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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. That's usually the case when a Tory government takes over from a Labour one.
  2. The main problem in teaching Thais to speak English is that in the Thai language only a very few sounds can end a word. Perhaps 6 or 7 out of a consonant alphabet of 44. For example if a Thai word ends in 'S' it's pronounced as a 'T', an 'L' becomes 'N' and there are many others just like that. Hence 'Lotus' is 'Lotat'. Oh, and of course 'R' and 'L' are virtually interchangeable, hence the flied lice jokes.
  3. 20 years jail for desecrating the image on there!
  4. Do you need a certificate if you have a yellow book?
  5. I emailed my local council and they replied within the hour and were most helpful. The law change is effective from the third week of January 2024. You will need to re-register if you're over the 15 year mark. Get in touch with your local council for details and a form. My council's response thoughtfully included an attachment of the .pdf application form.
  6. And it's good to see that we in Isaan cause very few problems.
  7. Thank you for that info. I'll get in touch with my former local council and check, and if possible re-register.
  8. But only for the first 15 years. Then you lose your vote.
  9. Make your own. So easy, and then you know exactly what's in them. 80% pork shoulder and 20% pork belly gives you the right lean to fat ratio. Then you can play around with flavours and textures. Pork and leek, pork and apple, tomato, Cumberland, Lincoln, with or without mace/sage/pepper/marjoram/nutmeg/ breadcrumbs (absorbs the melted fat when cooked). Up to you!
  10. I did my retirement extension a week ago today at Khon Kaen. A new lady IO. She was neither friendly nor unfriendly, just efficiently did her job. She checked each monthly payment on the bank statements, underlined and numbered each one. When she got to 12 she stopped and started to put the appropriate extension stamps in my passport. She was not interested in my yellow tabien baan, nor my wife's blue one, a cursory glance only. Didn't ask for the source of my income, which the IO last year did. The receipt for the 1,900 baht she copied herself on a little Epson printer on her desk. When we had finished I asked her about the move to the new office. She laughed in a derisory way and said "Maybe December". A mutual wai and I was done and dusted in less than 20 minutes.
  11. All all that faffing about is why I used an agent.
  12. Passport renewal is nothing to do with the British Embassy anymore. (nothing much else is, either.)
  13. I renewed my retirement visa extension at Khon Kaen today at 1pm after getting the statements and letter from Kasikorn in the morning. The IO was efficient and it went well. She only seemed interested in the monthly incomes as she underlined and numbered each one on the Kasikorn year's statement. Not interested in my yellow tabien baan, or the wife's tabien baan or the copies of the bankbook pages, although she clipped together everything i gave her. Cursory glance at my 90 day receipt. 1,900 baht and she copied the receipt herself on a little Epson machine instead of sending me outside for a copy. I then asked her when the move to the new office was planned and she laughed, almost bitterly. "Maybe December" she said. So who knows? I was in and out in 30 minutes, a record!
  14. I've had a letter today from HMRC telling me my Voluntary Class 3 contributions of 67.50 quid are due. It would be a good trick, I'm nearly 76 and have been retired over ten years. Meanwhile they are taxing me on the pension increase I don't receive.
  15. Not if you send GBP. The conversion is done here and might be a tad below Wise. HSBC charge a fiver.
  16. My bank here is Kasikorn. I transferred my pension from HSBC UK today at 10am and it arrived in my Kasikorn account at 4pm and was marked FTT, as has been every transfer for the past many years.
  17. I am lucky at the moment as I live just three km from the office at the bus station. But it will be very difficult for some people who live at the bottom of Khon Kaen county. Currently they can get a bus as and when necessary but with the new office being in the middle of nowhere it will be difficult. It will also make it difficult to get a bank statement that day and then get up to the new office. I'm certainly not going to go up there for my 90 day report so I'll have to register for the 90 day system.
  18. I recently bought a new phone and created a new Google account for use on that phone alone. I don't use the associated gmail address or anything else so that Google account just sits there. If I delete that account does it in anyway affect the apps I've downloaded. None of the apps were bought, all were free downloads from the Google app store. But as two of them are my banking apps I'm a tad worried.
  19. Do you think that would stop her driving?
  20. Surely if you put a clause in the latest will specifically revoking the earlier one that should do it?
  21. I'm the same. I wrote to HMRC in April but this month's tax is still wrong. And yes, they did the same last year but corrected it quickly after a phone call. There wasn't enough rebate to make it worth while making a bank payment so they adjusted my tax code slightly. This time I'll try to get through to them through my Gateway account.
  22. Which year of birth eg 1953 Christian era or 2496 Buddhist era? Because every time I go into my bank when it involves date of birth they add 543.
  23. The agent needs your old passport in order to collect the new one when it arrives. But I'm sure if you needed the old one back they would send it to you by EMS and when you've done you send it back to them by EMS.
  24. Is the key alphanumeric? Are you mistaking O for 0 or 1 for l etc? Just a thought.
  25. Whilst being assured every 30 seconds that your call is important to them.
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