C: because those two were the A: and B: drives.
  12. This is why I let my wife check in with her details while I wait in the car!
  13. I am nowhere near the edge, as you put it. The problem is immigration's insistence on me receiving at least 65k baht per month, not per whenever the pension service can be bothered.
  14. I wonder who the 'big fish' Could Possibly be?
  15. I've stopped buying it. I suspect it's made up of one part genuine hom mali to give you the smell when you open the pack, and then two parts el cheapo to bulk it out.
  16. The last thing the ruling families want is a well educated underclass asking where their share of the national pie is. That share is reserved for the offspring of the ruling class, usually educated abroad.
  17. If it arrives at all, and the first thing you know about it is when your pension doesn't arrive this month.
  18. The last thing I used one recent evening was Brave. The next day it wouldn't start. Double clicked on the link, nothing. Went to the Brave folder as in the link and directly double clicked the Brave .exe, nothing happened. Googled it and found others have reported it and suggested saving your profile folder, uninstalling and re-installing, which I did. It then worked, but as soon as I reloaded my profile it wouldn't open again. I tried Edge but didn't like it, Mullvad which didn't suite me, then Chrome and then asked for advice on here. Thanks to those posters who recommended 'Iron" browser, it seems to suite me. So now I use Firefox and Iron. As for why I need backup, well some sites do work better on a different browser. My first computer had 28k of main memory (yes, k) with 4k of that being used for the OS. I have been using computers since 1968. I bet even now I could use a card punch and read paper tape! Even back then we had backup, insurance if you like.
  19. I use Firefox as my main browser and up to today used Brave as a backup. I happened to use Brave last thing last night and it was working fine. Today it won't start. This seems to be a known problem. I saved my profile, deleted Brave cleared all files and reinstalled, put back my profile and it won't even start. So I have deleted it and am trying out different browsers. I've tried and rejected a new one called Mullvad, but it's too privacy based and difficult to set up. I even tried MS Edge. Do you know that when you close Edge half a dozen of its processes keep running in the background? At the moment I'm trialling Chrome, but like most of us I do not trust Google an inch. Vivaldi and Opera are possibilities. Any recommendations you can offer? I only read forums, newspapers and email, nothing too taxing.
  20. Only two out of the six, that's not even a majority! We were taught at school:- Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.
  21. Without gangs of settlers protected by their army rampaging through Palestinian villages burning and destroying everything in sight. Without the IDF assassinating Al-Jazeera reporters wearing flak-jacket and helmet. Without stealing land and calling them settlements. Without shooting people who get too close to the wire. (Where have I heard that before?... Oh yes, in the camps) Good neighbours they are not.
  22. Now why can't all disagreements on here end like, with two gentlemen metaphorically shaking hands.
  23. My Thai address is on the Gateway website too. But every year HMRC award me that year's increase on my pension and tax me accordingly. Of course I don't get the pension increase, only the tax increase and then they mess me about for months as I try to get them to understand.
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