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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. More a case of their HMPO masters back in the UK wanting you to be "suitably impressed at such an efficient service", I think. Who are they trying to kid?🤣
  2. But may Article 23(3) only be said to apply to those income sources which are specifically mentioned in other Articles of the UK/TH DTA (aka Convention), which the State and company pensions are not?
  3. IMHO your experience only goes to serve the ridiculous lengths to which we Brits here in LOS are expected to go at passport renewal time, solely so as to comply with a completely pointless requirement for proof of address - which IMHO is tantamount to pure unnecessary bureaucracy for pure unnecessary bureaucracy's sake, particularly bearing in mind that HMPO are not prepared to send our new passports to us direct by courier. Good luck with your SCB bank statement!
  4. But the big problem, of course, is in finding a Thai professional photographer who is capable of taking mugshots against backgrounds of the particular shades of plain cream or light grey which HMPO seem to be especially fussy about.
  5. Yep, for us Brits, getting stamps transferred from old to new passports at IMM is generally a doddle when compared to the bureaucratic hoops we're required to jump through in order to obtain the new passport!
  6. IMHO we should wait and see what the 2024 forms actually say before jumping to any conclusions (or making any assumptions) as to what needs to be reported in any tax return.
  7. Strongly disagree. The latest HMRC Digest of Double Taxation Treaties makes it unequivocally clear that absolutely zero relief is afforded in the case of State and company pensions. Nothing, zilch, nada. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5b05425fed915d1317445ed2/DT_Digest_April_2018.pdf and scroll down to page 34 for Thailand. What might be of interest, though, is the number of other countries in which there are provisions for full relief for State and company pensions included in the relevant UK DTA. So the fact that no such relief is available in Thailand was presumably at the insistence of the Thai side when the current UK/Thailand DTA was being negotiated 30+ years ago.
  8. Each and every page from cover to cover, even completely blank ones, including the insides of the front and back covers. And each and every copy must be in colour to boot! Probably advisable to include colour copies of the outsides of the front and back covers as well for good measure, just as I did when renewing my passport back in 2022. The amount of totally unnecessary paperwork generated by the UK passport renewal process from Thailand these days is IMHO truly breathtaking!
  9. Indeed the UK/Thailand DTA does not appear (to my eyes at any rate) to prevent double taxation in the case of the UK State Pension and company pensions - simply because it makes absolutely no mention of either pension type in its text anywhere. So how could it be said to afford protection against double taxation in the case of these 2 particular pension types? While current TRD exemptions and allowances would, in practice, result in a zero tax liability for those whose sole source of assessable income is the UK State Pension (as in my case), they would presumably prove insufficient to prevent any double taxation arising for those in receipt of company pensions - all the more so if they are also in receipt of the State Pension. In any event, it would IMHO be extremely foolish to rule out entirely the possibility of the TRD at some future date reducing - or even completely abolishing - all existing exemptions and allowances.
  10. My wife also collects "his" coins. Hard though this may well be for certain members of the Thai-bashing brigade on here to accept, their motivation for doing this is borne not out of financial avarice but instead pure love, as you appear to imply.
  11. Do you really not have sufficient funds for a marriage extension instead of a retirement one? Or accumulate them through an interim 60-day extension for the purpose of visiting your Thai wife?
  12. Have now edited my post with the suggestion that he lies low during the week in question.
  13. If you are caught on overstay by even 1 day, though, you may, in addition to the 3,500 THB fine, be liable to a 5-year ban: https://www.tratimmigration.com/thailand-visa-overstay-regulations/ IMHO you would be best advised to lie low and not draw attention to yourself unnecessarily during the overstay week.
  14. Maybe his best course of action would be to run the GOV.UK calculator once he has established what his gain on the property amounts to: https://www.gov.uk/tax-sell-property/work-out-your-gain
  15. Incorrect. When in late 2021 I sold my UK property which I had purchased in 1999, I had to pay CGT calculated on the basis of the gain which I had made on it since 5 April 2015: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/capital-gains-tax-for-non-residents-calculating-taxable-gain-or-loss#rebasing-from-2015
  16. Personally, I am now seriously wondering whether one way in which "the Thai Govt could start making Thais and Expats pay more income taxes" with minimal additional effort on the TRD's part in the short term would be through reductions in - or even the complete abolition of - the various generous allowances and exemptions, the continued existence of which we seem, to date, to have taken as read.
  17. I didn't need one when obtaining a TIN from my local tax office a few weeks ago. But I am aware of at least 1 recent report on the banking forum of a COR being asked for. Therefore suggest that you ask your local tax office. Had you first taken the trouble to learn, mark and inwardly digest the gobbledegook spouted on that "wondrous" link, then you will have found that it contains zilch by way of specific info as to whether or not a COR is an explicit requirement for obtaining a TIN, as per the OP's second query.
  18. Any follow-up as to whether she actually made it on to a return flight to Blighty yesterday?
  19. Which makes me seriously wonder whether this so-called affidavit could, in fact, amount to some phishing attempt on their part aimed at targeting foreign retirees' bank balances.
  20. Might prove an issue for the OP when said passport needs to be renewed, though. I was informed by a particular Bangkok Bank branch I was using that my new passport details could only be registered at the branch where I had opened my account. That said, the OP should, of course, only need to make a trip from Chonburi to Chiang Mai for this purpose once every 10 years!
  21. I was also told this when I did a transfer last week. Looks like Wise are now, for some mysterious reason, delaying THB transfers to BKKB until a few minutes after BKKB's daily 14:00 account crediting routine. However my transfer was duly credited to my account at 14:01 the following day, so I'm sure that yours will likewise be duly credited to your account around 14:00 tomorrow (Wednesday). I subsequently initiated a token transfer to check whether my latest experience was a one-off, but it would appear that it is not. However an extra 24-hour wait for a Wise transfer to be completed is really no big deal for me personally.
  22. Sounds to me from his location details that it's CW.
  23. "We will grant your request if you file tax form in Thailand" Just one little flaw with this argument, I think, in addition to the points made by @Raindancer and @Mike Lister in their replies. What if your remitted (at the present time) income is earned solely from non-assessable sources such as US social security payments - or, if assessable, totals less per annum than the minimum 120k threshold required for tax returns? Are you really suggesting that annual extensions might be denied to everyone who is not required to file a tax return? Pure and utter bunkum IMHO if you are!
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