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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 42 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Only a fool would take over in the present situation. 

    Only if that person would stick to Brexit. That was her mistake from the beginning on; to accept a job offer that came with an impossible job to achieve job description, and even to buy into that nonsense.


    Every half-smart leader know what to do first when having to turnaround a sinking ship: you shake things up. Clearly point out who was/is responsible; get rid of the troublemakers; demand what you need; walk into the right direction.


    I would have told everyone clearly that the nonsense people were told cannot be achieved and will never be on the table. Period. I would have demanded the best advisors, and free rein doing whatever is best for the country. I would never have accepted a job that can only damage my reputation. She was a naive little girl walking right into a trap. 


    There would be a chance for someone (and a party) to take over now. But that one would need to have the commitment that he can call the whole Desaster off. The people would appreciate it big times. Tory would be history; that person would be a legend. 

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    There is no need for me to provide any more, the onus is on YOU.

    You’re wrong. When you’re accusing someone of something, you have to prove it, not the other way round. 



    But you won't do it I'm sure because you're both unable to and probably not inclined to even try.

    Yes, I’m unable to prove your accusation that the EU is discriminating people when it comes to visa. I think it’s nonsense.  



    Do you have ANY experience trying to get a Thai or any non EU national a visitor or work or study visa? If so then list it for me.

    - My ex, when I was working in Germany, used to visit me plenty times. Never had a problem getting a visa.

    - Also, when I was working in Germany, I met a guy in the office who turned out to be Thai. He studied his masters in Germany and then joined the German office of our company. 

    - Plenty of work colleagues and friends visit and have been visiting Europe plenty of times, for vacation as well as for business trips. Never had a problem getting a visa either. One group just returned from a two weeks trip; another group is about to go soon. One ex of mine just returned from traveling in Europe. She used to have a German boyfriend after me who she visited plenty of times as well. 

    - A friend of mine met his now-wife at university in Germany. She was studying her masters there. 

    - I used to hangout with an au pair girl in Germany as well. Pretty sure she had a valid work visa. Met her again in Bangkok where she’s preparing for her bachelor which she wants to study in Germany. 

    - Met another Thai girl (who was dating a friend of mine working in Bangkok that time) in Berlin who was there for some sort of management seminar for a month. 


    Is that enough?




  3. 10 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    We on the Brexit side of the argument don't need to lie or even exaggerate to make our case, you see. 

    ...says the one who accomplished to write four paragraphs and still couldn’t provide any evidence for his bold accusations. Bravo! That’s really you “on the Brexit side”. 


    Truth is: Plenty of Thais get all sorts of visa for Schengen, including work, business and study visa. Not even particularly difficult. So stop talking nonsense. 


  4. 17 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    the UK government discriminates against her or ANYONE else from outside the EU in regards to granting all types of visa - particularly work, study or business.

    That’s just an accusation. 


    17 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    If you disagree with that then you are REALLY showing your utter ignorance of the situation.

    If you want someone to agree to your accusations, then provide evidence for it. 


  5. 46 minutes ago, steve73 said:

    A better one would be that it's like an exclusive golf-club, where only 10 of the 29 member actually pay (just 5 of whom contribute almost 90%), most get a small handout for turning-up, and there are a few one-armed golfers, (including one who only has one leg), who are paid a fortune to play just so the club can claim that it is "inclusive".

    Even if that was the case you can only use the facilities if you’re a member. So please stop bothering the club by asking to use it for free. 

    • Like 1
  6. 54 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    this ridiculous discrimination against all non-EU citizens such as my Thai-Burmese girlfriend for one

    It’s not discrimination when your girl cannot get a visa. Stop spreading such nonsense. Thais can get a Schengen tourist or visitor visa. They can also get a work, business or study visa if they fulfill the requirements. 

  7. 1 hour ago, vinegarbase said:

     Any man that can become a billionaire, have your own brand, name on buildings around the world, and become President of the United States is not an idiot. 

    Not quite sure what causality you between not being an idiot and having your name on buildings around the world. I would have agreed that a President of the United States cannot be an idiot until... Trump. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    I said that Britain's immigration policy was unfair, unequal and discriminatory and that that was to a large degree thanks to the EU. What part of that do you disagree with?

    I generally can’t agree to accusations unless they’re proven, especially not in a debate like Brexit that has been full of lies and disinformation. So unless you can prove your claim, I disagree to the statement as a whole. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    So because you have met some non-EU citizens working in Germany, you think that means that the immigration policy treats them equally and fairly as compared to EU citizens?

    Well, you claimed something, but since then you are refusing to explain what you are actually referring to (for the third time in a row now, despite me asking again and again). Since you cannot prove your claims, and I saw examples that might prove it wrong, I’m afraid that’s the only information I have. 

  10. 2 hours ago, rixalex said:

    On the one hand you are arguing that all countries have a discriminatory immigration system, and on the other you demand that i prove that Britain does.

    I wasn’t argueing, and I wasn’t demanding. I simply asked what you are referring to. 




    Immigrants who come to work in Britain, should all be given an equal opportunity based on what skills they have. Nationality should not come in to it. Being a member of the EU makes that an impossible aim.

    During the time I was working in Germany, I actually met quite some non-EU citizens who worked there. And just today, I saw in the news the German government announced they would change their immigration policy to a Canada-style model. So how exactly does “Being a member of the EU make that an impossible aim”? AFAIK Germany IS an EU member. 

  11. 48 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    Firstly, it's not a claim, it's a fact. (...) Britain's current immigration policy is highly discriminatory, unequal and unfair, largely because of the EU.

    This is a claim, not a fact (unless you can prove your claim). 



    So my question to you is, is your only response to that fact, not, "no it isn't", but rather, "ah yes, but what about Thailand's immigration policy or the policy of other countries?"?

    Actually, my response was that I asked what you are actually referring to. Because, as far as I am aware, it’s common practice for all countries in this world that visa rules vary depending on nationality of the applicant. So claiming this is “largely because of the EU” isn’t true; you must be dreaming if you believe the UK after Brexit will offer the same visa rules to everyone (or any country in the world would ever do that). 


    You cannot even call that practice racism as it’s not based on race but rather on visa rules that vary based on groups of countries. Everyone in this world, regardless of his race or nationality, can get a Schengen Visa as long as he fulfills the requirements. 


    Again, maybe you are referring to something else, but since you seem to prefer to avoid answering my question it’s difficult to understand what you actually mean. 

  12. 7 hours ago, rixalex said:

    No, i wasn't saying that Britiain should model it's immigration policy on Thailand's. Whatever gave you that impression?

    That's not what I said. You claimed that the EU has "an immigration system that treats the people of certain other countries preferentially, allowing them to come and go as they please, while on the other hand, forcing people of certain other countries to jump through often impossible hoops, even just to visit." So my question was what you are actually referring to? Is it the fact that there is no country in this world that has the same visa rules for everyone? Or where you referring to something specifically about the EU? 

  13. 4 hours ago, rixalex said:

    an immigration system that treats the people of certain other countries preferentially, allowing them to come and go as they please, while on the other hand, forcing people of certain other countries to jump through often impossible hoops, even just to visit. 

    You mean same as nationals from some countries may enter Thailand without a visa while others require one? Or what exactly are you referring to? 

    • Haha 1
  14. 6 hours ago, aright said:

    It takes two to agree and the EU has said staying in the single market isn't on unless we agree to the four freedoms.

    Of course, that’s what I meant. Leave the EU. Join the single market again with all its four freedoms. The EU would likely be open for such agreement. It would respect the referendum result (leave the EU) and cause minimal disruption to supply chains and the economy and not create a hard Irish border. All issues solved. 

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