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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 14 hours ago, rixalex said:

    This disingenuous path (to put it politely) you are other remainers are taking that seeks to twist and convolute the past, will come back to bite you one day, you can be sure of that if nothing else.

    I’m just reminding you and other Brexiteers of the facts, because you seem to be rather economical with the truth. 


    The referendum: leave the EU

    The Brexiteer: leave the EU + XYZ 

  2. 1 hour ago, rixalex said:

    it's about Parliament accepting what was voted for in 2016. 

    Maybe that’s true for you, but certainly not for most Brexiteers. Most Brexiteers want something else or a lot more than what was voted for in 2016. They don’t want free movement of people, they don’t want EU regulation/laws, and so on. All that was never part of the referendum. The referendum only asked whether to leave the EU or not (and even that only as advisory), never were voters presented with specific terms. 


    If all you want really is the “Parliament accepting what was voted for in 2016”, then you must be ok with, for example, the U.K. leaving the EU but entering into an agreement which allows it access to the single market including accepting free movement of people and services and being under EU regulation. I’m quite sure you would not be ok with that, and the same applies for many if not most other Brexiteers. So it’s really not about the referendum, which was advisory in nature and completely vague in contents; it really is (for most Brexiteers) about something that was never agreed. 

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  3. After the German Intelligence chief Mr. Maaßen was caught spreading wrong information about what happened in Chemnitz, he had to backpaddle, explain himself and publicly withdrew his earlier statements. The coalition partner SPD just now officially asked chancellor Merkel to remove him from his job. A convicted liar protecting neo-nazis cannot be intelligence chief where his job would be protecting democracy. 

  4. 7 hours ago, robertson468 said:

    Refreshing to know that you know everyone that's a Brexiteer.  Well done you!

    Just judging them by their actions. 


    20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    It appears to me that the EU is now trying to punish Britain for exercising it's right to exit under the charter.

    That‘s nonsense. What power does the EU have over the UK to punish them? And how? 



    • Haha 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

    1. spiegel left-wing magaziine.

    2. mr. seehofer current minister of interior csu, far right wing very doubtful.

    3. saxonian prime minister  cdu said prior to maasen no far right wingers chasing foreigners, no progroms etc..

    4.spd leaving coaltion the usual political window dressing bloatedby by a left wing magazine spiegel.

    5. mr maasen is fully backed by csu and cdu 


    so nobody is loosing any job and none leaving any coalition except left wing parties in german parliament greens and the left crying foul.






    Videos show the attacks. Eyewitness reports about the attacks exist. Internal police reports prove the attacks. Mr. Maaßen had to withdrew his statements because he couldn’t prove his wrong claims. And you’re talking about Mr. Seehofer and Der Spiegel Magazine (a very reputable longstanding investigative German magazine by the way)? 

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  6. 46 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    Not sure how you want to know what I like to read, or how that would even be relevant. You still didn’t provide any evidence that Merkel invited someone. 

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  7. 36 minutes ago, foxboy said:

    You sound like you are ok with angry young refugees smashing bottles in the faces of random Germans

    No, I don’t. 



    because by your logic 'crimes happen in every country'.

    No, I was responding to someone claiming that the fact that there are still crimes means that laws are ineffective. 



    He said "this is for Afghanistan" which means his crime was essentially an act of terrorism.

    Then every drunken German racist would be a terrorist, too. 


    15 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I'm still at a loss as to why nearly everyone presenting themselves as a 'refugee' is allowed into any Western country before a FULL screening as to their claim?

    Because (1) a full screening of everyone prior to entering is not possible, and (2) western countries, fortunately, stick to laws rather than listening to what the mob wants. 



    Surely they shouldn't be allowed into the country until they are able to prove that they are genuine refugees?

    Of course, that’s easy to say from your safe home in Thailand or wherever when you luckily never had to go through war or similar. 



    Bit odd that:-


    (...) the paper identified the man who died in Koethen as Markus B. and said he died of acute heart failure."


    When two afghans have been detained on suspicion of killing him.....

    What’s odd about it? The police was right to detain those involved in the fight, especially since a person is dead, and whatever turned out to be the reason for death. Do you really wanna say the police should not detain anyone until it is clear why the person dies?

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  8. 2 hours ago, DM07 said:


    I am so @#$%^& sick of these fact- free and touchy/feely- discussion!

    When did neo-nazis and fascists ever care about facts or truth? Their tools are lies, manipulation, and suppressing those that tell the truth (including the free press). 


    14 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    at this rate there wont be any Germans left soon.. only migrants 

    Mind to share your calculations and the underlying “rate”? Or just spreading fact-less bullshxx again?


    19 hours ago, foxboy said:

    Not sure what the answer is but something needs doing. This sort of behaviour cannot be tolerated

    If I’m not mistaken, there already exist laws stating that such behavior is not tolerated. 

    Maybe you should update your knowledge about Germany. It seems you don’t really know what you’re talking about. 

    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, markaoffy said:

    SPD basically believe in open door Germany to anyone From any country

    Yet another lie you cannot prove. Utter nonsense. 


    12 hours ago, nauseus said:

    I bet those years are years ago.

    2012-2018. The link I posted shows recent data too. But thanks for your useless comment. Truth must be hard for you. 


    11 hours ago, Trouble said:

    Seems evident to me that not all the people in Germany or the United States, England, France, etc. find it desirable to have their national identity and reasonably homogeneous societies turned into multicultural societies.

    Yes, certainly every country has its fair share of xenophobic people. 



    Many people find it disconcerting to be forced to change their way of life to accommodate an influx of mostly poor, in many cases uneducated migrants who have no desire to accept the ways or become part of the larger indigenous society.

    No one needs to change his way of life. And looking at your own fellow countrymen, there are enough poor and uneducated people who have no desire to accept the ways or become part of society either. Treating poor and uneducated people from other countries/cultures differently than those from your own is just racism. 



    no one was speaking English. It does seem at times this multicultural thing has gone a bit far.  Basically being a native born American in Los Angeles I am now a minority. Not always a great feeling in your own country.

    Did you consider a therapy if people scare you?



    I'm stuck with it but I don't necessarily like not having common ideals, background, and thought processes with the people around me.

    Im pretty sure you don’t even know what “ideals, background, and thought processes” you have with those people in common because you would never talk to them. So let me share with you a big secret: People are different. What you have in common with them does not depend on their skin color or nationality. In fact, and this might surprise a proud white man like you: even amongst your own countrymen you will find many people you don’t have anything in common with, or who are poor, uneducated, illiterate, and anti-social. Just look at all those neo-nazis, for example. 


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If neo-Nazis are ascending, it's down entirely to Merkel and her crazy rush to invite huge numbers of people with no cultural affinity to Germany to move in.

    She was the one that invited them in; 

    What utter nonsense. Merkel invited no one. Just another poor attempt of the far-right to present their illiterate followers a scapegoat. 

    • Haha 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

    So funny how anyone who doesn't want 3rd world rapists and thugs invading their country they are labeled 'far right'.

    There are no “3rd world rapists and thugs invading” a country. And if you don’t want be called far-right, don’t be far-right. A start would be to not defame people as “rapists and thugs”. 


    3 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

    When you have to deal with stuff like this on a daily basis

    You don’t have to deal with that on a daily basis. It’s a lie, and such lies are the standard tactics of the far-right. 


    3 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

    it is worth proudly bearing the label of 'far right'

    Then you belong to the same category as rapists. 

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