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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 16 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

    german fbi report released this week. 

    Oh, the FBI is reporting about German domestic crimes now? Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously? 


    Reality is:


    German local commit more crimes on a per-capita basis than migrants. If you take out crimes committed from migrants against migrants the number gets even smaller. 


    So where have all you worried citizens been the last time a German stabbed or raped someone? Did you also scream “Germans go away” then?


    Truth is, all you neo-nazis don’t give a shit about crime or safety of the people. If that was the case, you would start with your own people, because they commit more crimes than migrants. Truth is, you use single acts of crime committed by migrants to create hatred. It’s just a cover for your racist ideology. 

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  2. 49 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

    from the 2015 onwards migrant stream 90 % are a cultural and social burden for they are hindering social and economic progress as their believe is medival

    Typical neo-nazi nonsense missing any evidence. Who you think gonna believe your propaganda?



    as horst seehofer said, their belief  did not belong to germany. 

    I think Horst Seehofer’s beliefs don’t belong to Germany. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Opl said:

    Do you really believe only "néo-nazis" are concerned by the impact of massive third world immigration on their societies? 

    Yes, by definition. Being scared of people because of their race, skin color, etc. is what makes a neo-nazi. So it doesn’t matter whether you shave your head and wear boots or not. 



    4 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    So we can let a bunch of people who mainly still live in the past in to destroy what we built?

    Is that the neo-nazis you are referring to? 



    2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

    also no forigners reported injured to any hospital, no videos, no photos the whole story about far right wing hunting down foreigners in chemnitz is fake news or media crab or can anybody prove the opposite ??

    Enough eye-witness reports and images/videos of neo-nazis assaulting the press and foreign-looking people. 


    Didn’t you learn from the Trump baby that screaming “fake news” doesn’t work to hide the truth but makes you look like a liar?

  4. Just now, billd766 said:

    How will you know what the will of the people is?

    The same way you’re used to do it maybe? Asking them?

    Just now, billd766 said:

    What would be the pass rate, 60%, 2/3, 75%?

    The same way you’re used to do it maybe? Simple majority?

    Just now, billd766 said:

    What would the question (s) be

    Remain, no deal, and whatever other option is on the table at that time. 

    Just now, billd766 said:

    and who would write them?

    I’m pretty sure there a people in tge

    UK capable of writing English. Worked with the first referendum. 


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  5. 17 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You say "if" Have you any proof that the majority of the British people want another referendum, if not your argument is baseless.

    I am not an English native speaker, but I’m pretty sure what the word “if” means. So if the will of the people is to have another referendum now, or to not leave the EU at all, how do you give the people their will? 

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  6. 2 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Regarding your demand for tangible benefits, as I have explained to you at least 4 times on this thread, it's academic to talk about tangible benefits until there is a tangible agreement. Because the benefits will depend upon the agreement.

    That’s just a very lame way of admitting that you cant offer anything substantial. You don’t need to know the final agreement in order to analyze the outcome of potential agreements. That’s why the leave position doesn’t have any credibility. Whereas the remain side produces excellent pieces of fact-based and logically sound analysis, all you hear from leave is castles in the sky and irrelevant emotions, or nothing at all. Calling a thoroughly thought through approach to something so complex and important “academic” just shows the whole incompetence and ignorance of leave. Jumping eyes shut from the cliff. 



    That is why I gave you several categories of benefits, rather than specific examples which are impossible to provide at present.

    It is impossible to provide because there aren’t any benefits that are significant enough that they would outweigh the disadvantages and damages. Categories of benefits? What a nice euphemism for fluff. 


    27 minutes ago, SteveB2 said:

    The EU... So predictable!

    Oh dear, the popular vote didn't go the right way. 

    Please provide a source for those accusations (I.e. where something has been “ignored” or “made to vote again”). 


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