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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    The problem, evidently, is that the government is not taking care of its people. 

    What’s your evidence that makes it “evidently”? Based on my experience of having lived in Germany for quite some years, the country is doing pretty well. Those far-right losers exist everywhere. 



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  2. 19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists

    That’s not wasting manpower. Having paid significant taxes in Germany, I’d be quite happy with that money being spent on fighting far-right extremists. 


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

      thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom.

    Assuming you mean chancellor Merkel,  she has taken no one to her bosom. Of course, the truth doesn’t matter to you. 


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:


    This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. 

    Not sure what your problem with the EU is. You certainly have a problem explaining it. 


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy

    Such policy does not exist. But again, why would you bother about facts?


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

     designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy. 

    Typical right-Wing conspiracy theories. Not that your nonsense would be any important, but why would anyone have that “strategy”?


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms.

    And how would that be an issue? 


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK.

    I admit it’s quite entertaining to see you going loopy. 


    19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit.

    Wait until you get te bill haha

    • Thanks 1
  3. 20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    The AfD seems to be the only organization that tries to get things straight in Germany.

    Things are pretty straight in Germany without those neo-nazis. No one needs those fascists poisoning society. 


    20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

     the political correct who do not represent the will of the people

    They were elected. More representing the will of the people is hardly possible in a representative democracy. 


    20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Using names like racist and far right is part of their strategy.

    If you don’t want to be called a racist, don’t be a racist. Easy. 


    20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Using the media for a hate campaign against the AfD is another one.

    I know you fascists wish it would be 1933-45 again when there was no free press to report about your violence. Too bad it’s 2018 now and we all can see the videos, photos, and eyewitness reports of what you are doing. 


    20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    They will do all they can to destroy them

    I hope so!


    20 hours ago, sweatalot said:


    It is the catastrophic action of the German government and most of all merkel that

    made the bigger problem then AfD.

    Utter rubbish. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

    prof. dr. j. patzelt

    A far-right and Pegida member himself. His own university protested against him. No surprise he‘s trying to hide what happened. 


    When have we seen that in Germany before?

    - Innocent people being attacked because of being different?

    - Germans looking for a scapegoat?

    - The press being attacked for making it public?

    - People saying “it never happened” or “I never saw it”?


    I thought the Germans had learned from their history. 

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

    no videos, no photos to prove far right wingers hunting down foreigner, no credible source, imo written crab.

    It’s cute how you’re trying to do the Trump by hiding the truth. Your problem is that everyone can click that link I posted and watch the video. Your problem is that there was enough press and eyewitnesses in Chemnitz who saw and reported what happened. It’s all over the Internet right in your face. You just make yourself look like a Person that no one will trust.

  6. 1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

    there is no international right to receive cash social benefits,hence food, shelter, medical care is enough.

    You’re spreading lies again. Germany has laws (AsylbLG) that clearly state what a refugee is entitled to get. Stop spreading your lies. 


    1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

    thereto, there is no international right to select the country of staying. thereto the right to stay in a country is limited to the conflict pending, when finished go home

    What does that have to do with neo-nazis assaulting other citizens? 


    • Like 2
  7. 45 minutes ago, blazes said:

    Are you seriously saying that a migrant should be allowed to sit on his backside for a year or more (whatsoever?) while he looks for  or is trained for a job?

    Let him or her become a German citizen and thus qualify for all the largesse that the Fatherland has to offer, but not before.

    I am saying that (non-) access to social welfare shouldn’t depend on race, skin color, etc. We need qualified people in our workforce. We do not need people receiving taxpayer money for nothing. The first needs investments. The second needs enforcing clear rules. Neither one should depend on race or skin color. 


    I don’t care whether the government is investing my taxes in a German guy or in a migrant, as long as my taxes go towards building the workforce that will work for my future pension. In the same way, I don’t care whether a German guy is lazy or a migrant is lazy.  Both should not receive support if that’s the case. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, blazes said:

    To call that "racism" is akin to Mrs Clinton referring to her opponents as "deplorables."

    Discriminating people because of their race race/skin color/whatsoever IS racism. You can look that up in the dictionary. 


    There is no justification why a lazy neo-nazi should be entitled to my tax money just because he‘s white while a migrant who might be working for my future pension should not be just because he’s not white. 



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  9. 8 minutes ago, Opl said:
    That's for your statement " All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. "

    You completely missed the point. There is no justification why a white person should be entitled to social welfare while a foreigner should not be.  It’s racism. 


    It‘s my money. And now some neo-nazi <deleted> claims he deserves part of my money but a foreigner does not? 

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  10. 2 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    Cry me a river

     Not surprised that’s all you can say. When confronted with fact-based arguments, fascists respond with nonsense. 


    1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

    Because they were born in the country,let the people of colour as you call them claim in their own country.

    How is that an argument? Why should anyone get the money I work hard for? When I worked in Germany, almost half of my salary went to the government to support people I don’t have anything to do with. Unemployed; families; East Germans (those people embarrassing the whole country with their racism); etc etc. 


    Is it you deciding who should get part of the money I work hard for? 

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  11. Britain’s leading role in evaluating new medicines for sale to patients across the EU has collapsed with no more work coming from Europe because of Brexit, it has emerged.

    The decision by the European Medicines Agency to cut Britain out of its contracts seven months ahead of Brexit is a devastating blow to British pharmaceutical companies already reeling from the loss of the EMA’s HQ in London and with it 900 jobs.


  12. 15 minutes ago, Opl said:


    you write " less than 32% of all crimes have been committed by foreigners in 2016"

    and % of foreigners living in Germany?   

    According to the German Federal Statistical Office:


    - there have been 7,488,000 foreigners living in Germany in 2016 (https://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschaftStaat/Bevoelkerung/MigrationIntegration/Migrationshintergrund/Tabellen/TabellenMigrationshintergrundGeschlecht.html)

    - there have been 231,562 convicted foreigners in Germany in 2016 (https://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschaftStaat/Rechtspflege/Tabellen/AuslaendischeVerurteilte.html)


    So that would be ca. 3% of all foreigners. 


    (Note: this is includes traffic-related crimes which make ca. 20% of all crimes. I’ve also excluded Germans with a migration background. Both would make the number go down further.)

    • Thanks 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

    To those on here who say Germans commit more crimes than immegrants,who gives a flying ffffc, we have enough crime already in the west without importing far more of it from immegrants.

    If you don’t want to discuss crime crates than don’t try to use it as an argument against foreign people in the first place. 



    Just stop spouting the same rubbish over and over,

    The only “rubbish” is Germans claiming they’re “worried” because of crimes when it comes to foreigners. If they really were worried about their safety they would have marched the streets long before refugees arrived in Europe. 


    Truth is they’re only using that as a cover to poison our society with their racism and hatred against foreigners. 



    we know we have crime,i for one dont want far more

    Then protest against crimes, not against foreigners. 



    and i dont care if they are doing it to each other,do it in your own countrys NOT OURS

    So crimes are ok as long as they’re being committed in the offender’s home country? Interesting opinion. 

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  14. 1 minute ago, roobaa01 said:

    thats why the afd party launched a query to the local parliament in saxonian in 2018 and  was replied that 1169 heavy multi criminals mainly from northern africa living in saxionia , committing capital crimes.

    Maybe the AfD should also query about Germans committing crimes? Too bad they would have to admit that Germans commit more crimes than foreigners:


    According to https://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschaftStaat/Rechtspflege/Tabellen/AuslaendischeVerurteilte.html and https://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschaftStaat/Rechtspflege/Tabellen/VerurteilteDeutsche.html, both the German Federal Statistical Office: 

    - less than 32% of all crimes have been committed by foreigners in 2016

    - c. 4,600 Germans per 100,000 have committed crimes in 2016 

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